Is it going to be good?

Is it going to be good?

P 2 W


B O X E S .

>Yes, I'm looking forward to it.
>No, it'll be shit.

There, now we've covered all the bases and don't have to do this thread. Everyone go home.

Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

No, it'll be shit.


it's going to be mediocre




It's same shitty Assasins Creed go figure
But I do dig the size of open world
Wish it was used in a different kind of game

does it say we wuz kings and shit nigga?

This shouldn't be allowed in anything other than AO games and should be outright illegal in States that don't allow gambling

The combat and forced RPG elements look like shit.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, neckbeard piece of shit.

It's gonna melt computers and consoles for sure. There are people with Titan X's who still can't play Unity with a solid framerate. Ubisoft can't into optimization.


Assassin's Creed as a series refused to focus on its strengths and instead kept repeating the same mistakes. Why would anyone think this will be different is beyond me.

what do you think


>pay to win
>in a singleplayer game


Is this loss?

Black flag is good if you play it as action pirate thing ignoring towers and all that shit

>anything made by ubisoft
>is it going to be good?


Unity was a step in the right direction but instead of following that we just got souls combat with witcher 3 quests. I hate Ubisoft so fucking much.

Are you implying you can't win single player games?

Steep, WD2 and AC Unity are good

>souls combat
>witcher 3

Dark Souls games are my favourite and i love Witcher 3 aswell.

So im going to like the new AC?

theres nothing to win, its not competitive, theres literally no pay to win when it comes to single player games, theres pay to finish faster but no pay to win

>open world meme
>map filled with hundreds of icons
>take over that fort
>rinse and repeat

it's fucking shit

You are a horrible person. Enjoy the game.

>beating enemy encounters isn't winning
>beating bosses isn't winning
>beating the game isn't winning

Winning against an AI opponent is still winning.

Except it looks like its Witcher 3 combat as well
Shits floaty all around


Do you also think you "win" solitaire?


To succeed in any challenge is to win.

Good, at least you understand that there is no possible way for a single player game to have a pay to win component


Yes. Obviously. There is a state of the game in which you have succeeded and therefore you have won. Being a simple game doesn't mean it's not a game and being easy to win doesn't mean you didn't win.

someone post the webm

Someone, post that webm.

>Witcher 3 combat set in Ancient Egypt with parkour
>damage is affected by level making some enemies impossible to kill or even assassinate
>the big bad guys are white males
>people are darker than they should be
>literally no Egyptian perpetrated slavery
>boring characters all around


Singleplayer is a "challange" meant to be won by the player though


The scenery is very good though
Just like Wildlands

how are the first two bad?


Let's see

>skip gameplay button
>KANGZ an shiet

nope, not even once.

yeah exactly, not pay to win


>skip gameplay button

fake news

>Witcher 3 combat
>damage is affected by level making some enemies impossible to kill or even assassinate
Just like in W3
>the big bad guys are white males
>literally no Egyptian perpetrated slavery
There is
>boring characters all around
You already played the game, huh?

Go to the wrong region and you can't fight or kill anything. Dealing 1 of damage on basic guards with over a 1000 HP who can one-hit you isn't fun. And Assassinations not being guaranteed is fucking retarded.

That's a man btw

Thats the trade off for leveling mechanics and all that sweet loot

youre one of the ones who want a super easy mode for cuphead arent you

holy shit when did Sup Forums get so plebeian?

it's a ubisoft game he's probably already played it at least 20 times

>You already played the game, huh?

And you're the one who's clueless about game balance.

combat is still shit and even worse: it looks goofy as hell
devs also had the chance to make it historic accurate so you could emerge better in the setting, the only good thing about this game, yet they decided to go the progressive route for progressive points

Depends on the tombs.

>waah waaah game is to hard make it easier


>bullet sponges are fine
Go back to your shitty Bethesda games, plebeian.

>waah guys please this game is too hard add a skip boss button please oh god guys waah i cant press this many buttons waah

All this so fucking much. This is game pretty much isn't AssCreed anymore.

this is the first time I heard it's going to have rpg leveling mechanics
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put in an assassination/platforming game?

I gave up on the franchise after the game after 2 (revelations or whatever) but I actually might get this even though I fucking hate myself for it.

>keep complaining about Assassin's Creed being too easy
>instead of making enemies being smarter let's just increase their hp

>oh no they have a little more hp how ever will i kill this boss without using skill
>they have to make it easy again or else i'll never play it!

I saw whips and slings.
Is Ubi seriously the only one doing that? They're the only devs who had enough balls to animate flails, hell even Todd didn't do that even though he promised it.
Just how hard is the math behind these flexible weapons?

>without using skill
it's fucking bamham combat, what fucking skill

>implying they had clothing in ancient Egypt
For a series that pride itself with details they sure don't know shit

why would you want damage sponge enemies instead of ai that has to follow the same rules as you but is still smart enough to take you out quickly?

>little more hp
As if that's the case.

apparently more than you can muster cause your complaining about difficulty LMAO

Damage scale with fucking level. A player level 10 will deal only minimal damage to an enemy level 15. Is fighting a basic enemy for half an hour skill? How fucking retarded are you?

>it's going to have rpg leveling mechanics

They've had that since Unity

> jumping through this many mental gymnastics hoops to justify playing a normie game
Don’t worry user you’ll always be a hardcore gamer to me

less retarded than you for sure, maybe you should check out polygon, I hear they love boss skips and skipping gameplay so you dont cry when you cant beat something

it's nothing to do with math it's all the animation and shit
le epic shitpost upboated xD

On Unity and Syndicate it was mostly for skills. It had some effect on combat but it wasn't to the extend Origins is doing.

>check out polygon
Trolling has a limit.


Why don't they just bring back AC1 combat if they want hard mode

so they're "fixing" AC by adding even more grinding shit to it?

nobody wants AC1 combat or AC1

It'd be nice if they just went back to having you plan then carry out assassinations.

All this other ubiopenworld rubbish doesn't really do it for me. I actually liked the first one the most because you actually spent most of your time being an assassin not Jack sparrow or Indian Bourne.

It can't be any worse than Revelations



Pretty much. This game wasn't worth the two year wait.




>ubitowers are now pyramids