2007 Sup Forums would be fuming. 2017 Sup Forums doesn't mind. Process the information; ignore the faggot messenger

2007 Sup Forums would be fuming. 2017 Sup Forums doesn't mind. Process the information; ignore the faggot messenger.

10 years is a decade, you're the only one stupid enough to still be around that long

cool a shitty western far cry/arkham clone with QTE's is made even worse, it's like they're actively trying to kill their franchise. saves shitposters a lot of work

Fags will spend thousands. Other publishers will do the same. Watch.

What game?

it's possible but i'm optimistic people aren't that retarded to spend money on premium bullshit in a full priced single player game. there's no way. dear god

Nah I'm still here. Miss Sageing Chicken to be honest.

Shadow of War.

Phone games exist. The pattern's set. We're fucked. Every 2021 AAA game will prompt you to buy virtual currency. Watch.

boku no mordor

phone games aren't 60 dollars+DLC+tip though. ithink this game is going to go through the blender and be the topic of the week and turn into battleborn because of this shit.

i dont mind because the first game was garbage and the second game is an even bigger pile of garbage

You should. It'll be a game you like one day.

Nigger, I'm not buying the game, what more do you want from me?

I want you to berate the living fuck outta anyone that buys it. Ridicule them.

>gambling boxes in games that children play
How do the gaming industry get away with this?

2017 Sup Forums just has no interest at all in the game.

Well I already do that to people for most games I don't like, so done.

Its not gambling if you get something in return apparently even if that something is literal shit

A grind that can be made easier with microtransactions in a singleplayer game.
What the fuck.

I'll get it three years from now on sale for under $10 after they patch that shit out.

Cause there isn't regulation and the free market is dictating the course of sales completely.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no libtard. Too much regulation is far FAR worse than no regulation at all, but there needs to be checks and balances of some kind, or companies will take 6000% advantage of the consumers.

>Shadow of War.
I don't even fucking know what game this is

Jesus christ what a terrible name

No one is fuming because no one played this shit game.

This game will fail.

Time for me to buy it.
u mad?

Premium games expecting players to dish out more cash after the sale is becoming the new heinous norm, asking us to pay money to skip the grind and indirectly admitting their game is shit since there's apparently value in not having to play it

I think NBA 2k18 tried to push hard for microtransactions and it's getting teared to shreds by consumers, on Steam, Metacritic, whatever.

And you can't go any normier than NBA 2k18.

People do stupid shit, but there's a limit.

Loot boxes are already dangerously close to gambling, it wouldn't be too hard to outlaw them if people bothered to.

>loot boxes
Worst thing to 'happen' of the 2010's

Buy a used copy. Don't give them a fucking dime.

I'll just buy it off G2A or some shit then

There won't be any AAA games without microtransactions. We're fucked.

You know something? I'm more disappointing about this than I was about No Mans Sky, Fallout 4 or even the fucking creation club.
I was genuinely excited for this game. I loved the first one and this one looked so good.
Then they announced loot boxes and microtransactions.
Then they made a DLC out of a dead developer that they profited off of.
Now it's been said that the paid lootboxes offer a direct advantage over free lootboxes.
You don't realise how hard my dreams have been fucking crushed, the game looked so good initially.
Fuck WB. They fucking ruin all the shit they touch.


I would say it was the split from when loot boxes were the same currency as other purchasables.

When you had 1 currency that let you buy an item (say a skin) for lets say 100 units, or you could buy a randomized skin for 20 units, that was perfectly fine.

It was the instant that loot boxes became the default purchase, and only through buying loot boxes could you earn a 3rd currency used to directly purchase an item that things went too far.

I'm ok with micro transactions if the item is worth it or interesting. Also, definitively NOT something that was carved out the game that should have been in the game to begin with.

Off my board newfag

You don't understand the "heart" of the problem:
Complete games sold at $50/60 should be complete.

Expansions are one thing, but locking content behind gambling dices is already a scum move, but in a "complete" $50 game?
That's villainy.

How do we save vidya? Who do we write?

We can't, or maybe one incredibly rich user funds a think-tank and starts to bribe the most famous twitch streamers(current most important "influencers" of the masses) to speak up about this bullshit.
For now we can only talk with our wallets, knowing there are retards out there that "ironically" bought mudcrab armor from the creation club.

When Prince of Persia 2008 tried that shit with the real ending most people were pissed to shit.

>cool a shitty western far cry/arkham clone
As opposed to what, eastern Far Cry/Arkham clones?

Also Far Cry and Arkham are very fucking different what the fuck are you even saying

You can't fight this, normies will buy it and publishers will sell it, we aren't part of the equation.

>I'll get it three years from now

The game isn't worth playing because its game design has been compromised for the sake of lootbox mechanics. Play something better.

have you even played the first one? it's literally a combination of the two with the braindead arkham combat and terrible meme open world garbage of far cry that is plaguing modern games. i brought up western gaming because they're on average more soulless and filled with bullshit that it was worth mentioning. fag.

This sounds to me like "The game is kind of hard so the only way I could beat is by paying for an advantage".

Just another journalist who sucks at games.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
-Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

We have to become violent, like those who we fight. Begin the killings.

I wouldn't have bought in 2007 and I will not buy it in 2017 either. They can cram as much lootboxes in that game as they dare.

speak for yourself, newfag

who were these guys? did us a favor

>2007 I was still in school and had no money
>2017 I have a well paying job and dont care about a few bucks more for one of the few games I play

grow up user, realistically you will only play a few games each year anyway and most of your time will be spent in the real world once you are older. work, gf, friends, hobbies, working out stuff like that. In 2007 I would spend all my time here playing vidya all day now I rarely come by today I am only here to see if BF2 is worth it. games arent really that important in life they are nothing more than a bit of mindless entertainment and a few good AAA games a year is more than enough.

You will be the same in 10 years.

they arent getting any of my money