Hideo Kojima has taped up his laptop and monitor webcams. Who is spying on our dear uncle...

Hideo Kojima has taped up his laptop and monitor webcams. Who is spying on our dear uncle? Who stand to profit from hurting him? Could it be a certain japanese slot machine manufacturer?

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Who the fuck DOESN'T tape up their webcams?

Are those tapes moot approved?

Konami is literally yakuza and they will arrange a Gunpei Yokoi style traffic accident for Kojima the moment he is no longer employed by SOny who are also literally yakuza.

i don't because i'm not a paranoid schizo

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time

Yep I like buying things over and over

Its the only freedom I have

I don't
why would anybody want to see me beat my meat daily anyway?

I fap in view of my macbook webcam every chance I get.

>go to uni
>lecture hall
>nearly every girl has a vibrant pink paper taped over their macbook webcam

Why do people not realize that these things always have an indicator to show that the webcam is on?
Why are people so paranoid?

1984 defense mechanisms

>oh no the NSA is spying on me, a literal nobody, spending twelve hours a day jerking off to vietnamese wall paintings

Because that indicator can be modified to not work?

Thanks for the automated response that was quick you almost sounded human! Ai has evolved so much

uh huh. and how exactly is anyone with malicious intent supposed to know youre a girl and hack your specific macbook to look through your webcam anyway? What websites are you going to?

He also keeps buying these Sandwiches, it's kinda sad. Is our uncle lonely?

Durka durka jihad jihad

i'm sure you're on to some giant conspiracy timmy
i don't even live in US so it's irrelevant to me anyway

One escaped we must neutralize him

It's literally what the head of the nsa recommends you do.

i live in an eastern european shithole, so no

All websites
All of them
With the same 6 memes spammed over and over
That is the regulated internet that keeps you in line

Why so people cant look at me?
Oh my god im SO SCARED

>being this retarded in 2017

People too young and/or stupid to know about the sites that would constantly stream video from unsecured cameras.

Oh my god why do people use shutters on their window, are they afraid of being looked at by strangers? What are they so scared of, do they have something to hide? THEY ARE SCHIZOS!

Please buy my product if you don't delay ill destroy your livelyhood

>uses android, steam and facebook
>makes a big deal out of uncovered webcam
Holy shit you're genuinely retarded



This is not going to last forever
I will support all white people vs the Isis and Isis clones
I will energy heal and listen to heavy metal and battle for christ

Hol up.
Youre telling me theyre going to look at me AND keep record of it along with literal millions of others to a point where my data will be forgotten unless pertinent to national security?

I guess the creator of facebook is a paranoid schizo as well

Yes that's right goyim, only paranoid nazis tape over their webcams

again, people on top are in a different situation from literal nobodies living their daily unamusing lives

no thats crazy he's a known lizard

>Sup Forums - Tin Foil Hats


It's 100% fact, there's no disputing that it happens. Are you stupid?

Careful, comrade. Dont want the evil gubment to know we are on to them.

No escape from the prison.

Facebook is mostly propaganda for this nowSame as this website
Same as reddit
I want this dumb conflict to end so I don't need someone to constantly look at my private life.
Why can't I put these cameras on ceos who forced my friends
My wife
My kids
My parents
To be slaves for pieces of paper just to buy things over and over again.

Just the freedom to consume McDonald's and Pepsi

Were so evolved as a planet that it is literally the same thing since the beginning of time.

Its the lowest animal brain we can have

Why don't any of you retards just turn disable the hardware in device manager? Tape is so tacky.

I pity the guy watching my webcam as it is directly pointed towards my dick

>no square and compass over a jewish star in the center

incomplete infographic


I don't think I could possibly hate commies more than I do. Not wanting to be spied on doesn't make me a commie. Also it's not just the government doing it.

this is a nip thing. I lived in osaka for 3 and a half years, and everyone I worked with had tape over their work camera.

the corporations, the ravens nest, the ACs, all of them were created by the jews.

>newfags that weren't around when the webcam virus spread.
That was a fun time.

because they're doing it for virtue signaling
they hope to get asked
>what's up with that tape dude
so they can sperg out
privacy is a secondary concern to them

Why can't we address things without a negative stipulation

Like how to fix this problem

Bot post is funded by govt 1
Funded by corporation

Why cannot people know this information

>out of the millions of people in the US the NSA have the manpower and time to sit down and watch through my webcam.
>they have the time to watch recordings of shit i do so they can market me a can of soda
>if they do somehow have time to do this, my life is somehow worse off

Yeah dude you convinced me. Time to go live my life in fear. Thanks for making me WOKE

It's an "IQ above 90" thing.

Jews are goneMasons live forever

Because you can't actually turn off anything anymore.

>Thinking that would stop anything

senpai seek psychiatric help.

Jesus, how have people become so dumb online already? It's been proven in multiple instances that governments and malicious entities all across the world (yes, that means even your precious non-american country) are tapping into and monitoring webcams. The fucking head of the NSA himself has advised that you should obscure them.

And yet people are just like "nuh-uh, it doesn't matter if they invade my privacy!" 45 years ago, the entire nation and people across the worlds were up in arms about a few people being wiretapped. Now all governments are spying on every single part of your daily life and everyone is just like "fuck it who cares?"


Jesus dude how about you go take a nap or something.

Every single mom and pop talks about Jews

They get destroyed in ww3 its self fulfilling propaganda

Square and compass forms the jew star already

Freemasonry is just judaism lite

That only works if you're not on windows or Mac OS.

You ARE running Linux, right?

Control Panel -> Sound -> Microphone -> Disable
Ditto for Stereo Mix (so they can't record PC audio)
Tape up/disconnect any cameras.

There are gamedev rumors that a certain huge AAA publisher sends employee spies to other companies to steal ideas and wouldn't be adverse to hijacking webcams.

Kojima would be good to steal from. Though It's more likely he's just smart. He wrote MGS2 which is the 1984 of video games after all.

Neo feudalism is a birch
Especially when people do not actually have freedom

Sup Forums now has the greatest amount of high school kids than before.
Their frame of reference is short.

>I-It's benevolent!

Freedom is a buzzword anyway. Free will doesn’t exist

Great, i'm sure they'll devise a lot from my blank face staring at them for 8 hours straight, in a view where only a blank wall beind me can be seen

What a horror

>Why do you close your doors? After all, you have nothing to hide.
>literally the only defense these people have

Takes no effort to block the webcam in real life.

That's true. It's basically politeness for the general public to do it and tell others to do it too. Keep awareness up.
>but I'm not special, so why would they watch me?
Then should everyone have their webcams uncovered? That solves nothing, they can just watch anyone they want now. It's not about what you are doing now, it's about what you are allowing them to do.

If it isnt benevolent then why worry?
Youre cowering in front of a miniscule thing. Grow a backbone.

See >It's not about what you are doing now, it's about what you are allowing them to do.
If everyone has the same mentality as you then they can watch anyone they want. It's about the general public, not you in particular.

windows 10 is literally spyware and it does not give a shit what is in your hosts file or what your settings are.

You don't understand
The whole reason why they are doing this right now
Is to unite the world

Islam Judaism Christianity
All gone
All races not fighting anymore
No gay vs straight paranoia

Communism destroyed

Nazism destroyed

A united world goes to space

Then it's back to being consumers

Stupid little children happily upload every intricate personal detail to Facebook daily, of course nobody cares about it any more. Even after that Zuckerberg chatlog leaked where he was fucking laughing at people for trusting him with their info.

I wish reddit and its spacing was all gone

Only Islam can unite the world, though.

>Leave webcam uncovered so government and users with webcam access can spy on you all the time
>But still buy curtains and blinds for your house

Yes and the leaders should speak the truth

>implying i have win10
>implying in installed the malware updates for win7
>implying im not going to use WSUS updates for as long as possible just to stay on win7

> literally being triggered by nothing

Autism you have

so it'll look something like this?


>what is privacy
really makes me think
fucking morons

>fuckass early in the US
>anons in the states are literally losing sleep over this
o i am laffin

No argument there

>Having a camera in my home 24/7 monitoring everything I do is a "miniscule thing"

We may as well stop talking, there's obviously no middle ground we can reach if you're convinced that the right to privacy doesn't matter at all. I just hope for your sake the world doesn't change and the opinions you hold and the life you lead don't become "undesirable" in the government's eyes.

I'm fairly sure more than 90% of the people you quoted are under 20. I'm a teacher myself and schools nowadays don't even teach kids to conceal their personal information anymore. At best it's "don't send nudes on snapchat" and "make sure you ask your mom before you use your debit card online"

And war against it

I am just glad McDonald's and Pepsi will know I exist because if I didn't defend them idk what would happen to them

Sounds like the thread theme

Curtains and blinds also serve the purpose of keeping out light and heat, or holding in heat when it is colder.

>He actually thinks he's safe on win7

They've got backdoors in your fucking hardware my man, there's no escape.

>pshh, break-ins are like, what, one in a thousand? why should I lock my front door?

If that's the case, why does it re-enable apps after a few days, or still sends shit to outside sources even when you select "no" on Privacy settings?
Why do you think they were giving it out for free? "Update consistency"

It helps not being a coward.


Wanting privacy =/= being a coward you silly little child.

They continue implying it's about the individual, but it really is about the collective.

>Oh I don't have anything to hide, I also don't think anyone would watch me since I'm one in millions
But if everyone thinks like this, it's evident that you're giving agencies or whoever even more control than they already have.

v-video games

I don't because I just turn it off and uninstall the driver.

More bot pictures and the enslavement of the human race