Goddamn, I love going to my good IT job in the morning, earn a great salary, come home to my comfyass apartment at 5 and play some TR. Goddamn this is a comfy life.
Goddamn, I love going to my good IT job in the morning, earn a great salary...
Which TR is this good sir?
Serious question: How do I get comfy IT job, user?
>not working from home
Not op
Legend, Kazakstan level
The fact that I can iedntify the game and the level with just a picture of lara's butt is telling of my life choices
I enjoy my office far too much to work from home. I can take home offices, but I don't want to, I enjoy going to the office daily.
lol wut a cuck
yep, what a terrible life, enjoying my work and the people in it, literally staying longer some days because I'm enjoying it there so much. So terrible. Also, tomorrow we're having a teambuilding event and I think I may nail this sexy teamleader of another team. She's been giving me looks all week.
What's your job?
>OP gets fired for sexual harassment
calling it now
project manager at an IT firm. A lot of times it can get stressful because of deadlines and such, but it's all good, I wouldn't do anything else, at least not now. I also make some nice extra bux from translating gigs under a different firm.
>not working a job you're happy to do
What would I need to study to get into that type of work?
Like is that easier programming or what?
IT firms dont have project managers
nice lie though
t. actual guy with job
How does one get a comfy IT job without studies?
oh yeah well im an engineer and i work for nasa hwhat do you say about that bitch
>tfw an acquaintance works in one of those "geek crew" things and sets up consoles and such in people's house for a decent salary
Goddamnit, they're never looking for people
God FUCKING damnit
is that the train level
Good for you, user. Cherish it.
Yes history will tell of all your money and your comfy life, it will totally matter 10000 years from now.
>being this fucking jealous
improve your life, user
ah yes pseudo-nihilism where nothing *actually* matters this is a good science a good science indeed
You being miserable will be told by history 10000 just as much. At least he is happy and you are a toxic container of shit and guts.
Not OP but my comfy IT job came from falling for the university meme. Go to uni, do computer science or IT and then get a masters because almost everyone in IT has those degrees, so it'll set you apart.
There are a few guys who started low, self-trained and then got promoted over the years. Although its pretty rare. Almost everyone wants a grad nowadays.
It's dealing with shit like hooking up routers and modems for retards. No programming.
You have gone through so much user, i pray for you.
Fair enough. Thanks for the help.
thats great, i just dont understand why you'd rather work in an office than your own home
Nothing wrong with nihilsm it isn't edgy rick and morty nonsense.
Because nobody sane wants to spend ALL of their time at home. Fuck cabin fever.
I want my home to be a place of relaxation and being comfy, not place where I work.
Guys like this probably jerk off to threads like these.
Where do you live OP? This is important
>everyone in IT has those degrees
>so it'll set you apart.
I'll one up you.
My small tech/IT consulting business has now just gotten our first big contract. We are now developing software for a pretty big client. I now don't even need to leave the house to go see client.
Pure 100% comfy.
the masters will set you apart dufus
Nobody in fucking IT has a computer science degree. They're completely unrelated
Is Rise of the Tomb Raider good? I'm really enjoying 2013's reboot right now.
i love going to my crappy it job in the morning, earning a crappy salary, but playing video games and chatting on discord/irc all day
i'd much rather have a job where i can fuck around all day and earn less money that i'm not going to use anyway
Sup Forums is began to be a shit place
I hate my shitty job which takes up my whole day and I have zero motivation to play vidya once I get home and I only make $340 a week.
I too live the comfy life. I work as an architect
can you design a place where i can go and die a painless death
>tfw a self-sabotaging small business owner
Sure. But I would probably make it comfy.
Would you really want to die in a place like that?
How do I get an entry level IT job? Or rather, what do I need to do to improve my eligibility for one. I'm poor as shit and need steady, decent paying work so I can start moving forward with my life. I've got a couple years of university under my belt and have even done some telecommunications IT work before but I'm not sure if that's enough. Are there accreditations/certifications I should be pursuing?
have it be a pillow room but every pillow you put your head on has a shotgun inside that explodes your head
Not random user but bump. I need a decent a wagecuck career soon as well.
Look at this idiot an laugh.
Think before you start typing next time.
learn english you fucking lazyass immigrant
Here in Western Europe there are specialized detaching companies which pay for your education and certificates. Anyone with a few years in university can apply, although there is a fairly strict selection process before actually getting hired. The need for IT workers (even low level ones) has the governments put a subsidy on a lot of ICT university courses. This makes it a win-win situation for everyone involved. The youth gets a meaningful job, the companies get their IT demands fixed and the government gets their money back in taxes.
>Are there accreditations/certifications I should be pursuing?
>Are there accreditations/certifications I should be pursuing?
Programming always looks good on a resume. Any language will do. You can easily learn the basics during your spare time in a few months and it really sets you apart from other job seekers.
Your anonymous opinion on a christian image and text board concerning video games will definitely matter in 10000 years from now.
>gods not real Morty
>shit on the floor Morty
Office jobs require a base level of grammar and spelling. My condolences user
Everyfaggot is doing computer science nowadays. It's better do do something different and more desirable, like databases, networking, security (if you are brave enough), front-end development (if you are crazy enough and have a knack for programming).
Sup Forums is already a shit place. Nothing to see here
Am I good?
Which of those is easiest?
This, like what the fuck is even happening here.
All of those are subfields of CS.
Goddamn, i love my video games threads
They can both lead to similar jobs
Depends on the company. This user explained it well, but a lot of recruiters are also looking for something that stands out. Your attitude is a giant factor if you get interviewed. If you show positive attitude, willingness to take up on a challenge (instead of saying "can't be done" say "let me see what can be done"), willingness to learn new stuff and positive and social attitude then you will get almost anywhere. Don't act like a shy faggot, nobody likes those. Be bold, diligent and useful.
>Technical Engineer
>Set up whole network system from scratch for a client. Load balancers, firewalls, switches, whatever.
>Months later they ask my company to redo all the VLAN designs because their IT head quit and they want to revamp it
>I have to do it all over again
In my opinion databases are definitely easiest and will almost guarantee you a decent wage. I know Oracle engineers on some impressive salaries.
Networking is tricky at first, but get real easy after a few years of working in the field.
Do not go for security unless you have a genuine interest in it, as you will be mastering it your whole carrier and life.
Programming is not for everyone, in my experience only a handful of people can program well and develop to be programming gurus. If you don't get a knack for programming early on then it's almost certainly not for you.
Wasn't computer science an actual course? Since when did it become a term for collection of fields?
Thanks for your dollars wagie
Say, is pretending/being an idiot on anonymous image board such a great hobby to you?
inb4 hurrr I was only pretending to be retarded
It's called informatics in Europe, it is a collection of fields.
I'm only interested in the money really. I don't like programming at all. So I assume databases is the best for me so?
but did i say it right?
>work night shift security
>work four 12 hour shifts, watch netflix and play vidya
>get four days off playing vidya in my own comfy-ass apartment
I don't know why I'd ever want to be neet, I'm getting the best deal my circumstances could ever allow.
>Women don't have mouths designed foremost for optimum dick sucking
Evolution was a mistake.
somebody at work yesterday called the IT guy because one of the email station computers started to run a Kaspersky scan. The dude looked so tired. I'm sure he had actual things do it.
What kind of vidya can you play at those kind of jobs? Just handhelds or do you actually bring in a laptop or something? I imagine you can't actually install anything on their PCs or they are really old. If I didn't already have a career, I think I'd do something like that even if it isn't that glamorous. Does it pay decent?
yes specialization (those are all compSci specializations) is good, if you're good at it. otherwise you pigeonhole yourself >_
Only if he's new or there's some big network change or rollout. IT is usually hell for the first month and then you jack off and play emulators 90% of the time after that.
CS degrees are literally for nerds, the pragmatic and "direct" ones study something that's actually applicable for use
Mostly I just emulate stuff on my phone and play old point and click games on my craptop.
It pays pretty decently, but not amazingly. I'm a simple man though, and never felt like a career could offer me any kind of gratification that my own interests in my free time couldn't provide, so as long as it pays my rent and puts food in the fridge I'm happy as a clam.
does database management pay well?
>wasting 2 years and more money on a piece of paper that is meaningless after you get hired once.
4 year bs degree got me a software developer job ive had for the past 2 years making plenty to pay off debts and save. Dont do more college than you have to like this retard is saying.
how the fuck do I git gud at programming bros? I know I'm a lazy ass person but there's something more to it. I don't know, maybe I'm just too retarded for this
There are no easy ways, programming is a shore, that's why they pay you to do it, just get used to Google and Stack Overflow until you start solving problems faster and faster.
Hobby projects help a lot. I personally started making small games in flash / monogame to push myself. Its a lot more fun to code when its part of a hobby.
Also stackoverflow is your friend.
>programming is a shore
Yes. Even if you don't like it you will be able to re-specialize to something else, like telephony & networking for example. Remember that you won't get huge amount of money at first, but keep working, change companies every two-three years asking for more money each time and you will definitely hit a decent wage fairly quick.
>tfw data structure test in C++ in one hour
Wish me luck
You can always change your course. That's what I did.
Oh yes. Especially Oracle.
You don't. If you don't have a knack for it then it will be either extremely hard or nearly impossible to git gud. This user gives a good advice.
I opened this thread thinking it would be a TR thread
is codeigniter still used nowadays? I got a framework class on it but I wonder if a lot of people uses something else
>tfw will most likely get accepted for IT position soon (just waiting for reply)
>tfw studying for IT certifications in the meantime
>tfw the more I learn about computers, the more I love them
Maximum comfy
Unironically try making a shitty game in whatever language you're trying to learn.
I learned so much about Objects, casting, trigonometry, recursion, etc. by making a couple of games in Java.
what exactly does the average database guy do at work? like designing databases, creating tables and making queries and whatnot?
>tfw the more I learn about computers, the more I love them
how'd you manage to not sleep through Operating Systems class
Not him, but learning about mutexes and Linux RPC was a blast.