Hate cuckman and best friends bitch

>hate cuckman and best friends bitch
>watch them anyway because I used to love wrestling games

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they're coming out too fast for me to even care now

the whole novelty was that he actually made another episode after X-amount of months. the episode was usually shit but it was something meme about. now he's ACTUALLY trying to pick the show up

What deems an episode 'shitty'? With the avgn format as long as he's talking about bad games I don't see an issues.

>i don't like this thing, better make a thread about it on Sup Forums and promote it a bit just to be safe
kill your fucking self you nine year old redditor

is that a block of cheese?

I got a few laughs out of it. What qualifies as a good episode to you?

you are an idiot


Don't you see the forced over the top tone of the last two episode?

can you be a friend and tell me what it is

Wouldn't call it terrible. Terrible would Toxic Avengers or that Sega Activator episode.

This was just dull. The whole thing was just
>LJN is still bad
>wrestling games have bad controls
Better to just stick with a few games rather than trying to rush through a lot of them.


>watch them anyway because I used to love wrestling games
Kim Justice occasionally brings up wrestling game reviews, and is certainly more informative.

Nah it was actually at least decent. Granted, I like wrestling (not so much now) so maybe that plays a part in it but it was fine. Next thread.

It's obviously butter

it was always forced you stupid fuck

Stop shilling your videos, you mentally ill degenerate.

Not THIS forced you insensitive fuck


hasnt AVGN always been a bit forced? He's not always legitimately angry

>i'm getting older: the post

Must be getting scary huh kiddo?

he ran out of ideas

For fucks sake, that balding. We can't really scape age huh?