Is this worth 20 bong? Also how recommended is the season pass/dlc?

Is this worth 20 bong? Also how recommended is the season pass/dlc?

Also want to know this

Very much so. Definitely get the DLC. It adds 2 new weapon types, new enemies, new bosses, new difficulties and the endless abyss mode. DLCs are also harder than anything in the main game.

Coming to PC, why buy the console version now?

Knowing how shitty their ports are there's a chance it could be worse than the PS4 version or need a 1070 to run at 1080p

But you'll be able to play it with a controller that's not god-awful, and it'll still look and run better regardless

I'm just starting it pretty much (already in Japan) and went in on Axes pretty early, but I feel a Samurai style would be a better choice? Am I right and if so is there a respec?

PS4 controller is the literally the best controller out though. Has the best dpad as well.
You get these books that let you respec and you can buy them too. Don't worry too much about it though you can have a terrible build and still beat the first playthrough fine

Buy the Season Pass, the DLC is absolutely amazing.

>Has the best dpad as well.
only for anything other than fighting games, it's a shite controller for fighting games

I use it for tekken just fine though. I've been using PlayStation pads my entire life for fighting games. I don't like arcade sticks despite owning one

ok but I'm willing to restart, is Samurai with katanas more rewarding than an Axe build?

Theyre legitimately all good. Pick whatever is the most fun to you. Axe does a lot of damage but 1kat and 2kat and spear and odachi all do as well. Tonfa is definitely the weakest link though.

Honestly i'm hesitant, the game's deluxe edition is 40 euros on psn right now but there's a pc version around the corner

how much will this be on steam bucks?

really? I like it more than DS3 personally

Yes. I haven't played the DLC yet, but I've heard good things.

>DS4 best controller
>Downward sloping triggers
>Share button
Try again

$59.99 obviously, Steamfaggots are retarded enough to pay it.

season pass highly recommended, tons of content added

wait until reduced price if u are poorfag, but game is god tier, devs are god tier, its really solid fun game

a button for videos and screenshots is handy though

best controller is wired 360 controller because its fucking wired and compatible with everything

ps4 controls arent native support, your prompts wont be native, theyll show xbox prompts