Vampire Bloodlines

>0 results

Well, let's change that.
How are you doing? Which clan are you playing right now? Doing RP or just minmaxing? Basic or Plus?

I just did the sewers. Those fucking three bodied crawling things are impossible to punch because their animation has like 1 frame between start and hit. Eventually just enaled god mode and ran through. Didn't want to noclip because I never remember if there is anything worthwhile in there.
Spoiler: There isn't.

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Last year there was a thread on here every day. Also, why is Sup Forums so fast right now? Shouldn't all the kids be in school?

I'm a Tremere. Blew up some gangsters with their own blood shit was so cash.

Yeah, Tremere is pretty cool. Blew up a whole room of Hunters in Leopold Society.

I will keep this thread alive until it catches on.

Has anybody tried out this new mod, World of Darkness mod?

From what is shown I really can not make out what it is supposed to be.

I went through with a Brujah. Timing it right, I could kill the Geodudes with only 2 swings of my weapon and not get hit so long as I got the timing down. Didn't need Potence or Celerity or Blood buff even, although those make it more fun.

Geodudes are small time. They are annoying in numbers, but even with my non-Potence Nossie I could destroy them in two, three at most, punches.
The fatsos were also annoying, but not bad. But those fucking multibodies.... I remembered why I usually play guns or melee. Fists are cool, but fuck me.

Looks like nothing, old world of darkness trailers and concept art from the mmo.

>How are you doing?
I've just started a new run, in Santa Monica, talked with Knox.

>Which clan are you playing right now?
I decided to go for brujah this time. Say what you want about them but Smiling Jack is hands down one of the best characters and best vampire among a lot of media.

>Doing RP or just minmaxing?
My last run was a gangrel minmaxer, I got every skillbook, pumped up research skill, did every quest possible. I'm RP-ing a hotheaded anarch who sides with Nines unquestioningly since I've mostly done independent endings so far.

>Basic or Plus?
I'm not sure which patch I did. It's not the base game nor the plus version just some slight tune-up to make it less buggy.

>Eventually just enaled god mode
What clan are you playing? It's a bit tricky but you could potentially outrun them if you cut corners the right way.

Playing Nosferatu, here. As mentioned, punching multibodies is flat out almost impossible. It works if I can get an Obfuscate on early and then hit them with what they don't know, but if it sees me, I have a problem.
Also, Obfuscate isn't as good as expected. I have it maxed out.

Also, tfw never being able to RP a Count Orlock character because Animalism is useless and you won't get a cape. I thought about making a Nos heavy armor skin that is a long coat, but I haven't found a good long coat yet.

Fists really ONLY work if you are Gangrel. That's the sad truth.
If you use the Camarilla mod they sort of work as a Nossie due to the changes to animalism.
You could use the Console to add Protean and replace a discipline if you wanted. I think the Plus+ patch, or maybe something else bundled with the Clan quest mod, allows some other clans to get a few levels of Protean too from Becket, but it costs extra and only goes up to 3 dots.

I like the changes from the Camarilla Edition to Disciplines. It's generally a buff for most of them or at least a side step, but it is certainly fun. I most enjoy that the passive ones get longer effects as you increase them.

Well, shit. Seems like I have to try going through with it as far as I can get. Already put too much into Brawl and Strength and nothing in Melee or Firearms. I remember the last time I played a Tremere Rambo. Blood shield, Firearms 10. I was just walking through and dropping mofos left and right. Even the fucking Sheriff - in the first part of the fight he didn't even reach me, that's how quickly I mowed him down.

What generation is the fledgling ?

Lowest at the beginning, something high up in the end.

You have the verbiage backward, a high generation is bad, a low generation is good.

Oh you are right. I apologize. I meant, he starts off as a small time and grows through Not-Caine fuckery, presumably.

Being 14th-15 generation have some advantages thought, if you ignore the fact that some cults want to kill you and your sire probably hates you.

nth for Lasombra best

What powers do they even get with their obtenebration? I know Antribu lets them get it but it doesn't say what the specific dots do in this game for it.

Is there any lasombra in bloodlines ?

I'm gonna play this. Any essential mods?

Not a single one. No Ravnos either.
The plus patch adds one as a Boss on an extra level.
The Antribu mod lets you play as one.

Nah, only with mods. And most mods are shit. please pay attention to former sentence. Get the unofficial patch and play it with Basic. If you liked it, play it with Plus.

Lasombra mission was the shittiest part of the plus patch desu.

The Unofficial patch is pretty important. The Plus patch has some odd changes but are mostly good or at least interesting.
Probably best to go through just the basic version on your first playthrough though.

>Answer the questions to determine my clan
oh no, am I a secret douchebag?


The blood of the original chad is in you.

Well, Ventrue is ok. One of the beginner-friendlier clans. Fortitude and guns. Or, if you feel like just walking around laughing like a maniac hitting dudes with a bat, Melee.

I usually play ventrue but did the test the other day for fun and got malkavian. I don't know what I'm supposed to make of that.

Ventrue is okay and Dominate is nice in dialogue, but fucking hell they make the Sewers much worse.

I feel it's legit to skip the sewers even on first playthrough. Just because they are so fucking tedious and devoid of anything interesting.

That's the exact opposite of the truth. You should experience it on the first playthrough, after that skip if you want.
I think the Plus patch adds a computer near the beginning you can hack to skip most of it.

What was the first ending you got ? i got lone wolf ending in my first pt.

Yeah, well, if you want to partake in "I want to play game again but remember THAT part". Otherwise, I think it's not worth it. Especially not if you are a puny social Toreador who is also bad with guns and just has some axe, but is also bad with that. My first playthrough, btw.

Dancing werewolf.

>Not going gun build on a Toreador when they have Auspex and Celerity
Your own fault.

If you're not going to play through the sewers you may as well install Plus Patch to skip it then.

>Smiling Jack is hands down one of the best characters and best vampire among a lot of media.
Not really. There is nothing especially good written about him, except piling up one mary sue trait after another to make him look special.

Man, it was in 2005 and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Didn't have internet back then, either.

Well, he's more powerful than anyone else you meet during the game, of course he will appear marysueish.

To be fair, the game's rushed development really affected noncombat characters, especially toward the end it's really hard to win without good combat skills. I can't really conceive of how someone would beat the massively HP bloated Ming Xiao without heavily specing into combat.

Yeah, desu from Leopold Society on I just cheated. That char was completely misspecced anyways.
Also, back then I couldn't even finish LS because of the bug where the game crashes when you jump in the boat.

Heh I remember that.

Well, the flamethrower can be a get out of jail free card even at low firearms.

Strauss and Andrei are probably stronger vampires.

Yeah, but iirc you don't have enough ammo to fry the chinese slug all by itself.
Do you get the hand grenade only in the Plus patch from Nines?

>Do you get the hand grenade only in the Plus patch from Nines?
Yes, and only if you side with him.

>Eventually just enaled god mode and ran through.

Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

I called The Sheriff :^)

I've never played as a Toreador or Brujah before, so I guess that's what I'll be doing this month. I'll finally get to go fast.

They're basically Easy Mode since they have Celerity. Makes any combat a complete cake walk.
Toreador for Guns, Brujah for weapons.
I recommend the + patch for them, since they have presence and it adds dialogue options for that like Domination or Dementation. Brujah can just access the first dot of dialogues, like Tremere's Dominate, but Toreaders have more.

I have an idea for a RP char.

It's a Ventrue lady. She is a typical specimen, cunning, devious, talks nice to get what she wants. She gets off on her power and dominates as much as she can, even though she could get what she wants even with regular talking.
Since she is a lady, she only uses handguns, since melee is for brutes and rifles are not ladylike. She will talk down to anyone she deems below her. And if she doesn't have to, she won't sneak etc.
I think it will be pretty hard in some situations, especially not using heavy weaponry against the bosses.

Fortitude will help quite a bit in survivability, if you want to take that.
Are you taking the Dominatrix history?

I am considering using the Plus patch, but I am not sure.

>sewers are difficult and long
When will this meme die? They're pathetically easy, if sometimes annoying, and take like thirty minutes to complete.

I'd give it a shot if you haven't before. Even if you have, I'd still give it a shot. It does more good than bad and helps spice up a playthrough.
I'd also recommend the Clan quest mod if you haven't used it. It has some flaws but is mostly quite nice.

Just started a ventrue run and I'm enjoying Dominating people.

Yeah, I have used it before, but I can only remember history and that one library mission with that dude in that cellar dungeon.

>Not testing yourself with games and cheating

13th I think, at the start of the game.