Guild Wars 2

How can one game be this beautiful and shit at the same time?

also, what's up with /gw2g/?

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Some guy got kicked from the /vg/ guild for being a massive faggot so he spends all day every day running bots through proxies to take random posts from other boards and spam the thread

>captcha in charge of doing anything

good art direction only polishes the turd that is poor game design

The game design is top notch, it's the writing that is unredeemable.

Who was it?

Tell me about it. Tree of Savior is even prettier and even more broken. Korean engineering at its best.


Must have played after I quit, don't recognize that name.

People will list a long set of reasonings; the only reason is simply; Arenanet has no backbone.

They have no idea of what they actually want to make the game be. It shifts dramatically every time they add anything, it breaks half the things in the process, while they get anally raped by higher ups to add more cash shop cheapassery and gate all its content behind it while waving a "lel optional" flag around despite the makers of the game are likely dying from the cancer that it is to see your hard work become a dollar trap for 12 year olds with no self restrain.

Since they have no backbone, the storyline has no consistant flow and every time absolutely anyone says anything negative, they scrap everything and rebuild it attempting to please everyone's hurt feelings.


lol no one cares nerd

>game design is top notch
If that was the case it would be a good GW sequel.
Writing is meanigless if the game is fun.

It's a great GW sequel though. Fags are just mad shit can't be easily cheesed anymore.

and witcher 3 still got goty lol

I mean......I like gw2?

Are you trying to imply GW2 can't be easily cheesed

It requires more effort than simply applying a meta build from le wiki and letting AI farm an entire dungeon for you. So yes.

The only people left over from GW1 were artists. As a result, it's always been fairly easy to bring in new ones.

Since art assets are completely detached from monetization, there's never anything to worry about in regards to the art going to shit.

Does it? Because I am pretty sure you can literally have no build whatsoever, join a zerg and get pretty much most meaningful rewards in the game. The rest, specially with mounts now, can be simply skipped over having cero impact on our skill.

But I guess if you count having to push forward every now and then as more input - that is, on the kind of meta where you can't just stand in the corner and wait for it to finish to get full rewards for doing literally nothing. - then you are correct.

I couldn't even beat the story mode in GW1, I put together supposed discordway and it didn't do enough damage to beat varesh

Everything in GW2 is complete faceroll on necro

the cancer that is killing mmorpgs and games in general

post characters or whatever

>tfw wings of dwayna go for 500g
>got it from the old unfucked pvp rewards

so to cheese something in gw2 you need 50+ people?

Have you tried playing it lately? It's pretty fucking easy bro.

Pretty easy hole to fall into when your game has nothing to do with skill choice and everything to do with number crunching.

also post builds

something i've been enjoying running in open world pve

It's an okay GW1 sequel at best, and I'm a fan.
It keeps ideas like a limited hotbar and more lateral progression but it does away with a lot of the deck building and a lot of the approach to PvE in vanilla GW2 is very much simpler and more watered down than GW1's, where PvE was just PvP lite.

Admittedly, they've gotten back to GW1 principles for some of HoT and a lot of PoF but there's no denying there are issues with GW2 as a GW1 successor

LMAO stay mad at 'meta' you fucking retard

Considering that all of these other people are mashing autoattack buttons while halfway AFK and the things you are doing cannot be completed without them to begin with because the game is designed to be solely completed that way so they are either there, or the game doesn't progress, yes. Pretty much cheesed.

The bounties in hot are ALMOST hard enough that you can't get away with that.

Unless you get fucked by some ungodly combo.

>need 50 and sticking to wvw to cheese in gw2
>need just 1 ai to cheese in gw1 in all content

You haven't played the game at all have ya, famalam

I've finished both of them, replayed gw earlier this year.
If you're only defense is 'y-you didn't p-p-play it' you can shut the fuck up, go make yourself some coffee and throw those nostalgia goggles in the fucking trash.

Sounds to me like you haven't played them at all, dudebroski

dumb question but i barley played the vanilla game. Why does the hitbox matter.

Just because you didn't abuse the systems in GW doesn't mean that they weren't abused.
Rolling with bots made GW pretty ez if you hit a wall.

It's the thing that keeps them from making GW2 great on its own, because they want it to be something for everyone but at this point they're just doing their best to keep everyone mildly invested.

>Some people: We want metas!
>Arenanet: O-okay, metas only in HoT!
>The opposite group of people: Metas suck!
>Arenanet: No metas in PoF ever!

>Arenanet: This is Trahearne, like him.
>Some people: No! I want to be the hero!
>Arenanet: Okay we killing him. You are the hero of EVERYTHING now!
>The opposite set of people: Being the hero of everything is boring!
>Arenanet: You are the hero of nothing now, just guild leader.
>Third set of people: We want hero stuff! Just not that stuff!
>Arenanet: You kill gods now! Also people call you commander again! But you aren't the commander!

They are hilariously bad at it.


how do i make gold?
i've started crafting ascended wep but i will soon run dry

Mini chicken or mini choya?

Don't craft ever

but i am already almost done and i like the skins

Also to actually answer your question
>grindy gold
-Silverwastes RIBA (check lfg)
-Doric leather (check lfg or go to any doric instance and see if you see a commander tag in the north, bring a class that can quickly tag mobs, bow thief is ideal, staff guardian is okay, staff ele is okay)
-Fractal 40 farm (check lfg, needs agony resist and big dick meta build)

>less grindy
Fractal tier 4 daily achievements

Play a couple of games of PvP until you win one for daily achievements, free 2 gold, plus the rewards from the pvp. There's basically no reason not to play ranked, if you have no fucking idea what you are doing you will be placed in bronze and have basically the same experience as unranked. Bonus points for looking up pvp guides for your class and thinking about the strategy of what classes and scenarios you are most effective in (defending or attacking, team fights or 1v1's, etc) and seriously contributing to your team winning fights and therefore the game, this may result in a free ride to platinum and you becoming the only person on your team who has any understanding of the game.

Do tequatl at reset every day for another free 2 gold.

>How can one game be this beautiful

They used the art assets and the world created by the team based on the art of Kekai Kotaki that was responsible for GW 1, that looks amazing even today, despite the age. He did some things for GW 2 as well, but was laid off shortly after. Everything good that game has, it owes to Guild Wars 1.

pvp is no problem, i am pretty good at it
i guess i'll dp fractals and pvp

I'd like to see you afk hero DoA or any of the HM three level + dungeons.

Also regardless of whether you are interested or not, here are the cornerstones of gw2 as a pvp game

1. Mobility

You have a guy defending your home node. The enemy team wants to take your home node. They send 2 people to your home while 3 of their teammates stall at mid, with the intent that they will get the kill and cap at your home and then go mid where their 3 guys are hopefully still alive and suddenly it's a 5v4 in their favor. The way you would ideally counter this is by having a very fast thief or mesmer movign at incredible hihg speed go home and make it a 2v2, which you win and then go mid to fight what is now a 5v3 in your favor. This is called having "good rotation", making sure every fight is numerically in your favor. Gw2 is literally chess only you only have control over 20% of your pieces.

2. Downed pressure

When someone dies make sure they stay dead, either by using some on-demand stability to do a corpse stomp, or if you're a necromancer you just put your aids holocaust over the corpse and then not only will the downed player die, but anyone who tries to rez them will probably also die

3. Don't stand in the fire

This is especially important with the current scourge problem. Don't be afraid to get off the point if it has an aids holocaust on it. Letting them get the decap and then killing them and recapping is generally preferable to holding the cap for another 2 seconds then dying, outside of a few niche situations like when your team has 490 points. These should be easy to spot.

>implying downed pressure matters when the zerg can just power rez downed/stomped players
>Implying any of it matters in a game dominated by mechanics that reward unskilled play and mob massing and work against smaller groups of skilled players

You can dress it up all you like, it's still a shit salad.

dude non euclidean architecture lmao

>don't know if i should play necro or ranger
>i'll probably be pigeon holed into playing scourge forever if i pick necro because apparently its absolutely bonkers amazeballs
>have no interest in druid and their "celestial" shit
>soulbeast seems boring as fuck
>don't want to be just a basic spec ranger

Play a better game instead.

Stuck in the same dilemma
Prob gonna main scourge in PoF

Power rezzing has multiple counters, like quickness stomping, or ghastly breach + gravity well + well of corruption will down the whole team

Main ele, you'll thank me later, either due to how ridiculous they are in pve or how fun fresh air is in pvp

>>captcha in charge of doing anything
I thought this was a mere lie, until I ended up in a discord server with a furfag from /vp/. tl;dr he runs a bot spamming drawfag threads with old requests, his bot bypassing the captcha
Apparently there are multiple ways to bypass vanilla captcha
>mfw Sup Forums drawthreads
>mfw all the requests that are spammed over and over for ages
>mfw we could be replying to bots right now

>massive GW1 fan
> bought GW2 at launch
> uninstalled the game when I saw that skills were tied to weapons and there were no incentive to team up in PvE

Is the game better now Sup Forums ?

You'll die before you pull any of it off and quickness stomping means fuck all when they power rez a dead, downed, stomped player. Your wells don't last forever and have cooldowns. You blow your load and that's it. Unless you have enough necros to perpetually cover the place in AOE that can deal significant enough damage to discourage the zerg (which you won't unless you're with a zerg too) all of that dancing is meaningless rambling.

>Trying to get through this fucking atrocious LWS2 story
Please make it stop
Or at least tell me the Burger King Kidz Crew all die


i don't know user

weaver looks complex as hell (i never actually played it though) and i don't know what to think of tempest except i never see it mentioned.

Is the game better than the game you just admitted to quitting at level 1?

They get downplayed quite a bit, and a lot of your team is off doing other shit.

By PoF you're really only hanging out with lesbian barbie (because she's apparently Tyria's version of a christfag now), edgy quip salad, and Steve Blum's steady paycheck.

The pof story is way better than the rest of this games story tho. I actually didnt mind playing it.

>weaver looks complex as hell

That just means more room for you to become an absolutely pro beast who plays the game on a whole other level

Tempest is an amazing aoe power damage shitstorm and is what you'll probably end up playing most of the time in pve because weaver is too squishy

but user i'm a shitter i just want to play something easy and fun

Is that list just for the new specs or is that including the new specs and the old ones

Can I play an engi effectively and not use fucking kits especially grenade kit

I'm going back to play through Guild Wars 1 in order (so starting in Prophecies pre-searing). Planning to not use any of my old items/cash and only use henchmen, not heroes. Are Nightfall/EotN a nightmare without heroes/other players? I've only played Prophecies and most of factions solo.

I didn't really like GW2.

That's some mom-tier thinking right there.

I'm mad because skill builds got less customizable. In GW1 you could make literally any possible build and it would be viable, and cross classing made the number of combinations endless. Any playstyle was welcome no matter your class. No game has EVER even come close to GW1's glory in this regard.

that being said GW2 is still fun to play

In open world: sure
The rest: no

No this is your time to become a god among men and rats

>what is any Cyan Worlds game
>what is any walking simulator with HD graphics

DELETE grenade and bomb kit

weaver is actually shit

- It forces you to take extra long switching to what you need NOW
- It forces you to "see in to the future", so you can prepare what you think you need soon

- Your damage is NOT anything special
boons and conditions last a few seconds so they're shit too.

- It forces you to waste time or pick an utility skill to fully attune to one element, some weapons, the 3rd slot ability from a pure element is frankly better than that of the dual attack

- all Weaver stances are garbage and your base utility skills are better, elite is might be okay

- gives you a sword so you can go for more melee as one of the squishiest fucking classes in the game

Tempest was too good, so they decided to demolish elementalist and then Weaver before it even got any good just to be safe

Handy pastebin for guides/guilds, pretty sure most links get posted here too.

Condition weaver is a pure upgrade to condition tempest and is if anything easier to play

Power staff weaver is a difficult rotation but completely trivializes gorse and KC

Tempest is only for open world

base D/D elementalist is better than Weaver with any weapon

The only good thing you get from Weaver are the shields, otherwise it's a waste of a better specialization

That's strange I don't see d/d ele on here

>needing others to tell you how to play a game


Enjoy open world, fag. You're not invited to my raids.

>flavor of the season builds galore
Of course people play new shit. You don't see a single base class anywhere in that list, even though base guardians and warriors have been solid since release.
Also, the fact is that condi elementalist/weaver/tempest are all shit compared to another smarter condi build like scourge

Why would I spend over a week testing every theoretically possible build variation to see which does the highest damage when there are a hard working team of europeans already doing it for free

That is not a chart of popularity, but theoretical maximum damage under ideal conditions

Thinking of giving this a shot but I had a couple questions: is guardian good or fun and is there drill hair in this?

>actually doing raids

>muh build variations
Just pick one you like and stick with it.


Probably on some races

>just play whatever lol, check out my soldier reaper build

No thanks I'll be over here playing the game properly

sPvP gives you all the skills and gear you need and equalizes everyone to Max if you wanna try out any classes

Fuck off, dick. Any spec is okay in open world. Hell even wvw it doesn't really matter since it's a gigantic zergfest anyway. Even lower tier fractals are doable with basically anything.

Only high tier fractals, raids, and sPvP need a meta build

damage is not equal to usefulness retard
fuckoff to your autistic gearcheck citadel of flame lol
this is why you were never invited to birthdayparties

>Only high tier fractals, raids, and sPvP need a meta build

But those are the only content where doing anything except hitting 1 then going afk matters

Open world isn't content, it's just a weird chore you have to put up with sometimes

Yeah, you can literally outsource your captcha to India for some poor poo in the loo to solve.

That's because the game's story direction was fucked up from the start, so there's no way of saving it the way it is now without making GW3 or some such.(mechanics are fucked up too, but you can overhaul mechanics)

When you look at the story, the most idiotic thing to do was introducing all the races, but making them actually work together(which is understandable, because people want to play together), so you end up with this emulsification of all the characterss that are badass but not too much(charr), witty and smart, but not too much(asura), strong and independent, but not too much(norn), and generic but not too much(human). Except for the sylvari, which are the wet dream of character and story developers, so they're made into this awesome race of mind-connected super people that act so quirky and they don't know the world so they're totally not a mary sue, except they are.
And you end up with outposts, expeditions and camps of this amalgamation of characters, where's there some humans, but also some charr, some sylvari etc etc, everywhere. And it doesn't even make any sense in some of the cases, like with the zhaitan thing where you had norn fighting and commanding people, which is bullshit because norn aren't an "army" race, they're individualists. But because you have five playable races, everyone needs to feel included and see their race in the world, even if it doesn't make sense.
On top of that, the game's story focuses too much on new shit instead of building the world on values and stories established by the previous game, like the dwarves, the scepter of orr, palawa joko, etc etc. The best story direction would be to gewt to fight the great destroyer right off the bat, why? Because you have a shitload of players coming from GW1, where you did a lot of stuff related to norn, dwarves and the great destroyer in eotn, so it would be easily recognizable and exciting to drop into this right off the bat, with recognizable characters (post too long)

>you will never get to play as a Tengu

whats with the ping on gw1 holy shit.


and he was kicked from basically all vg guilds, not just one, he's an intercontinental shithead

i wasn't a fan of the 'every class can do everything' approach. i did like playing engineer though, especially if you used nothing but the goofball skills.

The game IS fun. It's just fun in a very different way than GW1, which a lot of the old players couldn't handle. Buildcraft comes through different vectors, the action happens in different ways, but there's a lot of interesting shit going on no matter how you turn it.

I distinctly remember seeing Sylvari before launch and thinking "Wow, a plant person race, that's pretty cool"

I wish HoT had had the nut to exterminate all Sylvari and force players to race change

>play turret bunker scrapper
>nobody can kill me unless they literally 5v1 me while my team is off winning points or jacking off it doesn't even matter
>can 1v1 anybody with my turrets
>the smart people usually fuck off but the idiots try to kill me and die

i'm so glad the easy bunker turret build still exists

fuck tryhard kit engis

Hm, really? I do recognize the name but he doesn't stand out in my mind as an autistic retard.