Not a danganronpa v3 thread

Not a danganronpa v3 thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Junko!

>Likes trash (baconfists aka worst girl)
>Is gay (likes traps)
>Is a cuck (would rather watch makoto fuck baconfists than fuck her himsefl)
>watches wrestling (made for 8 year olds and neckbeards)
>can't compete with my handsome wit
>watches lets plays and follows e-celebs
>isn't as good at dancing as i am
>stops avatarfagging to make posts defending/agreeing with himself
>actually forgets to post his forgettable waifu when he means to because he has the attention span of a goldfish (the snackfood, not the animal)
>Generally a shady guy
>Got bad grades in school from 7th grade onward
>is a comfyposter
>pedophile (self admitted lolicon)
>doesn't actually play video games (played RE4 for the first time in 2017, couldn't get used to the controls)
>ban evading phoneposter
>Slept with his parents til he was 8
>Wears shoes 2 and a half times too big to try and hide his small feet
>Makes a living by farming runescape gold and selling it to Venezuelans for pennies an hour
>Literally stalks me to other boards
>Is a reddit user
>is a tattle tale
>actually fell for my gandalf plot
>gets sweaty hands when he makes eye contact with the girl at the checkout counter
>*actually*, earnestly defends V3's ending; think's that the philosophy 101 tier ponderings of the survivors are "deep"
>is a snitch and therefore will get stitches
>posts lewd yotsuba in his off time



A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
Did the last thread get autosaged?

>Case 4 was all Kokochi's fault
>Case 4 was Miu and Gonta's fault


Stop posting this


yes baconfucker it was already discussed and said that the last thread was autosaged

Reminder to report generals

>Investigate a fight club overseen by a robot bear

I love cosplay Junko

stop fucking greasy fried hog scraps

>see video game thread on video game board
>report it

Is Kodaka a hack or misunderstand genius? Do you like the ending at least?

Fuck you you made me fucking laugh really hard

Out of all the smartasses in the series (Komaeda, Celestia, Oma) he's the smartest ass. Such a tragedy that he had to be a part of the game with the dumbest ending.

I'm an AAfag but I think Debate Scrum is one of the most fun and perfect mechanic in an adventure/VN videogame. Everything is perfect. I don't wanna a new DR, but I'd like to play another game who just copy this mechanic with the same music, a perfect masterpiece.

>Write absolute garbage case with a poorly written culprit, retarded murder method, stupid plan to hide the crime, a very stupid motive, with victims no one really cared about except waifufags and a culprit nobody hanged out with before the crime
>both japanese and western fanbase love it
How did Kohacka even do it?

where are you in the cuphead threads then faggot there's like fucking 20

So was Ryoma some super upbeat midget who was full of energy and charisma when he applied to be on the show?

Gonta best boy
>a gentleman
>loves animals
>best piggyback ride giver
>Jonathan Joestar muscles
>tree trunk dick
>testicles bigger than Himiko's head

The real danganronpa thread has been up for like 4 hours. This is a general

Kodaka is a master of bullshit. Sometimes it works, but a lot of times it doesn't.


Also retarded as fuck.

Almost every culprit is a dindu with a sympathetic motive. It's refreshing to have a murderer be an unrepentant serial killer. Also sick seesaw trick.

Delete this right now I maxed out Shinguji before this happened and I wasn't spoiled

She was the dumbest one for sure

>Hands antidote to Momota

>Kill me or your waifu dies

>Fuck all of yall I'm going to the stars bitches!!!

>Leaves Oma to die from poison

That would have made case 5 the most incredible display of trolling in the entire series.

I dunno, It's true that he's a nice person but he looks like a rebel with that haircut so he probably was that rebels with gold heart.

Miu Iruma for this thread too.

Gonta might be unintelligent, but at least he's not autistic.

Please stop posting the disgusting fatty.

It's Kirigiri's birthday in Japan right now, Sup Forums!

Just wait until you're done wit hthe 4th class trial



I unironically think that if he and Ouma swapped places Kiyo could have pulled off an even better ending.


I love his smart ass!

she's not fat you dumb bitch i will cut you


I've given her the best of wishes. I hope she's having a good time
inb4 the autist calls me out for not getting her a gift or some shit like that

Sorry. I meant obese.

would you record and analyze her shit if you got to fuck her a2m right after?
she doesn't wipe though

Dis fucking gusting

>stop emergency stop and pause button
>don't switch
>push emergency stop button
>let Kaito die
Shuichi couldn't have proven that Kaito was the Blackened, this possibility also existed.

/drg/ and Sup Forums made me love him and the third case despite the case being bad

Its a fictional character you dumb fucker, why would you get her a gift? What the fuck? What a retarded thing to say. Just as retarded as actually wishing her a happy birthday in the first place. You're weird, man.

Goddammit, every time someone posts Scrum Debate in a thread, I have to click on it.

Of course, but I would just suggest the shower for the location.

I kek'd

I would pork this little sow right in the oinker until she squealed desu

Because of the YOOOOOOOOOOOOO execution

says the guy who claims they have a real Chiaki AI

>Oumafags being this delusional

Hey Ace

Shame DR never got any good scales.

drawing yourself in chiaki's clothes doesn't make her any fatter.
i do, unlike you retards my wife is the only one who canononically exists as AI. I have copies and the fulfill my every wish!

No need to draw her fat when the devs already did.

Korekiyo in drag does things to my penis
but I'm not gay

Technically every DR exists as a fictional video game character so that means we all own our waifus.

>But I'm not gay

It's okay because it's nee-san, even if she's in a male body.

>no need to draw her fat
Then why do you keep posting that non-canon fan art? Your arguments suck

time to make the switch to /drg/ kiddo

>monocoins max at 999
>forgot to buy shit in the extras menu before finishing the game
>all those coins wasted


Nope everyone else is just actors or contestants. Chiaki (my wife) is the only real AI of the lot!

Does nee-san have a feminine penis then?

Before finidhing the game I've honestly thought I've seen a spoiler pic somewhere with a grown up Monaca and thought she'll be the mastermind. I wish I were in a parallel universe where that's true.

keep telling yourself that user

I didn't. Although to be honest the picture is so close to the real thing it's easy to make that mistake.
