Finally able to install steam after a year without functional wifi

finally able to install steam after a year without functional wifi
still broker than a nigger so what are some good free action/adventure games on there you guys recommend?

Sell your PC and use the free time to learn a useful skill, or partake in a cheaper, probably more fulfilling hobby
You obviously can't afford video games

I dunno, maybe use the god damn filters?

You're poor AND dumb too? rip


beg at next steam sale

Uninstall and try gog
Also, this

so i can't ask i simple question on any boards here without immature backlash?

fuck this site has gone to shit
full of hateful lonely neckbeards

and yes i have hobbies. fail to see what's wrong with wanting to play a few free games every once in a while without forking out over 20 bucks per game.
dunno about you guys, but i have more important things to spend my money on.

Just pirate if you're poor.

>poorfag is too dumb to pirate

The problem is that most free games are bad and require you to pay money in order to get any enjoyment out of them.

i now remember why i don't visit this site anymore

Beneath a Steel Sky is free on GOG. Free games are generally free for a reason though.

immature pathetic fucks, if you don't have anything useful to add then don't lmao

y'all obviously have 0 impulse control

You're a broke teenager who doesn't work.

if you spent that long away from video games you may as well just kick the habit for good.

video gaming is for degenerates and real men do not play them, it's an escapist hobby for children.

you can just filter by free to play on steam

cheers for being the only civil one on this thread lmao

your wallet doesn't have anything useful to add.

path of exile.

>frogposter is too retarded to learn how to torrent
Baneposting chad coming through.

is this an epic new meme

Enjoy your 3000 hours of Dota.

Try getting a fucking job.

Welcome to the internet, faggot

PCs have plenty of options for making money.

>GameMaker Studio

if only there was a way broke people could get games for free on the internet..

Fuck off third worlder.

You just missed Fallout 1 free last weekend. It's not that expensive though, so gave a go at it.