How do I get good? I'm playing Germany and invaded Poland in 1939, lost like 800k men...

How do I get good? I'm playing Germany and invaded Poland in 1939, lost like 800k men. How the fuck am I supposed to beat the rest of Europe at this rate?

literally just draw a line to the enemy capital.

Buy the "Death and Dishonor" DLC to get the Blitzkrieg button, user

I wish I was kidding

how can you even be this bad? I usually take it within a week, two tops if I handicap myself like no tanks or paratroopers.

I don't know, I had 4 front lines along poland's border with 3 armies-one mostly motorised, one mostly motorised with a few tanks and one infantry. I made the infantry an attack to the capital and the two others a spearhead to the capital

I lost like all of my manpower

I don't know how to use paratroopers

>4 front lines

just use 1 front line, the AI generals don't coordinate between the 4 front lines, and it becomes a clusterfuck as you move forward

Just make one huge front line, draw an arrow to Warsaw, and then manually use mot. or arm. to move into undefended/under-defended provinces and try and surround the enemy

t. Guderain

but I feel like big memelines are wasteful. What's the point of generals?

None, just promote some random general to a field marshal and put everyone under his charge. He'll gain traits naturally.

>Get a good template

You click the parachute button in the planning phase. You pick an airport with a transport plane and you choose where to deploy.

Set your military factories to make only artillery, infantry equipment and support equipment. Train a few dozen infantry units and get yourself a politician for some army experience. Research some extra infantry stuff. Add some artillery and the extra stuff you've researched to your infantry template. Make a front line at the polish border then make an attack plan, declare war and let the AI march into Poland.

Nigger what yo tokin about,

>Not pirate

Make your basic infantry divisions 6xINF/2xART/1xHARM
the HARM is to exploit the broken piercing/armour mechanics, you'll take less casualties and inflict more on the enemy as the AI doesn't make enough AT

Yeah, this. I was confused by templates so I googled them and trivialized the game.

Make em 20 width, 1/3 artillery 2/3 troops. Fuck all other types of guns. EZ.

learning curve sucks. spend all that time researching and when wartime comes you're fucked because you fucked up


Play something simple like Spain or Sweden first. Once you know the mechanics you can try to big nations.
Given that Paradox never fixed anything you will soon discover that you can abuse the bad AI and lackluster balance to win any fight at any time, regardless of research and other factors. You can break the entire game and with anything, even with small nations, henceforth ruining any bit of enjoyment or challenge you could have.

Just wait until you have to deal with the brits, making naval invasions everywhere and raping your navy while being impossible to gain air supremacy over their country, so you cant do shit to them

>Try germany every time
>I immediately get naval invaded by Britain in 3 months despite building up coastal forts and continously making ships

What the fuck bros how do I do it?

Keep a defensive garrison there.

How many divisions do I need

>start on doctrine tree right away because it takes for ever. superior firepower and blitz are the best fuck the others
>add the following support companies to your infantry: hospital, recon, engineer,artilery, antitank
if you pick superior firepower dont add at and arty on support but as regular companies
>have lots of guns in storage
>fuck ships, you dont need em sadly. dont build docks just military factories
>build civillian factories and acquire military mainly through conquest
>dont be afraid to research out of time on weapons and artillery
>have a main line with tons of infantry and a second line 2-3 region wide with a mechanised/motorised army to make a beeline to objectives. Make the frontline smaller because they man whatever region they conquer constantly
>dont be a jew and trade for whatever resource you need, even if you need only 1.
>build convoys constantly
>excersice your troops before the war starts to maximum

Have fun with the autism, until you grow bored of it and start some ULTRA AUTISM game like War In The East.

You make a garrison line on the coast and assign troops to it - ones with outdated equipment and low upgrade priority do fine. You can also use cavalry you later use as MP to squash resurgence in occupied territorries and just park them on that coast garrison after they've been built. When anything pushes in you draw a few nearby units onto that one field to make it impossible for anyone to win the battle. The AI rarely does multiple invasions simultaneously but if they do and you noticed it late move more units there quickly by redeploying. With the insane defender advantage you likely hold, even when you haven't fully regenerated after redeploying.


like 50

Make a new trmplate with 4 infantry battalions and a support engineer and you're set.

Make them garisson only ports.
You can add millitary police to them and make them garisson the french and the poles too, just make them small.

try russia or america, you have a lot more freedom in what you can do, besisdes that russia has a shitton of man power and can take out all of europe

>Losing 800k against fucking Poland

How in the fuck?

Germany is one of the easiest factions to play as mate, especially in early war. I absolutely cannot fathom how you did something like that unless you purposely made your infantry divisions suck, got absolutely no armor at all, didn't build any aircraft, and didn't even try to pocket anything.

>bragging about conquering polland

Nigga they have cavalry thats 60% equiped, and you have Panzer 4's

There is no perfect formula. it depends on the division design, the size of the naval invasion ,the actual invading troops and the naval fort level.

Ideally you have 4 division per port to defend, but I found 2 to be perfectly fine.

each division is 20 wide made from infantry only(simply because its cheap) focused entirely on soft attack and entrenchment.

To be honest Germany's default template is miles better than the polish one, and they dont have near enough guns to last 3 months.

No modern fighters either.

OP was building austrian infantry without realising to be honest because he is new.

How to Germany:
1. Invade the Netherlands right away for the sole purpose of getting all the rubber in Indonesia.
2. No exports. This cripples plane and truck productions for all nations.
3. Build a shitload of tanks and planes.
4. Invade Poland/France.
5. Use some infantry to garrison all your coastline, they will automatically stop naval invasions. Failed naval invasions kill ALL invading troops.
6. Use planes and anti-aircraft guns to defend your factories from bombing raids. Build transport planes and paratroopers.
7. Once you have more/better planes than Britain, control their airspace and drop paratroopers onto the island. They should be able to take them all if they have support artillery.
8. Invade Russia with all your tanks (pick the tank military doctrine).
9. Move troops through Siberia, then use paratroopers to land in Alaska.
10. Kill America and Canada.
11. Clean up.


>playing GOY4

>playing the easiest HoI, possibly easiest granstrat from Paradox to date
>failing horribly as gross germaniums

I haven't played for a couple months, I'm presuming they still haven't fixed the retarded Britain AI that wastes all its troops in suicidal naval landings so you can take over England with six paratrooper divisions?

fuck outta here brah, OP obviously did not play other HOI games so its logical to fail at first.

Fucking elitist come and talk when you beat any Gary Grimsby game.

It's this kind of attitude that will have this game heralded as some peak of difficulty come the release of HoI5

I think they fixed it somewhat, but the AI will still throw huge stacks at one infantry division in naval invasions because "big number > small number!" And then they all die.

>Fixing bugs
Pick one.

I still have no idea how to invade Britain.

>playing vanilla
>not Kaiserreich or literally anything else

HOI3 was a mess at the start, HOI4 will get better, but not as good because its like Rome 2, its made for a wider audience.

I also did not understand you post please ellaborate.

I don't think you have proper appreciation for how shitty HOI4 Poland is.

Having a hard time against France would be acceptable for a complete newcomer. Losing all your manpower against Poland is basically impossible unless you try to fail, they're behind enough in tech and industry that the AI really shouldn't be able to pose any thread at all, especially since there's a natural flank to attack from in East Prussia to just cut off the northern half of their front and basically defeat them instantly.

Modern Day is fun even though Modern Tanks are retardedly overpowered and can literally win a 1v10

Go through norway and invade scotland, the english channel is a cluster fuck

You play an actual good game

Germany is not a good starting nation IMO, since the m-m-m-meta way of playing it is some cheesy spamming of infantry divisions, not even finishing their training, to get to 750k amanpower in the field and take the OP national focuses that let you annex yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Italy is prolly better for beginners, or some dumb South American country.

Elaborate? There are people that believe EU4 is a difficult game and these people are actually now the majority of Paradox' fan base. HoI5 will be even easier, because that's what it's trending towards and you'll see people reminiscing about how "difficult" HoI4 was.

get rid of invading forces, get rid of rebelion, build a shit ton of fighters and transport planes, get air supremacy over their country, paratrop spam them. Dont bother getting navy supremacy, the brittish navy is just too strong

Nah its super easy if you dont know what the fuck you're doing.
Examples : Building shitty austrian infantry because it has the same icon, not knowing you need a lot of guns/support equipment in storage and having only a few, deplaying green experience levels to the frontline.

Those are understandable rookie mistakes, and to be honest I commend OP for making taking an ass beating like that and not uninstalling, or going to watch some autist on yt.

Burn in hell, faggot.

Did you go with Plan Z? I can't think otherwise why Denmark and the Dutch would still be around.

Just wait for England to murder themselves on your beaches and have Fallschirmjager land on the south then walk north until they hit Iceland.

If you don't want to cheese the game, though, use naval bombers and fighters to get superiority over the Channel. You won't have proper ship support to beat their navy in any capacity unless you've been planning for it since 1937.

Realistically though they're basically no threat.

>liking nu-kaiserreich with it's literal communist devs that add shit just for the memes
you would have a point if it's KR for DH, but KR for HoI4 isn't that great.

white and based

>don't do fun things you might make the minorities upset
sick bait by the way

>giving a fuck about dev drama in a mod


I justified war with Belgium because it only took a couple of days to do so.

just use paratroopers. it's takes fucking forever to naval invade with marines, but with paratroopers you can airdrop like 6 divisions near instantly around a port then crush the garrison to take and get a beachhead.

Put sum infantry in fallback lines in forts, and I usually have a second general with cavalry just spread around so if they land away from a port, you can just surround them with cavalry and since they have 0 supplies you just starve them out for a couple of days and kill them


HPM is dead now

If you are new to Paradox games, pick a small isolated nation that has no big neighbors. Learn the game mechanics without having to manage large numbers of troops for constant warfare.

>le epic grossgermanium
>fun things
try reddit


Step 1: Put troops in Trucks.
Step 2: Outflank enemy units.
Step 3: Surround enemy units.
Step 4: Destroy enemy units.
Step 5: Repeat until enemy army is destroyed, the AI is retarded.

This is a fucking meme
I use this build and got BTFO by America in 1946 when everyone and their mom got a personal Anti tank. My Armour division is practically useless after 1944. The only way for me to win was nuke and air superiority

How many tanks did you have? Concentrate your tanks into a single push, avoid hills, mountains and rivers at all costs, and drive into the enemy's capital. If you capture enough Victory Point locations you auto-win for little to no losses.

funnily enough if you're so far behind on planes that it's impossible to gain air superiority, you can execute naval invasions even whitout naval superiority or w/e. Some of your initial troops will die to enemy ships but some will get through, and then you just reinforce them with more and more Germans

>tfw you will never storm the White House with your SS bros
Why even live?

Only way to tell you would be to ask what you researched. If you run out of ANY equipment of ANY kind, your troops start dying in droves, because holding a gun makes you magically immune to being shot in HOI4. Whether people have radios or not makes the magical bullet shields stop you from losing manpower, etc.

If you're going to run out of any kind of equipment, destroy some divisions. It is WAY more damaging to your divisions to have any missing equipment.

I was more referencing fucking up the middle east and instating serbia in positions of power, I don't actually care about hoi, I play ck2.

Just research Tanks OP, coz Tanks OP.

>playing as Germany

There's your problem. They got cucked in patches.

>Support equipment is only radios, not bandages, all kinds of medicine, clothes, cans of food, helmets, lubricants for your trucks, ammunition etc, etc

>Also when a military retreat happens it all goes orderly and fine, its not like you need men to sacrifice for cover for the battalions to retreat.

You're a fucking idiot, read any autobiography of any frontline soldier in the eastern front and you'll understand.

>because holding a gun makes you magically immune to being shot in HOI4.

Yes? Not being able to shoot somebody attacking you is a pretty serious problem, are you actually complaining that units without equipment take more losses?

>Whether people have radios or not makes the magical bullet shields stop you from losing manpower, etc.

Radios are immensely important in modern warfare, being unable to coordinate with your forces is asking for terrible fuckups to happen. I don't know why you have this idea that there shouldn't be massive penalties for trying to fight without having proper equipment.

To be honest HOI4 is not a grandstrategy game at this point, its just a production management game.

You can conquer the world with minimal manpower with only infantry after just 15 playthroughs.

nigger you should of already won by then

pedophiles like you need to be shot

Some people actually like to roleplay and follow the tree, not everyone is an American fascist with your own faction playthrough kind of autist.

How did i do?

From what I read the blitzkrieg button doesn't beat what you could do with micro even before it. Just have to play well.

>Soviet Union

You're not through yet

>not already ruling everything up to the Urals by late 1938/ early 1939
Nigga you fucked up

I tried getting into this game but its fucking micromanaging mayhem. I tried playing as Italy and dealing with all that shit especially during war is tough.

>its fucking micromanaging mayhem
You are like a little baby

>Its bad because i'm stupid

this game can be funny at times

I'm telling you, dealing with uprisings in north Africa while Britain and NA keeps sending naval invasions there is a pain in the ass.

When did I ever call it bad? It's a great game, I'm just not very good a micromanaging.

Just blitz Gibraltar and BOOM the eternal anglo can no longer enter the Mediterranean. After that, Suez, Cyprus and Malta should be easy pickings

>Death or Dishonor
>commie Czechoslovakia focus
>join Comintern
>invade Romania with USSR
>destroy Germany along with Italy as they want to take Sudetenland
>then invade Poland for shits and giggles because they create Intermarium
Also Austria-Hungary is hella fun to play

As US with any government type you should of won by 46

These are the people that play Goy$

This, same goes for Germany, which OP is apparently playing as

just play as america or russia. you can do whatever the fuck you want and the allies wont do shit to stop you from invading anyone.

Oh, so KR is run by Commieboos instead of Wehraboos?

Make up your minds.

>not democratic

you have no idea what the previous games were like, summer child...

This is as macro as you will get