Why does Sup Forums constantly fall for shitty "flavor of the week" meme games?

Why does Sup Forums constantly fall for shitty "flavor of the week" meme games?

>No Man's Sky
>breath of the wild/switchmeme in general
You guys claim to hate "normies" and all that, but you're literally no better. Just explain to me why you keep falling for this crap.

I haven't played any of those games

Maybe not you specifically, but Sup Forums as a whole eats this crap up.

the truth is
it's all marketing
i know, ive worked at companies who have used Sup Forums and reddit as part of their campaigns before
my company worked with bethesda.
here's a hint: we made toddposting for FO4's release, then we kept forcing it up through the skyrim SE release
ive also worked with ubisoft for farcry 4/primal and when I left my company they were talking to microsoft about future games,
i believe cuphead was one of the ones they wanted to promote
this image is 100% accurate

>Accusing anyone on an anonymous indian space program forum of being a hypocrite

Cuphead is truly trash. Dark souls of platformers my fucking dick. Megaman was 10 times harder than this shit.

Was that even marketing or just game journos being bad at a game and making an obvious reference?

You should add neptunia to that list

>breath of the wild/switchmeme in general
Is BOTW really a fotm game?


my dad works for bethesda

this is (you)

user, being a neptunia fan doesn't mean you like that cringey youtuber shit

>complains about meme games
>is a neptunia fan

I prefer undertale memes : )

I want to know too. Everything and their mother these days is a Dark Souls comparison. Japan setting gaming standards once again. Feels good man.

Normie tier meme

You have to go back.

>A meme has becoming a legit anime
Can I legally kill that person legally?

Well, I kind of am a normie. I have a life, school, a job, and I really only come on Sup Forums to talk about the Neptunia and Trails series.

>you have to go back argument
Hello newfriend

I'm a complete neet without friends and family and it's the same for me. Don't worry though, nothing really changed for people that like the series.
>talking about Neptunia on Sup Forums before 2017
>"fucking weebs"
>talking about Neptunia on Sup Forums after 2017
>"fucking ironic weebs"
Different instrument, same melody.

The irony.

That doesn't mean shit. Working, having friends, being social doesn't mean you are a normalfag. Your core personality is always there.

Then how the fuck do you define normie, genius?

It's ok as long as you don't have a girlfriend.

Damn it, used to watch him few years ago.
Everything went downhill after he started streaming.

He doesn't undertand that normie and normalfag are different things, so he's probably confused. Normie is a much older term. You have a proper, normal life, you are a normie.

Normalfag is someone that acts like a complete faggot about his idea of normal, the kind of people that tries to force their own standards and moral values on other people and gets triggered and hostile when someone goes against it, full of "stop liking what I don't like" argumentation, or the kind of people that goes on Sup Forums of all places to blogpost about his perfect chad life and many girlfriends. It's not really a rare sight on Sup Forums.