Looking forward to seeing more of Ruby's and Weiss' game come Friday?

Looking forward to seeing more of Ruby's and Weiss' game come Friday?

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>Another bait thread.
It's irritating because I like all four of the series that are part of this mish-mash abomination that would be fun.

no fuck off shill

>wanna get this game for RWBY
>don't usually play fighting games outside Soul Calibur
>don't really give a shit about the other 3 series
How sad am I?

If you like RWBY you'll probably like BlazBlue and Uniel.

You might be inspired to give BlazBlue and UNIST a try, so it'd be worth it.

Weiss is nice


But user, if OP doesn't bait then the thread won't get replies. :^)
Same though, even though I dropped RWBY after Volume 3 it's cool to see the characters in a fighting game.
Like the other anons said, you'll probably like Blazblue if you like a RWBY since a lot of shit in RWBY was ripped-off inspired by Blazblue since Monty was a fan.


Dropping after V3 was probably wise honestly.
Personally I can't stop, not because it's good or anything but because it's just interesting to see how it's handled. Poorly or not.

What happened to the guy who created RWBY?

I heard he had an illness and used to post on /r/asianmasculinity.

R > W > B > Y

fight me faggots

what do you guys think monty is saying about rwby now

when he looks _up_ from Hell___

I personally really don't like this show, shitty plot, the pandering, horrible voice acting, fucking furrys jesus Christ. But Weiss's voice is actually really good. Anyone else feel the same?

he fucking died.
a shame he didn't see it SKYROCKET like this. ;_;

R = W > Y >>>> B
Bring it user.
You know what?
R = W > Y > J = N = R >>>>>>>>> B.

>wife wants a cat
>he's allergic to cats
>gets medicine to deal with his allergy
>he's allergic to the medicine, too
>fans raise money for his funeral, and to support his widowed wife
>wife takes the money and runs off with another man a few months later

Damn that's a really stupid way to die.

Women, not even once

Guy got killed by a cat.

mfw Monty's been dead nearing on three years now and he can only look on from the other side at his dream BlazBlue RWBY crossover

I wonder how many of these RWBY people even played Blazblue, nevermind UNIEL because I know the answer to that.
Yesterday there were RWBY fags actually shittalking Blazblue in a BLAZBLUE cross tag thread.

All these years I thought it would be a tragic death or something. Never once did I actually look into HOW he really died.

Falseflaggers and trolls dude.
To shit talk BB while liking RWBY would be insane given how much RWBY wanted to be BB's younger cousin.
Haven't played UNIEL only because I can never find a copy of the game and I hate digital downloads.

>three years
I don't believe you.

>tfw Late[st] still doesn't have a proper english release date


I think what's really sad is that RWBY only got this huge (especially in Japan) AFTER he died. He's like the Van Gogh of fake-anime.

I wish. He died in end of January 2015, shit was incredibly sudden. The series was (and still is) a 'so bad it's good' watch for me but he didn't deserve that fate.

What do you think Taokaka's names for the RWBY, Persona and UNI characters will be?

You know, how she calls everyone in Blazblue things like "good guy", "lacking lady" and "scruffy man".

These will presumably be her tag in lines so she'll need them for every character.

I would be a lot sadder if it was a quality work of art that got ignored until his death, but it's RWBY. I can only imagine it was some sort of karmic justice.

>wife takes the money and runs off with another man a few months later

Who did she run off with?

Soon is not soon enough!

>Van Goh of fake-anime.
Setting the bar very low there famalam since the only other contenders are My Life Me and Paradigim Spiral.

Yu's will obviously be Chad

Except Monty was a cunt too. Cheated on his girlfriend with the same slut you're talking about.

Chie will obviously be meat lady.

I'm not so sure Taokaka will be in. Which is a shame since she's my main in BB. Not sure Kanji will be in either and he's my Persona main. I'd really like to go Taokaka/Kanji as my mains but that probably won't happen.

Pic related would also be a cool team but I don't see Roman getting in. I think Hazama will though.

>Taokaka nicknames.
Let's go down this rabbithole.

Yu - Zoidynecock/Lady's Man.
Yosuke - Second Banana.
Chie - Loud Girl.
Yukiko - Silly Girl.
Kanji - Beefcake.
Naoto - Boy-Girl.
Teddie - Cuddly Clown.
Adachi - Pervert/Scary Pervert.
Labrys - Tin Girl.
Mitsuru - Ice Queen.
Akihiko - Punch Man.
Aigis - Robot Woman.

>UNIEL I have little experience with this series and characters.
Hyde - The Red One.
Linne - Not Little Girl.
Seth - Edgy Boy (That is Hyde's rival character, right?)
Gordeau - Scythe Guy/GRIMU REAPAH
Chaos - Smarty Pants.
Orie - Miss Fancy Dress.
German named guy that I forget the name of - Tank Arms.
Byakuya - Spider-Man.
Wagner - Psycho Fire Girl.

Ruby - Petals.
Weiss - Snow Angel/Snow White.
Blake - Beauty/Kitty girl.
Yang - Goldielocks/Dragon Girl.
Jaune - Wannabe/Try hard
Nora - Lightening Girl/Crazy Girl.
Pyrrha - Strong Person/Magnet Person.
Ren - Ninja
Roman - Hipster Person 2.0.
Cinder - Scheming Person.
Mercury - Henchmen 1.
Emerald - Henchmen 2.


>Heaven or Hell

I would be surprised if Taokaka doesn't make it in. She's popular, she's from the original cast, she's the comic relief and her gameplay style is very visually strong and unique.

I wouldn't say she's a 100% definite (like Noel or Rachel), but I'd be willing to bet money that Taokaka will make it in.

>second story arc(?)

>involves terrorists
>using a train crash into the city
>mysteriously has a giant robot
>at the same time a military industrial complex-analog character is in the city
>wants to increase military presence
>lol no
>convenient terrorist attack happens
>the same ones with access to the tech of the military guy
>crash [mode of transport] into the city
>deals some damage but ultimately defeated
>everyone thinks the danger is over
>military guy conveniently uses this as a reason to incrase military power



I really hope they redo or at least improve ruby's sprite, her dress looks incredibly low detail and muddy.
Standing next to Ragna and Jin she just looks out of place which is weird because both Rachel and Es have similar costume designs and they look great.

It didn't it looked off but maybe I wasn't playing attention.

I wish she was in too. But oh well. No chance of that happening.

Es was great, but yeah there's bugger all chance she'll make it into the game although I refuse to give up hope for characters like Makoto.

It felt like they were trying to emulate her 3D model, for better or for worse.

I honestly thought they'd go with the V4 look because of BlazBlue and it's love of belts.

So when can we expect footage to start coming in? I have no idea what time NYCC is supposed to start.

no idea


NYCC has already started.
Go check Sup Forums if you want?
We can expect footage either at the RT panel winch will be tomorrow, or more leaks vis Twitter.

- NYCC sticky
- RWBY thread

This game is to test the waters for a standalone game, they need to start from the beginning.

Actually, the game will have playable demos, there will be people recording shit, we just need to wait, if i were to bet, ill say during afternoon or late night.


The only thing this shit anime is good for and Americucks had to fuckover a japanese fan that made these because of "m-muh assets!"

Isn't it perfectly legal to make porn of existing cartoons in burgerland?

>Not /RvBY/ or /RUvY/
you fucked it up

No, it's not, make porn of Mickey and Disney will be so far up your ass they'll be checking for polips. Americans corporations no matter how small or big are way to fucking sensitive and greedy, course that doesn't mean Japan corporations aren't dicks either, Sonic Mania was sabotaged by Sega of Japan because they didn't like that a dirty gajin was doing their job better and let's not even get into how they dick over their own fanbase like the shitshows involving the Tales of series and the recent thing with that anime about animal girls or something.

So why not just host the videos on iwara instead of youtube? Since none of it is hosted in burgerland, then those laws can't follow suit overseas.

Kadokawa backstabbed Kemono Friends' creator because they could't make a yes man out of him. Truely the EA of Japan.

What? Does Ruby get an outfit change?

It wasnt kadokawa per se, but someone on the higher up ranks who fucked over tatsuki.

The ceo actually apologized and now is in talks with tatsuki an yaoyorozu, now, whether this will mean a legit kf s2 or not is anyones guess.

Aren't they a massive fucking company with a ton of projects? They'll get away with it because animefags think with their dicks and are unloyal to their waifus, they have something called seasonal waifus

Everybody does.
All the 7 main characters got new clothes.

RWBY Vol 4 is a timeskip.

So yeah, costume changes are to be expected.

>They'll get away with it
Imao. They want Kadokawa burn.

>Sonic Mania was sabotaged by Sega of Japan because they didn't like that a dirty gajin was doing their job better
It's true that Sega of Japan has sabotaged Sega of America before but how so with Mania? The game was still a success though.

If theres something i learned about this, is that japanese otaku can be so brutal that retarded hardcore bronies look like little girls in comparison.

They were merciless in every attempt by kadokawa to stop them.

But then again, can you blame the otakus when you discover things like the "VA shield/Seiyuu shield" exist?

Wait, where'she red haired girl?
I see, but the green guy needs a haircut badly but Ruby at least no longer looks like jailbait, honestly, they all look a little wild now except for white girl, she doesn't like she's ready for a fight but for a performance.
At least until the next jailbait or big tits waifu appears.

>Wait, where'she red haired girl?
She ded...

>At least until the next jailbait or big tits waifu appears.
The japs dont forgive, they still want to murder kadokawa for destroying kantai collection too.

>Wait, where's the red haired girl?
Dead. She died dude, got an arrow to the ankle, chest and then was coup de garce'd into ashes by the antagonist of V3.

The red haired girl is around the blond guy's waist.

>finally watch RWBY earlier this year
>starts off janky but gets enjoyable in spite of that later on
>invested in the story as of S3 ending
>want to try my luck discussing it
>RWBY fans are retarded and volatile
>anti RWBY fans are the same if not worse

Holy shit dude. thank you!

>watching some shit that's made in 2005 MMD

You did this to yourself

>"VA shield/Seiyuu shield"
Inzuka wouldn't approve the game unless they used old stages, had it tie into Forces and Bean,Nack and Bear would be illusions instead of the real deal.
Damn, that's brutal, I wonder how her friends took it. I always saw videos of the teams together so I assume they were close.
if she got turned to ashes how is there anything left of her for him to wear?

Just be like me and silently watching it, dropping a post or two on /RWBYv/ threads occasionally and read crossover fanfictions.. Turned something mediocre into a guilty pleasure.

its not friday, it will be today . its playable today.

unless you have a reason for saying friday that i dont know about.

Don't discuss on Sup Forums or /trash/ dude.
Good discussion only happens in the on-season and only on Sup Forums.
That's only next week too, Saturday the 14th is when RWBY returns.

Otherwise you can get some good discussion for /trash/ if you really need it but it's mostly waifuposting and arguments about certain aspects of the show and weather or not these aspects are deliberate or accidental.

I hope you aren't implying MMD is a bad thing

there are no anti rwby fans. The show is genuinely shit and PSA warnings are nothing but helpful.

All of her team now incorporate red into their design somewhere in her memory, the team leader (who she kissed before dying) used some of her gear to upgrade his own.
His shield has her tiara on the bottom of it as decoration and he trains to a video she left for him every night (or so we assume every night).

Last week there was a live event featuring some of KF VAs, as you might expect there were angry people on the chats.

Its been on record that the VAs were also angry at kadokawas decision, however, they were forced by them to apologize for the disaster and things that basically, the girls had nothing to do.

Suffice to say, the girls were really struggling to keep a smile during the event.

Basically, kadokawa was blaming the VAs for the disaster.

character announcement will be during arc revo? confirmed?

you could say that about literally anything

Not entirely sure, there may be arcade boothes but since I'm not there I can't say.

Well shit.
Who thought that was a good idea? Did they really think the public would just accept it just because they made the VAs apologize? Japanese aren't American's they aren't that fucking stupid.

no, rwby has no redeeming values, its actually absolute shit. You don't "anti" garbage. You just put it in the bin.

They werent, in fact, tgat just made things worse.

Kadokawa was hellbent on fucking over tatsuki and the original staff, they were trying everything to get the fans out.

just like all of the things you like even remotely

Holy shit, there's already fanart for the fucking alternate color for Ruby.

It goes a little deeper than that user.
They've already given her an alternate reality backstory. No joke.


Shame this "anime" will be nothing more than americucks using an outdated computer program to make a shallow, uninteresting show.

To the RWBY people in general the hardest part of this whole thing will be pointing out that the female leads of the show aren't lesbians.

Having been a Goober and Blazbabby fan for a long time, I never thought I'd find a series with a more autistic fanbase than either of them.

Yet this crossover happened and now I see that RWBYfags are truly one of THE most autistic fanbases I've ever seen bar Sonic or the other typical contenders.


Well said, friend.

So how big is Ruby's feminine penis?

Red's stats exceed all others in cute.