Why aren't you replaying this masterpiece right now?
Why aren't you replaying this masterpiece right now?
hexbawkz is busted and it doesnt run properly on rpcs3 yet
borrowed my ps3 to my dad
You mean lent.
I tried a month ago, but it was so shitty and outdated I dropped it.
>not even a decade old
This board is literally full of 12-14 year olds. I'm convinced.
I tried to but my disk is fucked up.
I can play for like 30 minutes then this insane slowdown happens where I feel like I'm watching a page by page animation and end up in an unending purgatory of slow movement. And when it's not doing that if I pull out a certain weapon like the automatic pistol and shoot the entire game freezes and I have to turn off the console.
>retrieve guy's wagon
>he gets on it and slowly rides off
>climb a rock to get to some plants
>suddenly wolves spawn and chase him
>he fucking dies
>mission failed because victim died
>-50 Honor
What a masterpiece..
I'm considering it at the moment
Weird. It's almost like this is a board for discussing video games not the housing market.
Rockstar games are so fucking boring to replay
Install it. Unless you're playing the worse PS3 version.
Cause it's overrated shit
Nah it was from rockstars try hard srs phase of gaming that spawned gta4. Disgusting. Okay gameplay but crap story that was way too serious.
Yeah I'm playing the PS3 version.
>actually admitting he's in that age group
t. 13 y.o.
How in the fuck is it outdated? Only thing I'd say is outdated is graphics/performance, but that's fixed on the XBone version. The game completely still holds up.
Enjoy your trash for normies, ironical weeb shit
>game is outdated because I'm playing it on the worst possible console
I'm playing it on PS3 right now and it doesn't feel outdated. Performance is just shit, but that doesn't make a game outdated, you moron.
> literally trash port for retards
such a shame you faggots weren't on that gig in L.A.
You're a fucking retard, seriously re-think your life.
Never even finished it. Bored the shit out of me.
Uniptomized doesn't mean outdated.
I never finished it. I got bored after I had to chase some fucking cows.
How far did you get into it? I know a lot of people who got bored mid-Mexico.
Fucking blind? K
because I'm still waiting for that PC port (^:
It's a well made game but there's nothing really fun to do outside of missions.
Fuck off, retard.
Threw my Xbox away. Now if it was on pc...... :)
The herding shit was the worst.
Was John a cuck?
Yeah, shit like breaking horses, gambling, arm-wrestling and the random events got boring really fast. Can't say GTA V is any better though.
Very mediocre, it's like Saints Row in the old west, except with much less to do, fewer missions, and easy slow motion auto aim combat.
I ain't a fuckin jew
I only own a PC
>got with the gang's bicy- I mean horse
>doesn't even bang Bonnie for the hell of it
It's overrated, but not a bad game, just poorly made by Rockstar standards. I can understand how people can get bored of it though. There's literally no mission variety.
>have autosave disabled
>finish long mission
>horse jumps over fence
>Marston's head gets caught on an overhanging rail
dropped the game then and I was pretty far through, it happened at the family home. I should probably try to finish it.
I've never played RDR but I have a copy coming in the mail
Waiting for PS4 version. I know it's never coming to PC, and I refuse to replay it on PS3 or buy a 360/Bone just for it.
>whole gang fucked his wife
>that might not even be his kid he is raising
What do you think?
>auto aim combat
You didn't turn off auto aim? Lmao!
Because I replayed and beat it like 3 weeks ago. On Metro Redux right now with occasional Far Cry 3 and Titanfall 2 in-between
Had to sell my PS3
couldn't even finish the game
because I'd have to hook up my 360 to the TV downstairs in the living room, and that would pose a problem if they see me drag people around with the lasso or some shit like that
Probably because it was already dated open world shit when it was made.
Buy a TV?
- I already 100% it
- It runs like shit
- I have tons of other games to finish
My ps3 is in another continent
I'd rather get a 1080p monitor so I can use it with my PC as well.
yes I'm still running 1600x900 in 2017
>open world filler is basically Skyrims infinite quests
>story is just a classic western but worse
>console only - lock on shooting is boring as fuck
my ps3 is half dead
salty pckek detected
m8 I have the game and played it on ps3 back in the day and on xbone BC just recently. Can barely get 5 hours into the game without being bored as fuck at both the gameplay and story the entire time
>actually bought an XBone
Even worse.
So it's coming out on ps4?
I dunno why people suck this game's dick so hard. I love me some western films and such too, but this game honestly gets boring once you do a few missions in Mexico.
I have all the consoles and a gaming PC. Are you poor or something? How do you watch 4k blu rays?
Because it runs awful on PS
It has a higher chance of being ported to PS4 than coming out on PC.
why the fuck would you believe that? the exact reason it's not coming to PC is the reason why it won't come to any other consoles. It's the same exact reason.
>bought an XBone while already owing a PC
What's it feel like being retarded? Buying shit is easy - it doesn't make you special.
how do you watch 4k blu rays? How do you play the Master Chief Collection when your friends are over?
I have faith in Sony. They're the good guys after all.
I have a 4K Blu-Ray player. I don't play Gaylo.
I'm a PC player
I would buy it again if it was on PC.
>he spent more on a 4k blu ray player that doesn't play halo just because he hates microsoft that much
wew lad
My player cost less than an XBone at the time. Keep supporting that shit company though, idiot.
>My player cost less than an XBone at the time
I spent $185 on an Xbone S this january
Waiting for the Emus to allow for perfect gameplay.
>RPCS3 will still be worse than the 360 version because of lack of grass
Seriously though, port when?
I hate the game's pacing and story progression. You get stuck for hours doing stupid jobs for idiots who just waste your time.
Also I think the game's too easy.
Soundtrack and atmosphere is top notch tho
>we'll never get a good 360 emulator
Well atleast there's the Xbone
>9mm pistol is called the "High Power" pistol and does more damage than 44. magnum revolvers
why cant brainlet anglo rockstar into guns
are you sure that it's not a 1911 and those revolvers aren't .38?
after watching the recent RDR2 trailer, I was thinking of starting a new game on this. Also I still haven't played Undead Nightmare yet.
Already played it twice famalam, won't play again unless there's a remaster.
You could look it up yourself
It's literally a browning 9mm, and even if it were a .38 or .45 ACP, it's still pathetic both from a realism and game-balance perspective for them to do more damage than revolvers. It should be so that the revolvers are more powerful but have lower rate of fire, and semi autos shoot faster but are less powerful, and player has to choose based on preference and compromise.
Instead you're given the option "here's the bad gun, and here's the good gun. pick." because rockstar cant into game design
Sure you did.
As long as it's 60fps
The Schofield revolver is a .44 and all of the semi autos do more damage than it.
you're right, my mistake. I paid less :^)
Because I only have a PS3 and I can't deal with the terrible performance issues again.
The game's great though.
>buying second-hand
>buying consoles at full price
LMAO @ you. They're all cheap garbage and don't deserve to be treated any other way.
sorry man I spent less on a 4k blu ray player than you did and it does more than yours. Don't be so salty about it.
I got my 4k Bluerau for just under $200 AUD
No you didn't, but I wouldn't pay full-price for an XBone either.
Because Cockstar didn't release it on ps4 and I don't own a ps3 anymore, so...
Pretty sure XBX will be playing Redemption at 60fps but resolution with still be 720p.
Because my 360 died on me last week.
What does the XBone play it as?
1080p solid 30?