Commander, where have all the humans gone?

Commander, where have all the humans gone?

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This game WAS good, right?

This game is low key kino.

I would have been interested in this game if not for the cheap fanservice and Sup Forums shitposting it so much. Because of Sup Forums and shallow development choices, I see it as a shitposty meme game.

>cheap fan service

Fuck the fuck are you talking about, retard?

He speaketh of the sacred booty.

Nothing worse than people who go "DUDE SEX LMAO". Worse than stoners.

But there's barely any fanservice in the game. You can look up their skirts if you want to, and you can see their butts if you run full speed.

oh no, the developer made the decision to empathize on the aesthetic beauty of the female body. better not buy this almost uniformly praised game that is one of the rare exceptions of critics actually giving good scores when they are due and not because their first impression wasn't unplayable and lol fallout 4 9/10 goty material right here boys after 3 hours played

I never said there was a lot. But what is there, is cheap. Maybe I would have been able to over look it, because I don't have the mind of a 15 year old and i'm not addicted to cheap pornographic thrills, but Sup Forums definitely sealed the deal that I will not buy or play this game.

>I like shitposting on Sup Forums more than video games
No one cares fuck off

I played Battlefield for more than 6 hours today, so I don't know why you think you're being clever.

Automata is alright in my opinion but I acknowledged that my taste is subjectively correct. The story is blatantly edgy philosophy 101 bullshit even with the funding of 2000 katanas folded over 20 suns and the character designs are typical boobshit made to pander to the same otaku who lick this shit up. And then they add an even edgier pretentious ending in order to make the people that would otherwise critique this advertise their VN so they can sell even more merch to the pretentious Evangelion fans who think being edgy is in any way """deep""". And before anyone says it, no, this isn't a copypasta.


>I see it as a shitposty meme game.

Well thank fuck nobody cares what you think user


Not as good as the first one, but it was ok.

But it never gets shoved in your face, so I can't see it as cheap. You should stop caring about what Sup Forums is saying so much. I dislike the "2b butt" posters too, but the game should be judged on its own merits and not its fanbase.

I'm still unsure if I should buy this game or that a Switch for BOTW.
I heard it was very repetitive, and not in a good way. Does it have a mature tone (like some themes in Persona 5), or is it full animu edgyness ?

Should I just wait for a price drop or not ?

If you're worried about Automata being repetitive you should be EXTREMELY worried about BotW.

Then the problem is still how they put something so distasteful in the game. Crotch and butt shots are shallow no matter what, and this game makes sure those things are easy to see. It's not my style, and never was even when i was younger. It's too bad, because I probably would have been interested in it for $20, but now that Sup Forums has shown me what the game is like, I'm not interested in supporting that kind of thing.

If I understand correctly, there's a lot of way to approach any situations in BOTW, even if monsters all look the same.
What worries me with Automata is that you need to finish the game multiples times to see real ending(s)/motives being characters. I finished Odin Sphere, and I hard a really hard time with the Armageddon book because of that.

>the developer made the decision to empathize on the aesthetic beauty of the female body
Oh yeah, every hentai doujin and fanservice schlock is also about raw beaty of human condition. It's natural to like the body of opposing sex for procreation reasons and whatnot, but don't even try saying that there's some grander meaning on beautification standards or human nature behind an ass in leotard. It is fanservice. Fanservice by definition are cheap, since it is easy to replicate it with desired results. It is okay to include it. No, there's no meaningful statement behind it.


you're gay

>Oh yeah, every hentai doujin and fanservice schlock is also about raw beaty of human condition

Not every single one, but some legitimately are.

>no firemen's carry

fuck this pic


the pseudophilosophy was cringe tier
music was great
combat was fun, too bad you get 9Sd so quickly
environments gave COD brown a run for its money, really enjoyed muh empty concrete cubes
story was the lower end of alright
2B BUTT basically carried me through the game


Are you this user?

Both are good.

>cheap fanservice
but emil being in the game was cool

First off, I don't see how that's a question. Nier is $49.99. Switch + BOTW is $369.99. Second, the game has three playthroughs:
>A: first playthrough
>B: identical to A, with some additional story points and different combat
>C: completely different from A and B
Route B was different enough for me that I enjoyed it even more than Route A. And Route C makes it all worthwhile regardless.


>What worries me with Automata is that you need to finish the game multiples times to see real ending(s)/motives being characters
Only endings A and B require a partial replay of the game and route B can be rushed through really quickly because 9S hacking ability is really overpowered, route B is also different enough from Route A to keep it interesting, the story progresses the same way it does in Route A but you get info dumps on the bosses and history of the area and there are a lot of parts where 9S and 2B's paths diverge that you get to see from 9S' perspective.

Route C continues from where Routes A and B left off and is effectively a sequel to the first part of the game, you then get ending C or D by making a choice right before the final boss fight, you also unlock chapter select by this point so after you get one ending you can skip right to the end of the game and get the other right after it, once you have C and D, you automatically proceed to ending E.

BOTW will last you longer and has arguably better gameplay but Automata will probably be more memorable

>this isn’t a copypasta
it is now

What does Sup Forums think of 9S? Honestly, he was my favorite character in the game. I love that poor, tormented little shota.

Probably the best written character of the decade.

Commander, why aren't there more units modeled after you?

The best character in the game by far

He's easily among the best characters Taro ever did, even counting the first Drakengard. A weird-ass fusion of Caim, Inuart and Gideon who completely takes over the entire story.

How much of a low IQ brainlet do you have to be to prefer 9S to 2B.

Do you even know what 2B has been doing just to stay together with 9S? fuck's sake.

>Does it have a mature tone (like some themes in Persona 5)

What pitiful faggot you are lol!

2B is a terrible character. 2B is basically Lightning with a woman's body.

>It was like... memories of pure light

shut the fuck up you mongrolized subhuman mixed nigger



Oh wow, you post another character with zero personality.

Yeah, no fuck off. Lots of 2B's characterization is relegated to side materials. 9S is the star of the show here Mr. Intellectual, get over it

Did anyone ever do an English edit of this one? I downloaded it from a thread a few months ago.

I just think he needs lewder outfits

Great character, also his English voice is better

Leave, now.

I don't know who this one is, but I assume she's terrible.

I agree. I thought his Japanese voice was a little lacking.

so it's a motion picture? must be pretty bad

Kek check out this cunt who hasn't played IV: A, back to PUBG you shitter.

2B and 9S are godly together. There's no reason to ever separate them, the whole point of the game is that they would rather die than to be without each other.

It is a good game and I liked it a lot but the fact that some important story elements are exclusive to side stuff like plays and concerts and whatnot is beyond bullshit. Also the part with A2 is too short.

>nier - canon futa
>automata - canon /ss/

What's in store for Nier 3?

Guys, I've jacked off at least 8 times today and it's only 9am. please help

It's out there, search on gelbooru or something

Commander, please stop touching my genitals

Yes, but 2B's ass is overrated and it's beyond me why people make such a big deal about it. You can barely even see it unless you self-destruct.

>rubbing one off on her muscular shoulders while your face keep slamming against her butt

You admitted to not playing the game yet holding strong opinions on it

Do you have any friends, you spineless loser? I'm so sure 90% of "your opinions" are from the Internet and something you've read, but not tried. Much like real life. Loser.

2B's ass is literally the only aspect of this game that was not overrated.


9S is best when he's Punished Nines: A man denied his waifu.

the original plan of having the MC being an old woman

Then you're a dipshit who can't think for himself. Enjoy your life with other people choosing for you.

It is, by far, the most overrated part of it. It's just an ass, it's a nice ass, but no ass is as amazing as 2B's is made out to be. The game isn't God's gift to man or anything, but the horny teenagers that can't enjoy something unless they can play it while their dick is in a deathgrip give it a worse reputation than it deserves.

i thought i stopped liking vidya until i played it. it's goty, i've also beaten persona 5 and yet automata is still goty. sure, i'll replay persona again and again, but automata is simply superior game

I'm unique.

He's great for the entire game. Watching him trying to come up with excuses just to dehumanize machines further even though he uncovers enormous heap of evidence about their sentience was really cool and supported the idea that he's by far the most humanlike and advanced android even if that means emulating human bigotry.

He IS great for the entire game, but losing his shit and going full Android Hitler is the best part.

Any of you wankers have that android gender explanation webm from Ex Machina?

I wish I could have protected her smile.

>he is so weakminded, he allows retards on Sup Forums to influence his opinion on things

Lmao. Kill yourself, that's my opinion. You should be rotting six feet under, you worthless waste of space.

Did they forget to give her colors?

The machines are scum, and they all deserved to die. 9S was a hero, fighting to liberate the earth for humanity against foreign invaders.

Go to bed, 2B.

After marathoning the tutorial I have to say... yes.

Don't think i'll ever return to it though

But user, she's happy after all.


I like this carry.

but you'll remember it, remembering is still proof of vidya quality.

At some point in your life you'll be dying, possibly alone, without anyone dear to you by your side. you'll just lie on the hospital bed and think
>damn, 9s had a hard life

The humans are gone because they've shot down the wrong red dragon, killing before they think, like they usually do, and its husbando then proceeded to feed them their own medicine until there were none of them left.

Good for you

who is he


I want to mating press the commander


saved, kek.

The absolute state of Automata shitposters.

He's not even an Automata shitposter, just typical Sup Forums sheeple that has no opinion of his own.