What are some games where the protagonist forgives the villain for killing millions of people and treats him like they're best friends?
What are some games where the protagonist forgives the villain for killing millions of people and treats him like...
What are some games that do this?
forgot pic
There has to be at least one SRW game that does this, but I don't know any of them in enough depth to tell you which one.
That one naruto "fighting" game
All of them actually
who killed millions in srw?
Magus from Chrono Trigger, I guess.
Why would you make a thread like this using an Sup Forums image?It's like you are trying to intentionally spoil things under the guise of a Sup Forums thread
How do you know Mikasa isn't waiting outside just to go in and slaughter them both?
I'm so fucking mad about this in DB Super. The purple cat faggot is a fucking planet murderer that destroys billions of lifes on a whim but every time an episode starts Goku is there being big friends with him and EATING SO TASTY MMM. Fuck both of those murderous bastards.
>There has to be at least one SRW game that does this, but I don't know any of them in enough depth to tell you which one.
I know it's not millions but Masaki does eventually forgive Shu.
granted it took EIGHT FUCKING GAMES
>who killed millions in srw?
this guy. He blew up a space colony that contained the only survivors from another planet.
the good guys killed his fucking ass and gave him zero chance for redemption
Destroying shit is Beerus' job, though
what the fuck is going on in attack on titan anyway. did they kill all the Titans yet or what
Whis would probably stop Goku and Vegeta if they fused and tried to kill Beerus. I guess they could just snap Kaioshin's neck though.
What happened to Eren's leg?
So did this series go to shit or what?
the thing about Beerus is that he's doing his job, he's just really bad at it. Supreme Kai is supposed to cultivate life on planets while Beerus destroys. The problem is Beerus is overzealous with his destruction, and Supreme Kai is very hands off and lazy when it comes to cultivating life.
The problem is portraying Beerus as an anthromophic construct; he's really more akin to an unstoppable destructive force required to keep the universe going.
beat me to it.
Beatrix, you piece of shit.
hol up what happened to snk
literally time skipped years for no reason.
link to translated chapter?
the fuck did he lose his leg? cant he regen that shit since hes a titan
Can someone fill me up on the attack on titan story?
Why is that guy missing a leg?
what's the tl;dr on the story so far? I thought the anime was okay, but I hear nothing but bad things with the current manga.
They shot the Titans into space.
Dragon Quest IV DS