So, is it successful enough to warrant more 2D games?

I mean, the only things that we know for sure are:

1.) piracy is hurting the game's sales severely
2.) the game has sold 40,000 copies in Japan as of this week

Does anyone have any other sale numbers? Do we know whether Samus Returns is selling enough copies worldwide to warrant another 2.5 3DS or Switch entry?

Other urls found in this thread:

AM2R being overall better and FREE hurt the sales of this way more than 3DS piracy.
AM2R also has the advantage of coming out first, and humanity is fucking predisposed from birth to always sway towards the first piece of information they got, known as anchoring bias.
So even if AM2R wasn't better, people would still be biased towards it regardless by virtue of being first.

samus returns is way better though

In what universe? Certainly not ours.

In the universe of people that aren't deluded cucks.

casual NUfan fag

t. deluded cuck

Pants on head retarded.

>implying either SR or AM2R are difficult

Jesus, what happened to Sup Forums? You guys used to be good at videogames...

>New game for 6 year old handheld
>Said game is a remake from a 25~ year old game
>After the shitshow that was DMCAing every fan project nintendo related, including AM2R
>"piracy is hurting sales"

How fucking dense can anyone be? It's a bad PR case at most. If you want to inject new life into an old console, even when you already launched a new one, don't make a fucking remake. Specially not after DMCAing the shit out of the best remake we had before this one.

no we didn't

Is that Nintendo's shitty remake of AM2R? I'd rather just play that.

Not even Nintendo's.
It's made by MercurySteam, the spics that killed Castlevania with Lords of Shadow abortion.
It also runs at silky smooth sub 30 FPS and has no D-Pad support for character movement despite being a "2D" game.

There are almost 70 million 3DS systems in the wild. Even if only confused parents were to pick up a copy of Samus Returns here and there as gifts for their children, the game should easily be able to sell at least one million copies.

won't know shit until the next nintendo quartely to see if it made a dent
its on the eshop chart behind pokemon

The amount of games releasing for both 3DS and Switch make me pretty sure that the Switch isn't replacing the 3DS

>6 year old handheld
>implying that releasing a game for an immensely popular handheld console that is still going stronger than any other handheld ever is bad for sales

I'll bite.
Why the fuck would you want D-pad for character movement? The control stick is just fine for moving, infinitely better for aiming, and selecting aeion abilities would be needlessly convoluted if D-pad were to also control Samus.

Am I the only one that hopes Nintendo will reuse SR's engine and some of its assets for Metroid 5? That way they could make the game happen really fast.

>an immensely popular handheld console
You mean the PSP?

The 3DS might still outsell the PSP, especially if there's ever going to be a proper price cut.


If it was better than AM2R (it's not) it would have sold more.

Because it's straight up worse for movement on 2D plane.
The amount of times I fucked up a crouch/rolling into morphball because of the GODAWFUL Circle Pad goes beyond a hundred.
Eat shit.

source? who said piracy hurt sales? what ARE the sales?

>Tie Aeon cancer to Circle Pad
>Use D-Pad for movement
The fact they didn't even bother coding in alternate control set like this shows how incompetent the spics are.

>touch the touch screen
>Samus turns into a ball

Well, that was hard.

The only people who EVER say piracy hurts sales are the people trying to sell more games and the idiots who believe them.

Well, for one the Japanese sells are pretty lackluster as OP has shown.

>touchscreen replaces movement precision
Circle Pad (or any form of analog stick) is straight up TERRIBLE for making precise movements, doubly so in games like Metroid that are ALL ABOUT PRECISE MOVEMENT.
Take the corporate cock out of your mouth before you speak next time.

japan has never cared for metroid though. not enough moeshit and high school settings for them.

piracy does hurt sales though, I just wanted a source in case OP is lying.

>alternate control

I agree. Every game made by a big player like Nintendo should allow the player to freely configure controls. There's literally no excuse.

Holy Shit I didnt even know this was out, I thought it was like Christmas or beginning of next year

Well I guess its clear all these Metroidfags were just like MGS faggots in the sense they never even played the games and just watched youtube playthroughs

samefag AM2R drone

>piracy does hurt sales though,
Oh, so you're one of those guys, huh. Nevermind. You're not worth talking to anymore.

You can easily find Japanese sales numbers if you look for Media Create or Famitsu sales tracking.

you being bad at games doesn't make it true for everybody nigga. even if i would prefer a dpad here too, claiming the circle pad is terrible or unplayable is just plain shitposting, parroting what wannabe trolls have been spewing since day one.

git gud

I hate Japan.

>The only people who EVER say piracy hurts sales are the people trying to sell more games and the idiots who believe them.

You can just admit you pirated it you fag

>AM2R drone
God forbid I play the better game.

Ah yes, so it's me being bad at games, of course, that's why all professional FPS players use mouse and keyboard exclusively and why all professional fighting game players use arcade sticks exclusively and all professional speedrunners of platformers use D-Pad controls exclusively.
But no, it's clearly me that's bad and not the developer and shit controls.

You're complaining about having your reason to complain taken away before you even got a chance to complain in the first place.

Again, metroid has never been a big thing in japan

Just take a look at the average Metroid SR thread on Sup Forums to find out that piracy is hurting sales.

There are always many posters complaining about minute details and then go on how they were going to buy the game but will now only pirate it because of 30 fps/ amiibo support/ Samus still having a mole on her face etc. etc.

Why are AM2R drones so autistic and insufferable? Your mismash of unoriginal assets cobbled together poorly in a romhack is dead and forgotten. Get over it.

It's the truth.

I sorta did. I have AM2R and did heavy looking into the game, deciding I wasn't going to play it at all. Also my 3ds isn't even hacked, nor do I have a flashcart.

Sup Forumsirgins truly are the scum of the vidya world

>Piracy is hurting the game's sales severely
Nu-pirates BTFO.

>1.) piracy is hurting the game's sales severely
How can we know this when we don't even know the sales figures for anywhere that isn't Japan?

>PSP sold more than 3DS
>Even GBA sold more than 3DS
I completely forgot, fuck.
I'm still a little bit sceptical, to be honest.

Thank you for correcting me, but my point still stands.

Word of mouth and insane number of downloads on illegal websites.

Just look at how Federation Force fared. Its sales got destroyed completely because of piracy.

>Piracy is hurting sales
>sold only 40,000 in Japan
Then it's fine, we still don't know the US sales and from what I heard it's been sold out a lot here. In Japan that's literally Metroid's usual sales numbers, don't expect it to get much higher than that.

Why did you reply to my post twice?

But they were totally not going to buy it in the first place!

why are you here? just to shitpost? typical AM2R drone. Also like the "I have AM2R" part, like you paid for it or something.

Welcome back to Vocal Minorities Ruin Every Fanbase.

Yeah, just to shitpost, because that's all MSR threads are anyway, is shitposting. It's 1st party Nintendo (shit), Post Other M Metroid (shit), on the 3ds (shit). The entire concept of the game is shit. And yet, you stupid molested trolls have this thread every. fucking. day. Just fuck off. No one cares about you trying to shill the latest Pretendo mucus droplet. Fuck off, the lot of you, the people who like metroid already played a better version of this game years ago.


>Oh fuck, he's not wrong, guess I better post a funny reaction image! That'll get him!
gg; no re

>calling the best 1st party exclusives for over 20 years shit
>judging a product by what came before it instead of its own merits
>calling the best handheld of two generations shit

0/10 not worth a "you" in parentheses.

Prove me wrong, then. Prove to me that the game isn't utter garbage. Show me how the game controls with the d-pad, and how you don't have to use the gimmicky touch screen at all. Show me how because it's a traditional metroid game it has fantastic shooting elements and no melee combat. Also >>calling the best handheld of two generations shit
I said nothing about the vita. We're talking about the shitty 3ds here, keep it together.

>Utter garbage
You literally need to be 18+ to browse this website. You will cease browsing immediately.

I'm 29, so I can tell a garbage game from a good one, unlike nintendo kiddies. And if that rule were actually enforced you know what would disappear? Nintendo threads.

I nearly thought you were serious until you mentioned the Vita.
Good job, user, you got me good.

>I'm 29
You must be autistic then. No 29 year old is this butt ravaged over a game. A 29 should have the mental faculties to be able to distinguish between games that are actually utter garbage (a subjective term, but one that should be used for games like Big Rigs) and games that are mediocre, or good even.

So what I'm getting from this is that you're the actual child. And I'm assuming because mommy didn't buy you a 3DS you're anally angered over this game and now must call it utter trash on chinese video game boards.

Youre just bad dude

As usual the Metroid fanbases worst enemy is yourselves.

>Gets real Metroid
>*continues to cry about no more Metroid games*

My favorite Nintendo franchise is F Zero. Id kill for the special treatment you guys are getting but you guys are the most autistic and ungrateful pieces of garbage in the Nintendo fanbase, period. Best part is is that everyone that isnt a deluded Metroid fan and lays attention knows how faggy you retards are.

It has the tightest controls i've seen on a handheld in a LONG time, a fantastic battery life, great screen (unlike pretendo's TN panels) and something that the 3ds can only dream of: A good selection of games. It's not all just Pokemon, animal crossing, mario, and stolen fan games. the vita's libary actually has substance. But you wouldn't know about substance, you're still on baby food compared to the vita's steak.

No, I'm not actually butt ravaged over the game. I really can't be, I've never played the game in question, only seen some of it (and I wasn't impressed.) I'm assblasted over you shills polluting this board day in and day out trying to drive up sale for your shitty games. Well nintendo is a dying company the lack of games on the switch, and mario jump proves that. You shills better come to terms with that now, I already after the gamecube lost all it's second party games to playstation and xbox.

>all these hyperbole
Just don't cry about Nintendo not making any Metroid games in the future when this sells like ass. You dumbass Metroid fans literally only have yourselves to blame, and as far as I can tell deserve this.

>Piracy is hurting sales

Nope. Not being good is hurting sales. It doesn't hurt that AM2R free and better either.

I wanted a good 1st party 2D Metroid game just as much as everyone else. Shame Nintendo still hasn't given us one since Zero.

>I'm not mad over the game, I'm just mad over the game
>The vita's library actually has substance

>if the franchise doesn't get a game in 10 years that means you're not allowed to judge the game that eventually comes out
Why is Sup Forums guzzling the corporate cock so hard these days?

Nothing says I have to eat shit and like it. I wanted it to be good, but It can't be helped if it isn't. Buying a complete shit game and praising it anyway just on the hope that if nintendo thinks people like it they will make a better game is fucking pants on head retarded.

After Other M I never wanted another Metroid game. I'll stick to Axiom Verge, thanks.

reddit response

I havent played the game but I fail to see how its "complete shit".

Metroid fans are truly the worst. At this point I'm convinced that you fags are either Sonyfags LARPING as assblasted Metroid fans or you're just the most autistic and ungrateful fucks in the entire hobby.

These guys ain't Metroid fans, just Sonyfags and PCfags playing dress up like they do in Halo threads.

That isn't a reddit response, user. Try again.

>I'll stick to Axiom Verge

>Implying gaylo still has threads
Isn't it funny how it was microsoft that made the halo-killer?

You guys like my Halloween costume?

>piracy is hurting the game's sales severely

Fuck off

>if there's ever going to be a proper price cut.
You know all of those revisions are there to get people buy them without pricecuts, right?

I agree that AM2R is better but I doubt it's hurting SRs sales, maybe because of the way Nintendo approached the whole situation but not because of the game itself.
They're both good and different enough to enjoy both.

>No I'm not actually butt ravaged over the game
Stopped reading right there kid. Go to school instead of skipping.

What's the point?

>another reddit response
You have to go back

Yeah well I don't browse reddit. It's a shitty place with a shitty system.

>The amount of times I fucked up a crouch/rolling into morphball because of the GODAWFUL Circle Pad goes beyond a hundred.
I didn't have that problem. Maybe you just suck?

>piracy doesn't hurt sales
>Japan sales mean nothing to Metroid
Wait for the NA sales figures, you falseflagging faggot

Your missing the point entirely and your argument is just I don't believe you?

I'll go slower. MSR is just not very good. The atmosphere is lost, the music is good, the controls are bad, the counter mechanic is bad, the shooting in general just doesn't "feel" good. Overall it just isn't a great game. AM2R is objectively a better 2d Metroid game when you compare the 2 side by side, but that is a whole other argument.

Your argument is that I should be grateful to have being graced a game at all and should praise and love it regardless of how good it is. Can't you see how straight up retarded that logic is? Why am I not allowed to hold them to a higher standard? Why should I not expect them to produce something they are VERY capable of producing. Hell if some little bitch in a basement can make AM2R and have it even be halfway decent and very passable for a Metroid game, why the fuck can't an entire company get their shit together enough for a single game? Don't be stupid user.

How would you know if you don't browse it?
Go back

Not trying to defend Nintendo here but them issuing the takedown didn't stop me from googling a Download Link for AM2R a few weeks ago.


You got that mixed with nuBungie. Marty tried to save Reach but those newfags wouldn't let him.

It's some console war thing. Pcfags and Sonyfags are in bed together and are trying their hardest to ruin Nintendo and Microsoft threads. It's getting annoying and the mods won't do jack shit about it.

>How would you know if you don't browse it?
>Not knowing your enemy
Stop replying to me.


Learn the difference between Your and You're.

Look, you're the one missing the point here. You're trying your hardest to convince people the game is complete garbage without a single shred of merit. That's all hyperbole.

>Your argument is that I should be grateful and love it regardless of how good it is
This is how I know you're dumb/autistic. That isn't what I said. I said you should be grateful that the series is getting any attention at all not that you should love it regardless of quality and that it isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. It simply isn't.

>Don't be stupid
You're the stupid one here my man.

>"Stop replying to me.'
You REALLY should go back

Federation Force wouldn't have sold better either way. It would've just make it easier for drones to say "You didn't play it, so how do you know it's not good?"

>piracy hurts sales
Only shitty creators say that
Non-mindless piracy leads to this

You guys would say that return policies also hurt sales.
>>calling the best handheld of two generations shit

I hope you're not talking about the 3DS

>calling the best 1st party exclusives for over 20 years shit
I don't really see people call SR shit, just inferior to AM2R.
Also it's far from being one the best 1st party exclusives
>judging a product by what came before it instead of its own merits
This is bullshit. Why shouldn't it be judged by what came before, even against other games from the genre. That's just common sense, if it can't hold up against what was before, why bother? It's either stale or not as good as what came before.

This post is ironic, right?

Why? I don't browse reddit. Your supposed evidence for me browsing reddit regularly is that I know how shitty the upvote/downvote system is. This is common knowledge user.

Give it up. I'm never going to "go back" to be a place I was never a part of.

No. Prove me wrong, dumbass.

That's not what I meant, that was the whole idea why he kept it kinda secret/low. Once it's out, you can't stop it.

It's just bad PR, so some people are probably not buying it because they didn't like how Nintendo took it down.

He's a molested nintoad troll, so no, probably not.

>I don't really see people call SR shit, just inferior
You aren't paying attention then. You Metroid fans are your own worst enemy.

What is it about Metroid that encourages so much autistic shitposting? False flagging faggots get out

>Some people are not buying it because they didn't like how Nintendo took it down
I mean that's their right and shit but considering how you can still very easily find it I don't really get the point.

I've played all 3. The original Metroid 2, SR, and AM2R and I like them all for different reasons. The people that claim AM2R is a perfect remake of Metroid 2 obviously didn't play Metroid 2. It's probably the best experience available but it still misses a lot of little things and doesn't get the atmosphere right.