What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Red mines being changed to deal magic damage killed him
Also post Auroth
Removing them from Captains mode.
Valve and Icefrog have no idea what to focus on. Techies got weird buffs that he didn't really need following his release, pushing them into viability but making them so oppressive that they influenced the grand finals of that year literally just by being first-banned in every game. This caused a kneejerk carpet-bomb nerf that IF failed to balance out all the way up to 7.00.
The hilarious thing is that Techies pretty much embodies the spirit of Dota - counterpick your foes, and/or die horribly for your errors and lack of foresight. Seems to me that dotards don't like it too much when they have to face this reality.
are you high? what tf did techies lose by red mines being magic, killing jugg/omni if they went to sideshop?
>play techies exclusively on ranked
>win 8 out of 10 games
>You will never again extend matches to near 2 hours by playing techies.
Valve gave into Reddit whining.
>What went wrong?
A bad hero that is only good at drawing out matches. As if matches weren't already too long.
A hero that has such a high skill cap that whenever people was up against they couldn't buy items since they didn't want to work together and so they blamed the hero for imbalance and since reddit is where Valve listens they made him practically unplayable.
It was fun.
We cant have fun in dota.
Yeah, fun for techies and techies only
Also stretched every game to 70 minutes
What's the matter with that, user? I thought people enjoyed wasting as many hours as they could on Dota. Techies is simply bestowing a blessing upon you by extending the time you get to spend playing Dota.
Land mines are anything but moral warfare, let alone a healthy, balanced multiplayer mechanic, and yet Icefrog must balance it anyway because he didn't kill off Techies as a concept when he had the chance.
He only extended the amount I got to spend all my money on sentries and carefully de-mining zone by zone
Which is not Dota at all :(
Nobody liked 2 hour matches.
>Red mines being changed to being visible
Is there a version of techies in LoL?
because im almost sure at least on HoTS there is non
No because any sensible person knows techies is a shit design that goes against the game entirely
>mines are a DoT and don't stack
>still considered satan incarnate
His crit auto attacks were more annoying than anything else in his kit really