>{} {}
>Posting unedited loss as an opener
>Filename shows you clearly just googled it
>Doesn't know the shortcut for spoilering
Better luck next time newfag
This thread sucks, OP ago back to sucking dicks, it is all you are good at.
>the funny colberr man
This is the worst post.
I like this in a kind of post-absurdism kind of way
hmm... I think G will most likely Fill up First, since A has a hole in it, and I'd think that the flow of water through the hole is greater than the occasional droplet from the faucet, unless the faucet has been turned off, implied by the single drop of blue liquid. Then, after it flows from the hole of A to E, E will slowly fill up way up to the nozzle on its upper left corner, which will move this blue liquid down to D, which in turn will move the liquid to G, and after some time, G will fill up. Heh, you could've given me a challagne.
wait... fuck you with that shitty hole in A, its either E or G depending on your definition of "full" (to the rim or to the spot where the spout connects to E)
I don't think the hole matters. Also, why F?
A will fill up first if the water flow is sufficiently fast
F, D is closed off
Went to the site. The answer is F
the hole is the answer to the problem
also for my reasoning for F when the hole isnt present just look at the relationship between F and L
Please go back to posting memes on facebook, fucking retarded trash.
Go back to plebbit, faggot
obviously this is a modified version of the original where a hole was introduced to the bottom of A.
Therefore the answer cannot be F
Fucking hell there's a hole in A so it is G
whats the answer then? because if you do not choose from those answers you are wrong
you have to go back
Did you not get the answer on your own? You shouldn't be ashamed, there must be people more intelligent than you in order for the world to progress. You can still enjoy life within your IQ zone, and you know what they say, ignorance is bliss ;)
It's L
So... he's gonna kill that family? What the fuck does this meaaan.
Is face book raiding Sup Forums?
simply eric
It's literally fucking F you goddamn faggot
Korean murder demons
Man, I haven't seen this one in LOL threads for ages
haven't seen Quentin shitposting in a while
>didn't start reading until thirteen
Quentin confirmed for brainlet.
Is this true?
it's fucking g you morons
You're stupid if you start anything other than E
why wouldn't the water fall through A? I mean, it still ends up at G but your pic gets to that conclusion wrong.
That hole in the beaker looks unintentional
You're fucking unintentional
nice Loss edit
truly groundbreaking under layers of shitposting
The pipe between C and D is blocked.
The water can't go from C to D you niggers
I assumed that was unintentional aswell
It's a shitty grainy meme pic
I can see a little line from the bottom of C cutting off the route
I just assumed that it was a trick question and avoided going down paths that held similar lines
actually now that I have taken a look at it there's a hole at the bottom of A that leads to E
Couldn't get that far into analyzing it since it was wrong at step 1.