Since my university doesn't allow online gaming between 6am and 6pm...

since my university doesn't allow online gaming between 6am and 6pm, i kinda need a comfy single-player game that i can play a fair amount. any recommendations, Sup Forums?

hahahaha what the actual fuck

this has to be satire
please explain why is this a rule and how it is even enforced

Gothic and Gothic 2 of course.


>terrible controls
>terrible optimization
>literally just an isometric beat-em-up with three unique bosses and droves of cookie cutter enemies
>can't rebind keys

It really bummed me out when this ended up sucking because I wanted to like it so much

Check out Furi

Britbong land?

Not OP, but it's pretty easily enforced by internet packet filtering rules.

yeah, britbong

You sound like garbage.

This is fucking Stalinist and you should leave whatever shithole country you're in.

u mad bro

The meme was intended to be satire, but people use it for "THING I HATE VS THING I LIKE"

you're correct but I was talking about OP getting cucked out of playing video games by his university

>Gib game recs
Heroes of Might and Magic 3, a ton of single player campaign, and can endlessly play single player on random maps

i think he's referring to the rule that my uni has

>Falling for the college meme.

What the fuck sort of daycare university are you going to? They don't take attendance here since that falls under personal fucking responsibility. Do they wake you up each day and wash you as well?


no but they do require 100% attendance which is monitored by little cards we're all given, uni in the uk

man gimme a break i needed a picture in order to post and this was the only thing i had that was kind of related

would much rather kill myself desu

how do you think i feel it's so fucking lame

Shit, man, I feel real sorry for you. I'm sure you chose it for a reason but holy shit that would get on my nerves something fierce.
I don't play a ton of singleplayer games, but I really enjoyed Div:OS 1&2, Alpha Protocol and Dragon's Dogma. Dark souls too, but I'm sure you've heard enough about that one by now.

OP, when you say university, would you happen to be referring to some kind of tertiary level home-schooling?

no, i'm referring to an established university but i get why you'd think that

What exactly is it that you're studying?

what the fuck is that protest sign? is she mad she spent her money unwisely getting a shitty career? like, what the fuck?

>weekend dorm internet has no singles policy

I really hope the answer is video game design

higher education should be free
why charge people for trying to better themselves?

Well, yeah, now pay up. Bernie 2016!

Because funding it through taxes means people who don't, and won't ever benefit from it, paying for it.
And because it means a billion of economically unsound degrees like fucking gender studies and underwater basket weaving.

higher education is free, go to a fucking community college you freeloading asswipe

College is now elementary school

It's called an investment, you cuck. If you spend it wisely it pays off in the long-term. Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay out of their own pockets for you to enjoy a better career/life. Spoiler: Taking gender studies or feminist dance theory does not count as a wise investment.

Why does college cost so much more in America?

Big if, that.

America is practically a 3rd world country

there's free college too, ppl are just freeloaders

>why does X... in america?
Because niggers, user.
Literally ever single fucking difference between western Europe at large and the USA is because of niggers.

That's life, all investments carry a risk. It doesn't mean other people should have to pay for your shitty choices.

they dont want an educated public obviously

europe is so prograssive


>university policy requires us to turn into girls or become traps

I just read four words before the alarms started blaring and I replied. I agree with you. The parties involved not bearing any of the risk does lend itself to unsound investments being made. Not to mention how absurd it is spending other people's money and calling it an investment is.

like your taxes go on anything worthwhile anyway

When's the last time you saw anyone who was against education? Not just private, not just public, both. I'd bet you never. They just don't want to pay for it, probably because some 30% of the population being clinically retarded and incapable of being educated.

good reason not to expand them for "free" education


>implying helmets aren't awesome

No, sallets are awesome. Helmets, for the most part, are fucking gay.

oh, ok user

I love this shit lol

>Spoiler: Taking gender studies or feminist dance theory does not count as a wise investment.
But even if I take something else I still have 80k in debt to pay off with at the beginning of my career. You don't see how that might be a problem?

Diablo II

Best old turn based games to play on a shitty touchscreen phone? need to cover 3 days.

I signed up for a forensics degree. I have ~$10000 debt that I don't have to pay a cent on unless I earn a certain amount of money per year.

I'm about to finish my law major, but i feel lost. I have dreams but I'm not confident if I can turn them into plans. Anyone wants to talk?

Well then maybe she shouldn't have gotten a worthless Gender Studies degree.

Are you going to law school? I'll finish my undergrad degree in business (lol) next semester and I've been accepted to medical school for the fall. Keep your head up and work hard.

Don't know shit about it desu. Very competitive though, I think you'd do better just making sure you've got something going than wisely planning your moves and staying stagnant.

>Go do game design as a University course
>Learn to make games on your own
One of these is free and literally only requires yourself to teach yourself

Nah I'm not from US, it's like a regular 4 year major here (europe).
I'm good with people and have interest in economics and free trade. I'm gonna pursue something according to that.

The thing is, I want to do my masters on international trade and business law in US and possibly, stay there. My GPA is 2.4 atm, i probably can reach 2.8 but i'm not sure if that'll be enough. I fucking hate myself for slacking off during my first 4 semesters.

Euro Truck Simulator.
Alternatively, consider tunneling via port 80.

Try 50k+/year tuition for med school. Fuck up anywhere along the the wild ride and you're fucked

Fake and gay.

Yeah it sucks that you slacked off that first 4 semesters because those easy classes in the beginning are cushion for your GPA when you get into the more difficult crap. I'm going for Civil Engineering and the electives are what keep my GPA at 3.8 when I'm taking calc 2, calc based physics, calc based prob and stats, and engineering statics

>friends university was like this
>he would just play Dota from 8pm - 10am every day

I'm retaking my D's and C's. I actually managed to raise my GPA from 1.4 to 2.4 in just 2 semesters, third year. That's something but i'm not sure if that'll be enough. You sound solid tho, hope you achieve what you want user.

>1) Scholarships
Because so many people in America get government grants and scholarships to go to college either for free or to pay for a chunk, colleges felt comfortable in raising their rates.

>2) Educational Culture
Due to the nature of how America views education as being necessary for a high profit career and/or a successful life, kids throughout elementary, middle, and highschool are brainwashed into believing it to be the logical next step.

>3) Educational Bloat
90% of courses you will take in college are not useful or relevant to your major. Obviously if you are becoming a doctor, you'll need to take some chemistry, anatomy, and health courses before your physician training. That makes sense. But why do colleges force you to take literature or english classes? Physics or math classes? Is it actually to create more 'well rounded' graduates, or is it a shallow ploy to pad their pockets with more revenue.

In short, college is just about as close to a scam as you can get without actually being a scam. And while it's easy to be an edgy Sup Forumstard and make fun of womyn who get worthless degrees, it will be decidedly less funny in 15 years when they want to raise a family and are crippled with debt, and it will be even less funny in 45 years when their body starts to become too old and slow to work and they need to seek retirement. And worst of all, you can't actually get rid of college debt via bankruptcy. Congratulations.

Thanks man it's been kicking my ass recently. Good on you for getting that GPA up too.

>80k in student loan debt
This is why you don't buy all the expensive housing and other options while taking 6 years to finish your degree.

I fell for it. Took IT, and now I'm stuck learning Japanese, but couldn't since I barely attended class due to making very little dosh.
Think I'll just cook meth for my friend who sells drugs. Shit, if only I remembered anything from Chemistry class. Or how to use Tor.

College is an absolute scam at this point. A 4 year degree will get you nothing without connections.

At least you have fucking grades. Fucking champagne socialists here wanted to ban them, managed to make the top grade 75% so it's fucking worthless. No way of academically distinguishing yourself.

fuckinghell, my uni had it so that you couldn't connect without using an ethernet cable, but back then I played all of Xenoblade Chronicles instead, which was pretty comfy

You'll get nowhere in life without connections, degree or not. Welcome to the real world.

nothing is free are you retarded? only public grade school

Said the low iq man

Gordon does wear a helmet like the other HEV operators, even if it doesn't show up that way. That's why the HUD elements only appear after you put it on and why you can breath longer underwater.

Here in the US, if you want to do business law, you will be competing with BAR licensed lawyers. Corporations won't hire you if you don't have a license to practice within the US.

Let me guess, you're a tradesman?

Good luck with that. I'm a desk jockey in finance that makes more money than you doing absolutely nothing and on any given day I probably do about 1/10 of the work a blue collar laborer does, only I get paid around 3x more per year not counting my investments.

If you can't hold your breath for as long as the game says Gordon does you should go see a doctor.

>no healthcare
>no free education
>everything else is eastern europe tier
americucks BTFO

>being so insecure you need to brag on a taiwanese board game discussion forum about your job
do you also spend your free time laughing at the homeless and kicking over childrens sandcastles?

Any decent JRPG.

Also, just use your mobile network senpai.

did you mean 6pm to 6am? because between 6am and 6pm you would be in class most of the time anyway or not in your dorm

Get a VPN, problem solved


>Doom Guy
>Goes into Hell and fucks the demons up so bad they have to beg him to leave Hell
>He traps himself in Hell to keep pulverizing them

>Gordon Freeman
>Kind of annoys like 8 or so Combine soldiers on Earth
>Meanwhile in space the rest of the Combine are traveling through time and alternate dimensions and capturing the power of stars

Except at some colleges it's mandatory to sign up for their housing and meal plan in order to attend

Don't forget that Doom Guy died going to hell in the first place

At university, you're in class maybe 3 hours a day. I suppose the point is so that you're not wasting your time during the day when you should be studying.
Which is of course bullshit. How can they even get away with that.

>i asked for single player games because of uni network settings
>get about 50 responses that are america vs europe regarding uni and general quality of life
>get about 15+ responses because of the picture
>only get about 10 replies with actual game suggestions

no, from 6am to 6pm i can't play games with any online requirements (dota, wow etc) and it goes so far that I can't connect to Discord calls.

Divinity OS 2 might be interesting to you.
You are a prisoner in the first act too.

>Can't attend class if you don't live in their prison dorms and eat their shitty cafeteria food

Is this actually a thing that happens literally anywhere? truly the land of the fucking free

Your fault faggot for posting an image that would incite a debate on Sup Forums
Also your fault for not going to another more reasonable board for recommendations
Plus its also your fault for bringing up university at all.
Well fucking done mate