With the success of Cuphead what classic old time cartoon should get its own game next?

With the success of Cuphead what classic old time cartoon should get its own game next?

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Can't fucking wait for Banner Saga 3 t bh

it was a one time thing
you can't honestly believe that a whole genre will be born because of this

I don't understand how this caveman cartoon looks better than anything that's animated now

What would happen if Miyamoto got the rights to make Popeye instead of Donkey Kong? Would Nintendo fail?

there's absolutely be some piece of shit kickstarter pandering to the autists wanting more


Cuphead didn't invent some kind of amazing tech that means we'll see more games like this from now. It was just half a decade of hard fucking work, which is why this sort of animation is pretty much dead.

Don't expect any good copycats, don't even expect a sequel; I don't think the developers would ever want to make a game like this ever again.

Things used to be created with effort a long time ago. Now shit is just thrown together to make a profit.

Turns out progress isn't inherently a good thing

this game proves that visuals 100% sell a game

there's a million games like cuphead no one has played because they don't look like they're from the 30s

because you're a contrarian hipster or you're comparing this shit to flash cutout animation


Animation used to be good work, its a dead industry outside of 3D now so it's rarer to get good 2D American animation. Also normal people don't care about good animation so it isn't really worth it

Hard work and pioneering new techniques

We probably would have just entered the age of "no original IPs" earlier.



It's a good question. The whole course of video games or Nintendo at least could've been swayed had he gotten the rights to Popeye.


I would rather see an original IP as apposed to a game relying on an existing franchise but a cup head esque beat em up would be cool

I think you're exactly right

It's still a good video game topic. That Popeye scene is great and it would be fun to play a brawler in this style. Vanillaware is probably as close as we'll get. And on that note, Cuphead got me to revisit Odin Sphere and I can't for the life of imagine why I ever put it down in the first place.

Remember that Sony Pictures canned Popeye movie directed by Genndy Tartakovsky to make Emoji the Movie instead


Reminder: Sony cancelled Genndy Popeye for the Emoji Movie

It was the whole aesthetic that sold me this game. The music and sounds are really good too. Gunstar Heroes is my favorite run n gun and I get similar vibes from this game.

Looked like shit anyway, Genndy is a hack

>Wanting more Gennedy after the Samurai Hack ending

Those games are all 20 years old and plenty of people played them back then.

> yeah lets ignore all his dexter and samurai jack kino episodes because of 1 shitty ending

Your point? People should make something stylised and unique?

>1shit ending that ruined the whole series

>cuphead is a success

end it

Give me a goddamn Popeye fighting game already.

>ywn play a good Popeye beat 'em up

I'd love to see a fighting game with that kind of animation. I guess Skullgirls is kind of like that but not quite

Whatever bitch, we could have PPG Reboot-tier Samurai Jack

Sup Forumscktards are beyond redemption

because back then people didn't have computers to automate everything for them so everything was done with hard work and attention to detail

nice youtube comment

Because they took the time to draw it by hand. Most western cartoons you see today are awful flash animations - thick solid lines, solid colors, and generic looking backgrounds. It's all put together digitally too. The soul of cartoon making is dead.

>not liking the Samurai Jack ending
Since the FIRST EPISODE they've been saying "gotta get back, back to the past". What did you expect to happen?


I expected it to be an episode of Samurai Jack, not "Samurai Ashi ft. Jack"

The final line spoken in Samurai Jack, a show mainly about show don't tell, was fucking exposition

>game has unique look
>making money and over fist
>universally praised

You'd have to be an idiot to think it won't spawn imitators. The only reason you're right in this case is because Cuphead's style is very time consuming to produce so few will be able to do it well, if at all.

Popeye in Cuphead sequel when?

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