
I don't know how to feel about this, but it's coming on January 19th
are you willing to pick it up again Sup Forums

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>New v triggers
Well that part's certainly going to be true.

If I already bought the base game but none of the dlc characters will I get them for free?

They can sprinkle this turd as much as they want, I'm not biting down on it.
Arcsys is now the king.

Here's proof boys, and it's the 16th WHOOPS

no, but you get all gameplay relevant changes

heres the trailer btw


capcom-unity.com/strumslinger/blog/2017/10/05/street-fighter-v-arcade-edition-coming-january-16 3 months to launch.

Maybe when it's 5$. Waiting for DBZF.

Will there be anymore DLC characters released after this version? If so, I'll just wait for the Ultimate Hyper Definitive Edition.

fuck that i'm not buying 12 characters for 72 dollars

But Capcom said "We're never EVER doing an updated edition of SF5, everything will be DLC!"

well, have fun playing the game a lot and unlocking them naturally then.

in essence, for existing owners, yeah it is free DLC

>We won't sell an updated version of the game
>Sell an updated version of the game

>free for those who already purchased it
They meant that if you buy it once, you're not gonna have to buy another version.

season 3 silhouette reveal in todays capcom panel

It was more that they wouldn't charge existing owners for a mandatory super edition or whatever. This way current owners get the updates for free, and new players can grab a complete package easier and cheaper.

That's still fucking bullshit, they're selling a new version with all the season pass characters included.

Ah, you look to be correct on that, guess it's not really an updated edition.

This shit better bring some BIG core changes to the game though since it needs it badly.
Never bought SF5 after playing it for a few hours at a friends house convinced me to steer away. I want another fighter, but in it's current shape, hell no.

not sure if i am a fan of that beige ui color style. kinda like the current one, as plain as it is

they are really close to figuring it out.
however, capcom just cant into DLC pricing, all their DLC is rediculously overpriced.
a single character should not be 5 €

>Season 2 is 30€
>Season 2 will still be 30€ when Arcade Edition comes out
>Arcade Edition will launch close to the final Season 2 Character release
>Arcade Edition is the base game + season 1 + season 2 for 40€
>when Season 2 is 30€

and that is where they fucked up, not to mention that season 1 is still 20 €

new v triggers sound nice
im just hoping for new critical arts

>Apologizing to Capcom
No thanks they should be apologizing to the customers

Will they make the game good though? It plays like garbage.

What's the fucking point in an Arcade mode? What does it add that wasn't already in the game?

it adds an arcade mode, wich wasn't already in the game.

>B-but Capcom will NEVER rerelease SFV!

PS4 fags eternally BTFO

It adds an arcade mode.
You'd be amazed how ass ravaged people were to have it missing, Capcom had no understanding that a lot of people actually don't like to play online and just like to putz around in arcade mode in fighters, they lost a lot of the normie dollars at launch because of it missing. But now the game has no hype, and I really don't think they'll get back the money they left on the table at launch. People already have an opinion on the game thats likely not going to change.

Appeal for the casuals who don't want to play online multiplayer or have friends locally to play with. The character stories were garbage and only existed to grind out a small pile of FM, the general story mode spends more time skipping cutscenes than fighting, and Survival mode is generally intolerable above Normal when the AI starts reading inputs and getting ridiculous buffs. None of that substitutes for a decent arcade ladder.

I like it.
Looks like MGS3

ooooooooooh.... i get it .. nice one

I really hope all the new modes give you FM. I've run out of shit to do and I suck at online matches.


and thats bad because?

>free balance updates and gameplay changes

how can arcsys fags compete?

i have to say, new critical arts would be great, but the game really REALLY needed more v- triggers to choose from.

Buy the same game twice. The state of fgc

i was REALLY disappointed when Juri came out and her CA was just a big projectile. what a huge fuckup.


I actually didn't gave fuck back in the day because of this

Did they change the game so it isn't 99% corner 50/50's?


Then they can fuck right off

Wait a second.
Arcade mode wasn't in the base game? They're only just putting in fucking ARCADE MODE in a fighting game now?


Too little, too late. I'll be eagerly waiting for DBFZ by then.

Isn't that tomorrow?

Yeah, only people who cared about fighting games bought it because, you know, you spent 99% of your time playing online against other people.

Why do you think nobody likes the game? Well, there are actually multiple reasons, but that's the main one why non-fgc people don't.

Well, they had individual story modes for characters when the game launched, and also 4 tiers of Survival, as well, if a progressive character battle is what you were looking for.

I'm curious about what "Arcade Mode" even is at this stage. Just a mode in which you progressively fight through some dudes, and can lose without having to restart?

Is this really necessary?

some people have a life and don't spend all their time playing one single game

>individual story modes for characters when the game launched
That a baby could beat, literally.

man, do i sometimes wish i was able to enjoy a game for years and play nothing else.
i would live so much cheaper.

perfect for people that ask for arcade mode, you know, people that dont actually give a shit about fighting games

In other words, he's fucked right?

And what about the 4 tiers of Survival? How many people even beat the medium level?

Anyway, my point is that Arcade mode is pointless when you had other single player modes. The game also now has a bevvy of training material that will seriously help you understand your character, and the game rewards you for doing it by giving you currency to unlock more stuff like characters and stages, so that you don't have to pay for them.

There's plenty to do in SFV, and people bitching about an Arcade mode, don't even know what that is or even what it means.

It's you fg nerds who don't give a shit about fighting games. You don't give a shit they lost money on SFV because they listened to your autistic "only online matters" claims and lost audience to Netherrealm. You think someone just owes you making these games.

Nobody likes survival mode.

oh so now Sup Forums cares about sales?

Just because you don't plan to dedicate yourself to a game 24/7 doesn't mean you don't like the genre and you can't enjoy a good old arcade mode with a proper amount of challenge and a bit of story to flesh out the characters, you know? A lot of people like that and only play vs mode against their IRL friends.

>The chad reply
Holy shit you don't need to play it for all your life you sperglord, I never said that on my post, I said that buying a fighting game to play against the cpu is pants on head retarded

Survival is nothing like Arcade. For one, in Survival you only fight one match. The damage you take stays unless you use powerups which beats the purposse of Arcade. And above all, Arcade is all about the presentation and the journey. You wanna feel like you're progressing inside a story, get maybe an introduction, a sub-boss and a final boss, like any other game. This is a core part of fighting games since, you know, Arcade days. It's a completely different beast from survival.

And when Arcade comes out, the entire world that was clamoring for it and lambasting Capcom for not including it will collectively shrug their shoulders, just like they did for Story mode, just like they did for trials, etc., etc.

At the end of the day, people don't actually care about the single player shit in SFV. They just want to shit on the game because it's a big fun thing to shit on in a collective zeitgeist.

but user the game had that in the individual story mode.

>You don't give a shit they lost money on SFV
Neither do the arcade mode casuals
>lost audience to Netherrealm
they never had that audience to begin with, not to mention most people stop playing NRS games as soon as they beat the story mode

SFV is still shit because they dumbed down the mechanics for casuals but forgot that casuals just want to mash buttons against a restrained CPU. But arguing that they lost ground to NRS is retarded, since NRS games have historically outsold SF only to die off within months due to shit netcode and worse gameplay.

this isn't the problem. it's the fact they did it but haven't addressed all the core issues.

Oh, sure, the story mode with a handful of 1 round matches and that a toddler could beat in a couple of minutes. Yeah, that is not the fucking same. At fucking all.

The game will be 2 years old by the time it gets things that should had been on the base game. Nobody will care because people have already moved on. DBFZ is the new hotness.

well if you want actual dificulty, play online.}
you want story thare is a story mopde, you want character specific story?... you have that too.

You couldn't even fight a proper three fights match in the story mode. Don't try to pretend it was anything like it's expected from an Arcade mode. Even MvCI got it properly and it doesn't even have endings.

Story mode was an obligated waste of time and resources because netherrealm ruined fighting games by turning them into mainstream casual party attractions. nobody really wanted story mode other than the "people" you're talking about, they focused their attention on the wrong audience, arcade mode on the other hand is a staple and a good learning tool for newcomers by simulating real matches more accurately.

want to fight a proper 3 fight match, play online

I want both things on a single package and I want to be able to play them whenever I want to, on my own. You know, a fucking arcade mode? It's not so fucking hard to do, for fucks sake. That's all I was fucking asking for, holy shit.



Enough of this arguing about the validity of Arcade mode.

What the fuck is "Extra Battle Mode"?

$5 is as cheap as it gets.
Look at Tekken. At least SFV's season pass includes ALL DLC characters
Let's not mention ArcSys and their $8 fuckery

Then just pay 40 dollars?

you cant never simulate real matches with the ai... is just imposible, because the ai always know what you are going to do, and only respond in 2 ways, block you or dont block you.
playing agians the ai, is useless

When will third strike get a PC release?

>all those faggots telling me no other versions of SFV would happen


>oh wow is that it fuck capcom!
Honestly this shit is pointless, no one who spent hours shitposting will have their minds changed by this. Doubt the rerelease will even sell well. They need to improve the core gameplay and get better PR

Fightcade's been around for years.

What if I don't wanna deal with the lag and the shitheads on the FGC?

free update user.... whats so hard to get?

why do people who want to appear "OG" always namedrop 3S?


then you play an adventure game, or a puzzle game. stop pretrending you like fighting games, and play something you actually like.

>not discounting the season pass characters for previous version owners

Meh. They can continue to die for all I care.

The best thing is how many idiots actually think bitching about SFV is accomplishing anything when EVO and other tournaments are pulling record numbers for top 8's. Yeah, your "boycott" is going really fucking well r/kappa morons.

Third Strike is memed as the best fighting game of all time.

I mean, it probably is? but yeah.


Get better internet
Don't worry, you won't get high enough to deal with that

With each of the major updates they've done, they've changed up characters fairly significantly, and usually for the better. Alex has gotten more tools, and Balrog's changed input for his anti-air made him much more competitive.

There's still more to be done, but I'm interested to see what they'll mix up for the Arcade mode release.

pretty much all of the people that got the game at release have all the characters unlocked


What's that face trying to convey? Is she laughing?

They should ban you. Not for the porn, but for the fact that you can't read.

It's a free update

>plus new v-triggers

Holy fuck I hate you niggers so fucking much. You faggots are the ones who wanted story modes in fighting games which led to MvC Infinites budget and marketing all go towards that abomination of a story mode and now you're doing the same to SFV. GO FUCK YOURSELVES YOU ARENT EVEN GOING TO PLAY SFV EVEN AFTER THEY ADDED WHAT YOU BERRATED IT FOR NOT HAVING AT LAUNCH. KILL YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW

I just want them to overhaul Juri god dammit

God damn, not everything is about playing to win in tournaments. Playing with an AI is totally reasonable for learning the basic of the basics, like chaining 2-3 moves together, getting specials out in time when shit is heading your way, blocking.
Problem is that you've had the bare bone basics down and packed for years and years mostlikely, and fail to remember what it was like playing a fighter for the very first time, coming in as a blank slate.
No, it will never make you truly good, and after a point it will be detrimental if you want to get good, but it serves as a starting point for most.

>It's a free update
>you still need to buy the game + all the DLC separately
That's even worse. What the fuck were they thinking?