This is my last game today my friend tommorow I am going to jail

>this is my last game today my friend tommorow I am going to jail
>last online 748 days ago

I hope you're doing okay man

Serves that faggot right for breaking the law. Hope it was worth ruining your record and being raped by a large black man

They get to play Playstation in Guantanamo Bay

when I was in prison we just had basic cable and books




>being friends with some loser who has to go to jail


Unless his girlfriend/wife slept with another guy and he's going to jail because he beat the shit or life out of the dude for it there's literally no excuse

>close friend got into a bad divorce, fight with the other guy his wife was seeing and is now facing jail time
>asked me and a mutual friend for bail money we couldn't provide
>mfw his life came tumbling down

One eye on tha streets

I think I'd be okay in prison as long as I have books to read and can be alone.

>got out on parole, then immediately violated it

I love how everyone on this board always act like If you actually had a life and friends IRL you would know how fucking easy it is for something like to happen.

Most of the people feel socializing is essential but people who like lone life amd can get by on books most of the time really adjust nicely in prison but not being bothered is really hard, my grandfather is a lawyer and he had a case of guy who was literally refusing to go out he just got super attached to prison,


>go with my brother to break up with his psycho girlfriend
>she goes crazy with a broom stick on him
>hold her by the back while bro calls the cops
>she cries rape when they get there
>when they get there WE get arrested
>they are giving the impression we are completely fucked
>when the sarg is about to leave interrogation the cop that made the arrest comes to him
>"Hey sarg, she got some bruises she didn't have when we brought her in"
>they eventually let us go

We were lucky that she was a retard bimbo, because I was sure that I would die raped in jail.

At first you hate those walls
Then you get used to them
Eventually, you can't live without 'em.

Will he be the same?

My brother-in-law got jail exactly for that and then exactly this happened He's coming out next year but I'm afraid he's gonna go in again in few months.

Back to /leftypol/.

- wise user

having the structure in your life has to be nice for someone who never had any

Women, not even once.

last online: 4101 days ago

>artist stops drawing because he has to fight in the korean army for two years and it's mandatory

>artist stops drawing because he got raided by korean military for breaking multiple korean laws