Consoles held Fallout: New Vegas back, say Obsidian

>Consoles held Fallout: New Vegas back, say Obsidian

How does it feel knowing that New Vegas would've been the game of the century if it weren't for consoles?

Does Obsidian have a wheel o blame they spin for each game?
Come on evil publisher.
Wooo we got engine limitations this time.

They are the most ambitious studio with the least amount of actual talent around.

why didn't they just make it an exclusive? It's not like the console versions outsold the pc

Everyone already knew FO3 and NV were held back by consoles, just like Skyrim. Kinda nice to hear it officially stated but this is far from new.

And FWIW, the deadline for NV's release was a bigger drag on NV's quality than dumbing it down for consoles was.

No the problem is Obsidian can finish nothing on time.

based bethesda poster

Has there ever been a great game that did not suffer from being rushed out and having tons of content cut? Dark Souls 1 is a classic but the second half is shit.

Thank god Fallout 4 and it's excellent season pass fixed everything.
It's out right now for only $59.99 btw, buy it now.

fat cats at the top twiddling mustaches see big bux when they hear console games, not to mention the bad rap piracy gives PC.

Pc centric games tend to be deeper but less graphics focused. That's how it goes. You want mindless rooty tooty point and shooty you play a console focused game. You want depth you play a pc game.


though this is old news

Obsidian needs to learn to take responsibility.
Their games sucked because they can't release full, complete games. They're porn games tier of terrible at finishing up their work.

In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and consoles are shit. More at 11

This shouldn't be a surprise to anybody, consoles have held back pretty much every muliplat

You better take that back motherfucker

So what held back Fallout 4? Bethesda's incompetence?

I wonder who's behind this post

the developer doesn't decide which platforms are supported

Yes, that's right.

Let's stop thinking about what could've been talk about something fun.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your life?

I would've commited suicide

user that's sad, you never quit while you're ahead!

>design an in-depth RPG
>everyone ignores it and just installs heaps of loli sex mods

There's probably a better place to post this but here's some relatively fresh Fallout OC

This is so accurate I can't find blame in you for using a tired meme.

Chris Avellone changed his Facebook profile picture this week. New Vegas 2 confirmed?

Didn't they have like 10 months to make the game or something? It's a miracle it turned out as well as it did considering it was just a cheap little way to extend the brand for Bethesda.

obsidian employee 1
>alright guys the engine we have is good at generating vast but mostly empty landscapes and it can't handle densely populated, highly detailed urban environments, in addition it has poor lighting and specifically can't produce anything close to neon lighting at the moment, any ideas where we should set our game?

obsidian employee 2:
>hey i have an idea...

I was thinking about how Bethesda and Obsidian treat their games differently and I kinda came to the realization, something I never hear people mention about Skyrim or Fallout is that they are actually just tech demos, Fallout 4 especially.

What good would doing another game set in the Mojave do?

If you install Freeside Open/The Strip Open and run the game on a modern machine it runs like absolute shit so I think it had more to do with the engine than consoles.

What studio?
Does Id have an announced project?
Any outside studios that fit the bill?
I know Obsidian and InXile are probably out any others?

Maybe he got a free copy from steam and just fired it up.

Why is this news? It was obvious this was the case when the game came out. By the time New Vegas came out, PS3 and 360 were, what, 5 years old?

Why would it have to be the mojave?

Bethesda's shitty engine held back Fallout: New Vegas more than console limitations. The modders who made mods like the one that opened the Strip or added NPCs outright mention how additional NPCs cause the engine to choke up, which is why Bethshita's "towns" are always about 3 houses with 5 NPCs in the general vicinity.


they said they had a game in the pipelie but specifically said not fallout

im pretty sure avellone left obsidian

They had a notoriously short time to make the game. Shorter than other rushed projects like VTMB and Sith Lords.

Thats not true. Skyrim would've still been the game of the century.

run in a pack of radscorps

90% of the normal work load was done.
NV is a glorified mod.

Most say it's a strain on your PC and memory limitation than it is the engine.

If anything, it's Bethesda scripting system that's awful.

That's good thing to say, y'know, like 7 years after the game was released


Sounds like a problem on your end, I had both of those mods running on a machine with an i5 2500k, 8gb DDR3 RAM and a GTX 760 without any noticeable drop in framerate. At most, I think those mods did mess up some quests due to lack of gates that NPCs would be programmed to find, but later versions of the mods would fix that.

Unless you really want to discount the work that goes into creating an original story, a whole new map with new encounters as well as adding new skills/subsystems, calling NV a mod is like calling Arkham City a mod of Asylum because they use the same engine.


The actual New Vegas section of FNV was poorly designed IMO. It's like a hybrid between outdoors sections and indoors. You can't fast travel to individual areas of Freeside, the Strip, or to the Old Mormon Fort. You have to travel either to one of Freeside's gates or to the Strip's gate, and then walk from there. They should have had a zoomed portion of the world map for New Vegas, just like real life road atlases have for large cities.

Consoles to blame for holding back their vision? Give me a break, you all know as well as I do that with infinite time, budget, and PC platform it would crush console development. That's not news news.

WHAT IS NEW is they refuse to accept they can't do everything without selling copies on consoles or the fact Bethesda peddles Gamebryo game engine for nearly a decade. Obsidian is coming off as arrogant and I say this as someone who likes New Vegas. You to have a laser focus vision and not do everything, you just wont get the time and money to do so from any publisher. Very disappointed Obsidian is crying foul when the onus of ga me development is on them. Alien Isolation was made on every console and they captured the spirit of the movies with last Gen console limitations. The horrror, having to maximize the toolkit you're given. Obsidian gives off this vibe of ideas first, compromise at the eleventh hour and blame everyone but themselves for shooting for the moon on a shoe string budget.

>Here’s where the water is stored, here’s where the farms are this is the power....of the PC....

>Most say it's a strain on your PC and memory limitation than it is the engine

Most people are stupid

My NASA-tier desktop can run GTA V at the highest possible settings and get 65fps, yet if I try to mod F:NV to have more NPCs the game will shit itself and crash

We've known this for years.

God you're fucking stupid.

My first time meeting this guy:

>have talk with him
>when conversation ends he runs off
>neurons firing
>chase after him with a machete
>Came in from the lake bed so the guys with guns are still alive
>swanik gets shot (not sure if they were aiming at me or him)
>proceed to butcher them all
>time to claim my blood money
>just a ticket
>mfw finding out what the lottery was

>implying you'll be allowed to set any game with guns in Vegas for the next decade

That's nice.
So they switched from "evil publishers" to "fuck consoles"?

I guess they need to move onto something else. After all, PoE was such a well made game with the massive bugs.

>Weak hardware limits the scale of the games that could be made on them


He gets attacked no matter what happens anyway.

People are going to forget about this within a year. Sandy Hook was forgotten in the same amount of time despite having twice the killcount of Columbine and the victims being young children, some old hick shooting up a country music show will be old news by next summer, by which point someone else will have shot up something else.

>Walk up to Nipton
>Black smoke rising from the town
>Holes in their shitty makeshift wall
>Banners of the clearly evil faction the game has been talking about since goodsprings
>Pretty much guaranteed to hear gunshots because thats where whats his name and whats her face spawn
>Thinks the lottery was for a monetary prize

Are you retarded?

You mean the same Obsidian that forced even the PC version of NV to use low-poly models of things like the Freeside banner after the first few updates?

They were too lazy and hurried to bother with more than one version of the game. That's on them.

Just be glad that modders can always do a far better job maxing out the engine's capabilities than Obsidian or Bethesda could with or without console interference.

what held Tyranny back?

Imagine being such a 1-star secondary that you blame others for your own shortcomings.
Also, imagine going beyond that and staking your identity so much into PC gaming culture that such a story resonates with you to the point where you spread it across the internet.
Now imagine if it was over a videogame with abyssmal casual gameplay.

>if I dont get an 85 on shill network they wont give me a bonus