Check YouTube for RUINER gameplay

>Check YouTube for RUINER gameplay.

>Brightness is cranked.
>Brightness is cranked.
>Brightness is cranked.

The fuck is wrong with people? The game's supposed to be dark as fuck. BARELY VISIBLE means BARELY VISIBLE. Fags literally cheat.

Other urls found in this thread:!N3Z0UChC!BpmX9njc3DnNzVqf9IA-Sg


Fuck that nigga I crank brightness every game

Ruins the atmosphere. Stop being retarded.

>muh atmosphere

"can't fucking see shit blindness simulator 2k17" is not an atmosphere, it is a design flaw.

Faggot casuals.

They need to do that due to YouTube fucking up the footage when it's uploaded if it's dark as fuck you spastic

Nope. Fags crank that shit. I bet you did. Kill yourself.

>Sup Forums in charge of playing games

Not seeing anything is not fun.

>literally handicapping yourself because the devs couldnt make a good game so they fake difficulty by making everything dark
kill thyselves

Just look at this enthralling atmosphere my dudes

Sure, at a glance you can't tell if it's Ruiner or Doom 3, but the the point is it really immerses you into the game's setting!

>muh generic grimdark bullshit
you are the cancer killing vidya

Now, user, let's be fair. Ruiner ought to be a shade of red bordering on black, not complete black.

There's a difference between great visual design and well playable visual design. If you play an unforgiving title and can't see important shit on the screen because the artist wants to make everything dark it becomes an exercise in frustration and people will cheat by changing brightness.
If they wanted to peddle their art they should have gone with a different genre that gives more time to look at things in stead of running through them and dodging everything you can.

A valid point, I withdraw my Doom 3 comparison.

are the steam cards available yet?

Found the Nintendo fan.

>I'm a shitter. Games are so frustrating. :(

Ruiner doesn't have good atmosphere. Stop this meme.

>Bright lights.
>Interesting characters.
>Interesting setting.
>That fucking music.

Did you even play the fucking game? I bet you watched it on YouTube. Faggot fucking cuck.

Wow, it's almost like RUINER has the Bethesda syndrome, where it needs to be fixed by players to be good

>interesting characters
>interesting setting


To the dude trying to compile the entire soundtrack - theres a few unnamed songs in the asset rip that was posted last night

>still no art of her making that face while splattered with cum
Why has the internet forsaken us?

what the fuck is up with this fanart being posted everywhere, it's not even that good.

RUINER's perfect as is. You're a cancerous shitter.

Fuck outta my thread.

I used the "correct" gamma setting for Dishonored once. Some items were completely invisible in corners.

t. butt-blasted dev

shut up nigger

I wish I developed it. Shit's a fucking masterpiece.

Is this game actually any good or is just one of those games Sup Forums pretends is good because it's unpopular?

It's cyberpunk so it's automatically GOTY here.

It's just another shitty little indie game.

You sound like a moron.

It's really good, it's a damn shame it's not selling well apparently.
If you like cyberpunk and electro music it's a must buy

Most people have TVs/monitors with incorrect gamma settings. What's barely visible on a player's screen might look completely fine on the developer's screen.

Look at this image and squint. If you can see a box around 2.2, your screen is shit.


>epic BARELY VISIBLE meter
You're a fucking retard for trusting that garbage. It never works properly.

why the fuck dont games have demos anymore. I want to know if this game is good, but buying it and refuding if its shit is such a hassle.

shut up and post more best girl

It's shit. Buggy mess too. Plays like a Unity game despite being Unreal. No wonder the devs got booted from CDPR

Sort of. It does have a really great atmosphere, but the gameplay is not very good twin stick shooter. The gunplay feels mostly weak and trying to play it with melee can be a bit slugish.

The gameplay is mostly just passable but it really starts to show it's cracks when you do boss battles.


Thanks didnt wanna pay for this. Maybe when it's $5


Never had a bug. Not even one.

The gameplay's insane. How high are your fucking standards?

Well this "shitty little indie game" has better graphics, tech and better soundtrack/sound effect syncing than overrated trash like Nier Autoshita, for 1/3 of the price

This. I think demos would help all parties involved.

Thanks senpai, didn't want to shell out 15 bucks for a game I might not like.

did they literally just trace D.Va and call it a day? wtf

Good for you, but that's not good enough for QA on a PC game.I have had 4 crashes during my playtime.

Still not worth the price though.

Then go pirate it, who cares, just play it.

Oh. Fuck. Never mind. I've had four or five crashes. Forgot 'cause the checkpoints are forgiving as fuck.

Nearly black screens don't make for good youtube videos.
Especially since youtube compression would fuck it with artifacts.

does it a virus user


It's Hatred.
Just in red and black and not black and white.
Which makes it even more edgier.

explain your bullshit.

So it has better "everything" than a pile of shit? Doesn't not make it a pile of shit though.

So it's Hatred for the Virtual Boy?

The atmosphere is already ruined if i can't see what's happening

>The game with the edgy 'KILL YOU' LEDs on the playable character's face
>The game with 'muh cyberpunk' cliche atmosphere
>Double stick shooter cancer

So it's worthless trash then, glad I stayed away from it.


You can see. Lots of shadows, though. Dark corridors and shit. Makes the game visually impressive. The lighting's sick.

Shit taste.

Notice that OP's pic is 666x666. Fucking kek.

Is this a screenshot from dragon's dogma dark arisen during night time

>do barely visible
>can see just fine
>refund the game because I found out that I'm not into twin stick shooters
Has nice music though and I like the aesthetics. Also, people have to be literally blind if you have to turn the brightness up.


why is D.Va in this game?

That's a man.

i love how this image rpresents many things wrong wth people. Will this game make me think deep thoughts?

No. It's fun, though.

Overwatch fans are the most annoying when they see their characters in any kind of character design.

>Dreads? It's Lucio!
>Cowboy? Lol high noooon xD

>two bad games with red-and-black aesthetic
>both use 666x666 in their promotional shill material



Is cyberpunk perhaps the most autistic aesthetic with the most autistic fanbase? Combined with twin-stick mechanics(highly autistic), is this not the most autismal game of the year?

I'm not a shill.

You're a fucking moron.

>Cranking up brightness in any video game

>Adjust brightness until the image on the left is visible but the image on the right is hidden
>brightness 0
>can still clearly see image on the right
>fuck it good enough

Whose dick do I have to suck to get all the Stage Clear screens? I've only seen S in these threads so far

I don't crank it but I always make sure that shit is clearly visible.
Horror games think they're super spooky by making me not fucking see anything 24/7


Can't you people just upload this to Mega?


The fuck is she trying to say?

>implying I'm going to click anywhere near these shady as fuck links

Sorry, I'm not going to not see shit because of "muh atmosphere", I'm not an idiot. Feel free to be an idiot and go ahead, knock yourself out by not seeing shit if that's what gets you off.

Found the faggot casual. Your playthrough's invalid.

The only stage clear screens are S, A-D and E.

Your whole life is invalid.
Correct this error and neck yourself.

>there are people on Sup Forums who actually lower the brightness in games until the logo is barely visible so that the entire game becomes way too dark, instead of just leaving it at default brightness

Geez dont get your panties in a twist

I can see a box around all of them

This was the case for RE7 as well. The default brightness is extremely bright and makes the game much less scary.

hahaha how the fuck are boxes real nigga close your eyes

All these stolen artworks from other games. Shit game.

>>all these fags defending the game's "atmosphere" because they know the gameplay's indefensible

>isometric top down garbage #129

nope, had my fill even if is the main character. thanks

>fan of FPS #12900000000 think was the first girl ever with such a design
