Is Darkest dungeon worth 9$?
Is Darkest dungeon worth 9$?
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Good, because I already bought it when I made the thread.
>inb4 rng
Learn team compositions, use skills properly, learn the areas, and don't be fucking overconfident. If shit starts looking unsalvageable, get out before you lose someone or party wipe and come here bitching about the game
Someone post the team comp & class guide pic
Hopefully you won't be one of those faggots that scream about the game being "nothing but RNG"
Is there any reason to use a team comp different than Hellion - BH - Occultist - Houndmaster? Everyone else feels like shit.
no, fapping to plague doctor is free
it's an rpg without the rpg elements, or exploration, or a world
you have some turn based combat though
>game being "nothing but RNG"
>implying it isn't
>Plague Doctor
>Not the obviously superior Grave Robber
What are you even doing man?
There's always one
Bought it yesterday and played for like 8 hours. My whole roster is losing their shit and I have to spend thousands every week on treatments. Let my fucking kleptomaniac crusader tag along and he stole thousands of gold in loot. I’m getting progressively poorer and slowly losing my own mind dealing with my band of mentally I’ll heroes
It’s a dungeon crawler, you underage nigger.
Some of my favorite comps
Keep in mind, personal preference for healers is Vestals with Junias Head + Tome of Holy healing. Pure healbot with judgment and stuns. You can throw in an occultist if you want instead
>Vestal + PD + HM + Hellion
Hit everything. Stuns all across the party ensures combat control at all time, and the ability to have all party members be able to hit all ranks is beautiful. Weaker on the health department, but you have a healbot and a guard for dicy situation's
>PD + Occultist + MaA + Hellion
Weald shitstomping team. Fights are a bit longer with little answer to prot, but nothing beats seeing giants land crit 2s
>Vestal + HwM + MaA + BH
Riposting rape party, with a BH to reduce prot and to kick ass. Destroys shamblers
>so many things you can do to stack the odds in your favour, even on Stygian
>waaah RNG
no excuses, user.
>Grave Robber
>only half useful when she actually crit
>completely outdone by every other class
getting off to masks and medical play, obviously
Never got to finish the game personally. A bit too grindy near the end, especially with the huge restrictions and lockouts associated with the final dungeon.
In my case, by the time I had access to tier 3 dungeons, my armor/weapon upgrades were just one short of the max, making them all but suicide runs with my current teams. And since I had the max number of people, I would have either had to kill off some party members, or remove some and start the grind again from level 1 with a fresh team. That's just really bad game design.
Only problem I have with it is the diversity. Why dos the arbalest have to be a female nigger? The hellion a woman? The outdoor survivalist is a woman too? Gimme a break. Occultist being Indian is cool though
Me too. Stopped playing it at 64 hr
Fuck off. I hope this pisses your retarded ass too.
Does the DLC merit a buy and a new playthrough? I beat the game a few times after wulf was out and gave up after
Buffs are underrated
Also remember that the game has a BAIL THE FUCK OUT option, use that if you want to avoid a wipe or if you get collected during the first runs
I'm so excited for this DLC
lol, i played more dungeon crawlers that you ever will, you dumb faggot
Bite the pillow.
How is a spear, the weapon arguably most thwarted by a shield, going to break a shield?
>Thrust into shield
>Break shield
Goddamn spiderbangs
You think you got a free fight on your hands when they show up, oh no you fucking don't
All classes also have a black skin variant except for BH, Crusader and Leper because they are fully clothed so just pick 4 Crusaders you triggered faggot maybe they won't violate your safe space.
It's retarded because women make awful warriors but at least it isn't another nigger. Lovecraft, the inspiration for the story, would balk at some of this shit.
Only you care.
I find it funny one of the few encounters in the game that can straight up murder one of your guys before you can act is the humble spider.
It's worth $10-$20
You've missed your window, you'd be paying too little now
No one likes niggers, kiddo.
>At least it isn't another nigger
Are you fucking blind?
Not that faggot but she's arabic/middle eastern.
I'm pretty sure that's a camel jockey.
No. Cheap ass RNG, terrible boss fights and massive grinding but fanboys say it's all pure skill
They really ought to be working on a sequel, but I wonder if it wouldn't be destined to recieve one of two reactions from fans.
>Too much of the same
>Too different setting/tone
Darkest Space Station when?
Didn't the game just come out last year? They can work on some more DLC or expansions for a while before committing all of their resources to a sequel.
Now that would be something.
>terrible boss fights
This is actually true. Meme At Arms breaks half the fights with Defend.
it is. not for you if you're a sperglord, or lack any sort of tactical thinking
I forget where, but someone had a nicely drafted sequel based around Mayan civilization and the absolute fuckery of it all. While I'm not sure the gameplay will change significantly, that sure sounds like a nice change of setting
Imagine Darkest Dungeon inspired by Dead Space.
this isn't Steam forums, autismo. get the fuck outta here
i do, and it's shit.
>and it's shit
Says a lot about your imagination
>darkest chasm
Deus Vult chad squad 4 crusaders is unironically good
pls don't
Unless you can guarantee a certain result, which you can't in Darkest Dungeon, it's RNG.
Games great, I would hold off on buying the DLC until after you beat the base game unless you have a lot of patience
>all that effort
>didnt change the logo or the four currencies
I don't know why people whine so much about RNG. It keeps things interesting.
>Weald still exists
Yea, artist mentioned it himself
He has a lot more of this stuff actually, classes included. It's a fun look
Suddenly I like the Leper.
If you're strapped for cash and your team is too expensive to fix, literally just get rid of them and hire new blood. If you don't want all of them gone just get enough space for a team of four and constantly cycle them to do gold runs and build up money. Antiquarians are particularly good at that so always pick one up if you see one.
Some RNG is fine. I think it's more the case of you can bring in a team of 4 elite characters with proper trinkets and skills for their role and the location you're going to, and still get utterly decimated purely by chance. It really undermines my appreciation for the strategic part of the game when you're at the whims of fate.
How do you level up the new blood without wanting to kill yourself?
Good trinkets. Alternatively upgrade the stagecoach so you can recruit higher level guys.
Because the game is like 90% RNG. The 10% being team composition (that you have control over). The deep tactics of "Don't bring this dude who's terrified of beasts into the beat place" doesn't really add anything in terms of skill, and it's generally fairly fucking easy to work out which of the 4 skills you have available with give the most total utility (especially since with a given team you'll likely be repeating the same basic strategy per encounter, with maybe 1 or 2 slight variations depending on enemy).
So it only "keeps things interesting" insofar as you enjoy playing the role of a script which could control each character with like 6 lines of code.
Send a random level 0 that you give no fucks about by himself into the DD. I'm absolutely serious here
That's because if you fail a DD run, the next mission you do has a resolve multiplier of x2. A level 0 has no chance, hell, they'll perish retreating, so you don't even have to walk the hallway to find doom for them
I wouldn't mind seeing this happen actually
This is correct
Dont be a piss baby like this faggot
Gimme qt Plague Doctor images
Which musketeer version is the one I should get? I asked this in an earlier thread and didn't get a good response.
>independent musketeer
>musketeer (latest)
>steam workshop musketeer
>clean steam dump of musketeer
I thought he was based off the mad arab.
>thrust into shield
>thrust glances off shield
You’re probably right, actually.
It's debatable if Sup Forums is better then the steam forums only because you can say fuck