The Thalmor literally did nothing wrong

The Thalmor literally did nothing wrong

They did something wrong, they didn't kill themselves for being fucking faggots

Except, you know, start a war that decimated their population to the point where they probably wouldn't win a second war against the Empire.

>Their end goal is to unmake reality

Yeah, total good guys, nothing to see here.

Daily reminder that elves are the niggers of the fantasy world

The jews of Tamriel, bunch of pointy eared backstabbing faggots who control conflicts behind the scenes for their own purposes

>actually wanting to exist as mortals instead of the Demi-god form elves and men descended from

But what would you know, stupid robot. Should have cut you into even more pieces.

A few more victories like Hammerfell and Cyrodil and the Altmer problem will solve itself.

Now they have to fight without the element of surprise on their side.
They are fucked.

I hear Bretons are good at fighting Altmer.

Said no one ever.

They are always the bad guys.

Arena Jagar Tharn
Daggerfall Mannimarco
Morrowind the tribunal and Dagoth Ur
Oblivion Mankar Camoran
Skyrim The Thalmor

Whatever ruin befalls Tamriel you can bet your ass there is an elf behind it.

They are not a group to be brought back into the fold.
They are a problem to be solved.

Day of the Axe when?

Dark Elves>Argonians>Bretons>Redguards>Orcs (Skyrim Orcs are shit tier though)>Nords
>Impericunts>High Elf scum>Wood Elf faggots>Cat Gypsies

Come at me niggers.

They haven't destroyed the Empire yet and taken over Tamriel.


>mfw the lesser races actually want to stay shackled to this mortal prison

Haven't wona war in 4000 years

Dungmer get shit on by everyone in game.
The Daedra
The Tribunal
The Argonians
The Empire

The only ones that show an ounce of compassion towards them are the Nords and the dungmer spit in their faces over it.

Literally the worst race in game.

Taking up daedra worship probably qualifies.

>bretons above redguard
Shit taste.


An entire race of Niles Cranes, reskinned as Heavy metal assholes.

Front row far right is actually an Orc BTW.
Next they'll make the Bosmer actually competent.

Lolno. The Dwemer were /ourguys/, the Thalmor have a huge faggot plan going on but the Dwemer tried escaping the Dream using the power of collective autism and an anime mech

>the empire
never happened

This. Every time there has been some kind of conflict in Tamriel with the elves, they were the ones who started it. ALWAYS.
Go ahead, try to find a single exception.