Battlestation thread, meme edition.
R8, H8, and B8 boys you know the drill. Console fags are welcome to post their black boxes next to a TV.
Battlestation thread, meme edition
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too lazy to take another one but I assure you the fort is doing well
>dorf fort
is this game easy to pikc up or nah, ive always been interest in base management games
>Console fags are welcome to post their black boxes next to a TV
One should not invite the devil into his home
You asked for it
There are literally no video games in these threads. Why are they always up? Literally talk about video games. Why is that so hard for the autists on this fucking board?
The difficulty is a meme but it's still not an easy game to pick up and learn. It's mostly that there is a lot to take into consideration and the menu obfuscates things at first. Once you get accustomed to using your keyboard for all the menus and you get a grasp on where things are in the menu it gets easier to learn the flow of the game. I highly suggest you give it an earnest shot at learning but make sure you pick up the lazy newb pack and keep the wiki open. There's youtube tutorials but you shouldn't rely on those and instead use the quickstart guide to fortress mode on the wiki and the handy flowchart that is on that page. Most importantly though I implore you not to use any graphical tilesets, they will hurt your ability to play in the long run as things are much more recognizable in ascii and it's considered the universal language for the game.
I've seen at least two and a half videogames in this thread so far.
Are there really no graphical mods that are better than ascii?
i think we'd get along well irl, you seem like a chill dude
is that ayylien app deflemask?
What are you working on?
>The difficulty is a meme but it's still not an easy game to pick up and learn. It's mostly that there is a lot to take into consideration and the menu obfuscates things at first. Once you get accustomed to using your keyboard for all the menus and you get a grasp on where things are in the menu it gets easier to learn the flow of the game. I highly suggest you give it an earnest shot at learning but make sure you pick up the lazy newb pack and keep the wiki open. There's youtube tutorials but you shouldn't rely on those and instead use the quickstart guide to fortress mode on the wiki and the handy flowchart that is on that page. Most importantly though I implore you not to use any graphical tilesets, they will hurt your ability to play in the long run as things are much more recognizable in ascii and it's considered the universal language for the game.
th-th-thanks user!
not op but i've always been a little interested in DF. Boss is out of the office today and I'm ahead of schedule with my projects so i might just dick around all day with DF.
im pretty agreeable, so yeah youre probably right
I'm pretty sure it's that music player everyone uses.
is there a reason you don't put trash in the trashcan?
cans go in the recycling, bro
fucking foobar
The trashcan is full at the moment, and the big trashcan is out on the curb
There are a few tilesets ya can use if ya don't want to use ascii, phoebus and ironhand I think are the better ones.
That grass ruins the idea in my head that the whole game is underground
Graphical tilesets make the game look a lot prettier I will admit but they also make things much hard to recognize at a glance. Instead of a dark blue E you get some tiny pixel art thing that's hard to recognize and is used for at least two different creatures or items. If each and every item and creature were able to be assigned its own unique tile then graphical tilesets would be much better to use but since the tilesets are limited in size it makes more sense to use ascii characters since they are easier to recognize at a glance and different colours can mean different things
W-what? Are you talking about Dwarf Therapist on the left screen? I use that to manage the jobs and other aspects of the dwarves in my game.
Glad to help. Don't get in trouble at work.
No bulli
I prefer musicbee. It may not be "better" but it does what I need it to do with minimal dicking about.
Those lotion bottles are for fapping, right?
r8 please, thanks!
you need an arcade stick for shmups/10
lol I bet those cheap ass looking dragon balls don't even glow in the dark
>full albums for faggots like Sebastian Bach and Poison
>The Cure and Queen only get greatest hits
Top pleb
>Having a Prometheus poster
Jelly of that wall scroll to be honest
All they deserve really, both gay as shit
Get out. You do not belong here.
Just be glad I didn't post the video game or anime music sections
look at the top
Well, that's the surface level. Underground you don't have grass, obviously, it's just rock or sand.
That said, I prefer simple square tilesets that are just a notch above the basic curses.
Still, I haven't played in forever. Gonna wait for the next update though, I think. And then on the new DT, which will probably be another month or two.
I saw that, but it isn't in front of Mushihime Sama?
im sorry but in real i use keyboard .
top kek user, but where's your legs?
Holy shit imagine the electricity cost.
It would be sky high
no dude, think of the HEAT
does it look like I have room for my legs on this tiny ass desk?
I like your strong, masculine legs.
This faggy legs meme needs to die.
look how the others have done it, you don't lay them on the desk you prop them on the edge. do I need to come over and show you cause I will and then I'll make you do it with stockings on.
the shit I do for you fags
True but if you have the space and the means to put all that shit together it seems pretty unlikely you're really worried about costs.
you wanna talk cost, look at this. each of those is a decased FW900. the guy even had a fresnel lens over them to remove any gap, look it up he has a youtube video of it playing skyrim or something.
my nigga!
>funko pop
>in that display
off yourself
I really like that painting
I'd be more worried about the radiation levels. Can probably hold a detector plate behind the guy's head and get an xray of his skull over course of a few hours.
I hope your health is okay, fellow ausbro
Human beings never stop surprising me.
Autism at its finest.
personal health is great, uni is going shit though. thanks bro, get to bed soon
I'm a little disappointed to not find a single pair of stockings in this thread
mods are viscous about deleting any pair of smooth legs covered in cute socks. it's fucking disgusting to be quite frank member of my bloodline
Thank you.
Awesome legs, user.
thanks legbro, i don't quite get it but you make posting in these threads pretty entertaining
I want to hear every one of those degaussing simultaneously.
that would be fucking glorious, have this instead though
looks pretty fucking cozy, user. I'm jealous
>want dis
her back is going to be fucking wrecked be the time she is 30. honestly why the fuck do people do shit like this? just get a proper chair and sit like an adult.
I had a super ghetto version of that for a few months but the cheapo chair i have is held together by zip ties and i got tired of changing them out when they broke (also its pleather because i couldnt find a cheap cloth one).
Its ok, its a solution to the floor of this house not being level in that corner but allowing me to use the space by shoving some boxes under the tables. Natural light is always nice as long as its not directly in your face.
What's wrong with a recliner? Looks pretty fucking comfy to me
you new? shes paralyzed
look at the position she is sat in. her waist is twisted about 45 degrees to the side.
It's comfortable.
You never sit or lay in weird positions?
well then i guess her back is already wrecked.
in a manner of speaking. I think its nice her dad made her that so she could use the computer comfortably outside of her wheelchair/bed
Can anyone explain to me the reason for more than one pc ? It's not like he can connect them all together to run the same game is he only using them as PSU for Monitors ?
fuck user now you make me feel bad :(
Have some pancakes and feel better
>Pepsi AND Coke
Very conflicting. Are you bi-polar?
it would actually be kind of cute if she didn't sound like she did tbqh. really does suck that some people have to live like that.
>letting a retard touch your food
look I know it's not contagious but you can never be 100% sure
so I guess you never cook for yourself then, eh?
Who is this?
I knew it.
Only real Chads buy Switches
>here's your controller bro
>Rubik's cube
You as frustrated and despondent at ever solving it as me?
I think what pisses me off the most is there's a formula to it, but if I look up a formula then someone else would be solving what I should be able to figure out on my own. No sense even doing it then.
Why is everything so worn out?
because it's 50 years old
The SR-71 is an old aircraft, that one looks to be in a museum and is likely one of the earliest models.
I wish I was good at electricl/DIY shit so I could make functioning cockpits and shit for simulators