Monster hunter stories thread. Post your card,favorite monsties,and or whatever questions you got. Personally wondering which Lagiacrus to go for and if I should make it part water
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Should I get this game?
Does it have good music?
Will I get bored after an hour?
>Should I get this game?
It's legit good but try the demo out first.
>Does it have good music?
Monhun and good music go together and this isn't an exception.
>Will I get bored after an hour?
That I can't tell you really. I've been hooked from the start but most story battles won't be super difficult. There is a lot to monster customization and post game stuff gets some challenge. Really it just comes down to how you feel bout the demo
>you have to compete in online battles to get the Master sword
Lame, I've heard that you have to do the same for getting Glavenus too. Why not just make it a sub quest?
>Does it have good music?
That one and the rainforest big monster battle music are easily my favorites. Albarax has one of the best town themes I've heard in vidya too
What version is this game on? Can I already change gender mid game?
Not sure what version but you can't change gender yet
Fuck. I'm super indecisive when it comes to genders in these games.
>MH stories thread
It has been so long, please don't let this one die too fast.
>Personally wondering which Lagiacrus to go for and if I should make it part water
Ivory or bust
don't bother with water
>Will I get bored after an hour?
New mechanics and shit are introduced every few hours.
I just got my Murder Pickle to level 92.
Still haven't tried Molten T or Rajang.
Do I need to git gud Sup Forums?
What makes ivory so much better? Is original lagis defense not that big of a boost. And yeah I know water doesn't really have any good moves but I kind of want to tinge my monstie blue. Is there really no future battle where water would be good?
As far as I'm aware water has zero fucking moves worth inheriting besides maybe barroth's mud throw. You can do it for a massive water super I guess. I think the metal raths are weak to water? Honestly haven't looked at the weaknesses of the late game monster so maybe the bonus super damage alone would be enough to justify doing that. Anyways Ivory just has straight up better moves. spread lightning breath(which I think is inheritable?), thunder fang is better than double fang, and its attack is a lot better which is what matters. If you just want a blue laggy though go for it. It should still be good enough to get you through a good portion of the end game tower.
It's really a darn shame about water's moves. Each other element gets a variety of attacks and water just seems to have single target attacks that aren't anything special.
Why is it nobody writes guides like they used to? It seems everything on this game is in YouTube form. I didn't even know there were Melynx shops until yesterday because fuck YouTube guides.
Anyway, do we know how you build up starting Kinship yet? It seems like the max is 30, but it isn't tied directly to level.
Also, why does the Great Poogie suck so bad? It's the only Rarity 9 I have and yet it's only about as good as a Rarity 4.
This game is just holding me over a little until World comes out.
If you could add any monster to this which one would it be? My choice would be this guy right here
>Tigrex has Dash Combo which is fucking OP after just one turn
this is why I wear Hunter Armor still
Mizu, Seltas, Seltas Queen, and the Plesioths. Game desperately needs strong water monsters.
The worst is when they try to spam a status that doesn't work on the opponent. Black Diablos goes full retard with savage roar far too often but I'm never dropping it out of my team
Glacial Agna, Plesioths, Seltas Duo, and Mizu would have been so easy to make top tier water attacks
Black Diablos is an odd monster. It is """"Power""""" tendency but will always prefer using non-typed skills to doing power-based ones. I even tried giving one of them Active Power Skills to test it but she would always default to shit like Savage Roar, Merc. Horn, Mud Throw, etc.
Plesioth is the most baffling one to me, since Cephadrome basically shares nearly all animations with it.
How do i make the pickle retreat?
More fanged wyverns of course
Kick its ass quickly, though considering how bulky he is fat chance
Got nothing to beat his ass quickly, guess it'll be a long time until i get mine.
Mine has taken too spamming vengeful tackle the most atm, which isn't too bad for it to do unless it levels up. Mops up bosses real quick too
i thought i wouldn't like it, but somehow the combination of pokemon and monster hunter works pretty fucking well. graphics seem actually better than mh4u, and performance is good too, if you have a the New3Ds
i got sold on the game when i use the Blue Yuan Kut Ku's Kinship attack.
Where's Avinia' Barioth? After gopnik island furcon ended it dissappeared.
> hold off the Versa dragon until it bucks Cheval
> feeling pretty good about my team
> suddenly, Stygian Zinogre
God damn that fucker just went in dry.
Anyway. Can you find Deviljho eggs before post-game? I defeated one in an invasion so I know they’re around.
>tfw i found a Pink Rathian before the canon Rathalos joins my squad, and she's twice as good.
wat do
Ditch her because she has no overworld abilities
Yes, you can.
Rathalos has shit stats. The only advantage is it appears to be a Very Heavy/Stinky Rathalos. Who gives a shit really, you are probably going to end up using a Tiggy or Niggerblos anyway since they shitstomp everything with a little bit of Channeling to change their elements each area. The Agnaktor fight is downright hilarious with Black Blos, even 5 levels underleveled from it my Black Blos pretty much stunlocked it
An HD version was probably considered at one point. Look at this screenshot, you can actually see people from a distance.
What moves does bombadier affect? And do the scale abilities stack with boost ones?
It's made with MT Framework mobile, they could do an HD version at any time.
What does Sup Forums think about Avinia(male)?
Cute, I hope we can beat him up and steal his clothes
I'm looking forward to us eventually getting the elder dragons as monsties.
Probably an incestfag, though i don't blame him.
So, id this flop in the west too?
No sales numbers.
Makes me smile everytime
Have any of you ever made a monster an element just mainly so it would be a different color?
Someone tell me why this game isn't on freeshop or CiAngel in the USA region. It's been weeks
>Great Jaggi not a rideable meme
get the fuck outta here. I was told this lie since release and I just hatched one
What retard ever said that?
The only thing that surprises me is that no one said the truth after that. With that said though just how far could one take a jaggi through this game?
>doesn't get Leadership Command like it does as a wild monster
what a fucking disappointment, I was about to grind Jaggi eggs because that would be hilarious to do to the Rider
Why not just download it? I pirated it, but then I bought a copy(which I have not opened because I already have it installed for free).
How do you feel about the pvp?
I wish this game had multiple saveslots like mainline games. I already want to play through the story again, this time as a cute girl character.
dumb hime poster
JKVSM and you can have as many save slots as you want
I will turn my ivory lacry into water poison and you can't stop me.
How do you feel about Stygian Zinogre? Because that is all you are going to see along with the occasional madman that uses Blue Kut Ku + Apceros and wins
I should become one of those madmen
Should I pick this game? t I'm not sure if picking this one or FEEchoes
I can tell you one thing, this game has better gameplay than Echoes
Game is good but would be GREAT if the protagonist spoke wyverian and the fucking cat was gone.
Also monsties is fucking retarded. Just call them monsters.
Great game though. I'm having a blast.
Stop playing Stories
Necro, fuck off, now that you are confirmed to be an evil fucker that efectively fucked an alternate universe by stealing it's light you deserved to be hunted and looted.
MC does speak a line at the end.
How is stygian? i already invested loads of genes and time in normal zynogre and i don't want to change.
Why not use both?
that would be like having a normal pokemon and it's shiny on the same team.
Not really, they specialize in different things.
explain stygian speciality.
Regular Zin is tankier and meant for lightning damage, Stygian is slightly more offensive and meant for dragon damage.
>specializes in a different element
Good, is not the same bullshit than the lacries
I only watched some parts of omegarevolutions walk through and my god what is even the point in having a silent protagonist when the damn mascot character handpuppets exactly the stuff your character would say if they were voiced.
When will Japan finally stop aping Yokai Watch?
>get monsters late game
>they take fucking forever to level up to usable levels
>expeditions and food start giving very low xp so they're not reliable either
>rajang is more difficult than the last boss in the story
Dude, is fucking Rajang
It would be weak to everything but dragon. Only pure dragon element elder in the game. Not only its attacks are perfect for the game but the fucking phone game has it rideable. AND in Stories itself Navirou even has the fucking armor!
>got lucky and found a very heavy pickle egg in a rare den
I feel sorry for those who had to grind post game before they got Jho.
is the only way to make decent money is quests?
sold all my monster parts with selling charm active and only made 500k(then reloaded save since that wasnt worth it)
I'm out of Recognition Letters? Wat do?
i keep finding pickles in rare dens, at that point i can get an egg of it already?
get to post game and get the subquest that gives them for commoditys
This image is bad and you should feel bad.
Don't worry. I'm working on something that will blow your mind. Just give me a few months.
How do I genes?
>Why is it nobody writes guides like they used to?
Cause nobody is playing stories like they play the other monhuns.
Nobody is trying to min-max their skills and weapon to take down a monster 5 seconds faster in stories like they do in mainline games. So nobody bothers to tear apart the mechanics to figure out how shit works, thus we're left questions.
It's not like stories is so hard that it requires hardcore playstyles to beat. Just pick a monstie you like, make sure its elementally strong vs your target and win the RPS combat.
I know pokemon and mh stories have a combat complexity for dumb retards, but is this game more boring combat-wise than pokemon? I couldn't play the demo
Get to the ice village
Realize that it's pointless to even bother fucking with genetics while you're leveling.
Wait till endgame to grind the best genes
ragequit when you find 7+ Might L genes in the wrong fucking spot for your perfect monstie build.
Realize it doesnt really matter anyways, go back and beat the postgame.
Give up after that because the game is shallow, or hunt down all of the poogies.
I made a Water Gravios, fire tigrex and thunder zimzam.
I'm lost in the volcano. I'm supposed to be looking for the mad scientist but this place is a maze
look at the mad, follow the pin.
Green Plesioth unironically
>bulky tech monster
>gets Water Spread beam, ignore defense, hit everything, chance for skillseal. 30 kinship order
>ice genes for skillseal and status ailment up
or Tetsu who gets a gimmick of being able to pull up Rocks that sponge damage like substitute
Damn, that's a beautiful model.
Who else is waiting for Glavenus?