So how long until we get ads in single-player games?

So how long until we get ads in single-player games?

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That already happened years ago in sports games, you dumb cunt.

They've been a thing since last gen.


What game is this talking about? I'd like to know so that I can pirate it out of spite and never play it.


The new LotR game. Shadow of War.

First comment sounds fucked.

Second comment is worthless. Anything polygon claims is hard or grindy is any game that requires more interaction than fucking gone home.

>mfw in like 2001 they predicted this

Is this what Sawyer lives off of?

Ads have been in games for a long time, m8.

i don't even understand the idea of getting an orc in a loot box. what the fuck? who is putting orcs in boxes?

What's the name of this cute girl

>pirate it and never play it
then whats the point? Who cares if you pirate something and then never actually play it

Deus Ex human revolution had actual online internet ads in it at one point.

BECAUSE NORMIES LIKE LOOT BOX, god damn you under a fucking rock.
People aren't lying when the gaming industry is only appealing to the widest audience and milk out that product for every cent it makes.

One the one hand Polygon is shit at games, so I don't trust their assessment of "hopeless grind" and on the other hand, I wont be buying a game that holds part of itself ransom.

Didn't they launch an ad supported service years ago that let you play games for free?

I also remember shit like R6 Vegas having Axe posters an billboards all over the place. Also, FFXV

>playing sports games

What the fuck? I swear I've seen this exact thread before with a large amount of these same replies? Are the bots at it again?

fuck off shill nigger bot

No you're just dreaming, you've been in a coma for a while now.

Kiss my buns honey ;)


I wonder how long of a grind we're talking about here for it to become hopeless.

First one is false. Other reviewers have already confirmed they found legendary orcs outside lootboxes. It's just extremely rare, as you'd expect.

Second is Polygon being shit at video games again so no surprise there.

I'm sure the game is shit but this is just ass cancer trying to drum up controversy for attention.

So he can seed it most likely


I don't even mind this, I remember saints row 2 had internet ads for a while as well

Please tell me this is fake. I actually liked the first game

The game's designed around that trash. It's fucking obvious.

It's a singleplayer game with heavy microtransactions.

I always thought the way Japs did product placement in games was kinda charming. It's so fucking in your face, unsubtle and obnoxious that I sorta love it.

>So how long until we get ads in single-player games?
I think it would actually be really cool if they reduced the price of games or made them free to play and had unobtrusive ads like this

Sure its still ads, but its just a billboard, and it was kind of novel seeing it change to match real world advertisements at the time.

They still lose a sale.

They're already in, OP.

It's only a matter of time before games have "bad" endings and they force you to buy real or good endings.

You better hope not. I'll make Las Vegas look like a fucking joke.


I hope I can transfer my nemesis through saves alone so it works on pirated copies.

Is it time to save videogames?

The save will be corrupted. History repeats itself.

It's already happened.

Who the fuck do we write? Let's save vidya.

That reminds me, I haven't listened to that album in forever.

>mfw stocking up on calorie mates

Well that's not immersion breaking...

This is a dumb post
This is like saying "LOL Pikmin 2 PRODUCT PLACEMENT"
Yes, it did have product placement, that was the entire point of the game

Many small publishers do that already.

They died off along with product placement because everyone complained about them and bitched about "Muh art is being compromised". Then Microsoft bought the company who made the technology to put "Live ads" in games and it was assimilated in MS never to be seen again (Supposedly went to the Bing division). Meanwhile dumb neofaggots and youtube cancer are blaming horse armor for the loot boxes when they were the ones who cried about in game advertising in the first place.

There is literally nothing wrong with these.

I think op is talking about ads that actually pause your gameplay and inhibit your control of the game for the duration of the advertisement.

Quite frankly I dont think this more than a few years away.

What would you think about a game that puts its ads in the load times. (Mass effect elevators being an example)

>What would you think about a game that puts its ads in the load times. (Mass effect elevators being an example)
I'd be fucking annoyed
The only type of in-game ads I'd be okay with are ones like this The kind that don't stop me from enjoying the game any way and I'm not forced to be subjected to them.
I was never once bothered in Crackdown by a billboard that said "HEY BUY OLD SPICE" while I was hulk jumping through the levels and sniping people, but if the game stopped between each map so I had to watch a youtube style commercial I would have just fucking quit the game

>Quite frankly I dont think this more than a few years away.
Play mobile games. Pretty much all the free ones do that already, most disabling if you spend a few bucks in the microtransaction store. Since mobile games are a far larger market, both money and sheer numbers wise, you're right. It definitely won't be long until that's in more, bigger games.

>What would you think about a game that puts its ads in the load times. (Mass effect elevators being an example)
Too many what ifs for my taste. Will devs start making games take longer to load to squeeze in more advertisements? If I paid 60 bucks for a game, I shouldn't have to deal with ads. Period.

If user was never going to buy the game, how does the developer lose a sale?

Hyrule warriors has dlc ads on the main menu. as for standard adverts i hope never

>sports games
i mean one is a physical manifestation of years of practice and supreme self improvement
the other one is dorito pope logic with brotier version of mountaindew and cheeto cumcrust

please stop trying to force this meme

>he thinks ads wont be intrusive


He got brain rot and it only made him more insufferable.

I meant please tell me actual content isn't locked behind this.

Brain rot?

Brain cancer


Retard, he has ass cancer not brain cancer

mfw chads will buy this shit

>Not liking rock n roll McDonald's
Leave this place and never return

Haven't we already?

I remember that Need For Speed Underground 2 had a few billboard ads here in there.

Old Spice was one of 'em for sure.

Because he stole it

Remember that one time Sonic's shoes were ads.

Because piracy is theft, basically

But he wasn't going to buy it anyway.

Fallout 4 already has them on the main menu.

Why would they try to drum up controversy over something that isn't diversity? This makes no sense to me.

And that's why the sale is lost, you silly goose

>tfw the Steam version of Crazy Taxi doesn't have KFC or Pizza Hut, or the right music.

Yep that makes sense.

Yeah because he could just pirate it

So people that don't buy the game are thiefs?

Welcome to like 15 years ago OP.

After years and years sportfags finally noticed how they were being jewed by NBA 2K18 where the grind has been ramped to disgusting banality. I wonder if this could be the year consumers gave a fuck, or maybe not.


There is so much wrong with these. When I watch a movie or play a game I want to escape from this gay world of brand names and advertisements.

Might be sooner then you think.

Now you're getting it!

that's funny

That patent is almost 10 years old.

Only if they steal it

Not defending the single player loot boxes but Polygon being unable to beat a game isn't a indication of difficulty.

>15 years
Bit longer than that, man.

You can't steal digital data, what pirates do is create an illegal copy.
Pirates are copyright infringers, not thiefs.

And you don't think they aren't working on making this a thing? They want always-online for more then just monitoring if you're pirating or not.

> We suck so much that we need paid DLC
How does polygon gather the most inept gamers?

Wipeout HD had ads in it during load screens briefly but Sony removed them due to backlash.


There's literally nothing wrong with them. Especially in street racing games where billboards are a fact of life. Every picture in this thread is either a racing game or an open world action game where you're not even forced to see the advertisement. There's nothing immersion breaking about a billboard whether the ad is a real company or a fake one.

Actually locking a fucking story behind loot crates. I really fucking wish they will choke on this game.

>I really fucking wish they will choke on this game.
Good luck with that, gamers are either children, women, and manchildren, none of which give a fuck about how they spend their money and will bend over and spread their cheeks for pretty much anyone.

There were ads in Alan Wake.

The PC Version never did kid.

>And you don't think they aren't working on making this a thing?
People are generally dumb, but they won't buy anything like this. That's why you haven't seen anything remotely resembling that out in the wild.

I don't mind ads if they're tastefully placed and even better when we get something back from it though that never happens