Where were you when Unity BTFO'd Unreal?

Watch this conference talk where they will completely shit on any other engine with their newly implemented* entity component system (ECS) + jobs architecture for big dick massive parallelism (+ auto vectorization). This is going to boost the performance by the dozens.

In addition, because of the isolation/encapsulation of data AND logic/behaviour, it will be easier to add or delete different behavioral systems, so there will be less crashes and bugs, and it will be easier to program in this environment. In contrast, when you program in the good ol' Object-Oriented way, you'll eventually end up in ugly spaghetti code because OO just isn't good for more bigger complex games.

My dick is so hard right now.


* Maybe they'll overhaul their current component system. Because it's too heavy and has both data (class members) and behaviour (methods) which is what you NOT want in an ECS.

Other urls found in this thread:


No I hate Unity because Dunkey said so

All that tech mumbojumbo will be 2hard4typical-neckbeards on Sup Forums.

I've always preferred post-v3 Unity over post-UE v2.5. The relative ease of use compared to other "start from scratch" platforms, combined with the huge, active and helpful community and modular design, are all god-sent to tiny no-budget gamedevs like me.

>Where were you when Unity BTFO'd Unreal?
I was where you were when Unreal was first released: deep inside your mom.

>not writing your own programming language and a compiler for it
>not writing an entire OS with all the necessary drivers with your own programming language
>not writing a state of the art game engine in your own OS with your own programming language which is of course compiler with your own compiler


Even if Unity beats Unreal, it still pales in comparison to Godot. Nodes > ECS

not making your own computer from parts you gathered in the wild yourself
do you even dev?

it will NEVER perform as fast as anything written in C++, just deal with it kid

>All that tech mumbojumbo will be 2hard4typical-neckbeards on Sup Forums.
You mean all that UNITY mumbo jumbo. I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science and I wouldn't know a monobehaviour from a C# script.

And C++ will never perform as fast as anything written in C, bucko.

imagine what games we would have right now if devs optimized their games properly instead of using more powerful hardware as an excuse to be lazy

>full source access
>developed by a team that made several highly award games throughout their career

>no source code
>gimbal lock in the editor
>has never been used by its own developers to make a game

And C will never perform as fast as anything written in ASM, bucko.

Seriously though, not him, but isn't C++ pretty much the best language for game dev if you look at the efficiency/effort ratio?

Love already has fully compliant ECS system and Lua has better performance as an embedding script than C#. Once again Unity is too slow.

Lol what I'm pretty sure those aren't mutually exclusive. Plus gameobjects already act like nodes in unity. I don't know what you're smoking

Unity was already ECS, what is this retardation?

Did they at all address the ocean of shit asset flippers using their engine?

>my company literally working with google
>using unity instead of unreal
unreal is way expensive for enterprise

Why would they? The CEP already defended then and it's their monetization strategy.

I haven't heard it being addressed, but let the market deal with that, imo. Can you think of a solution that they could propose that wouldn't just harm regular users?

i sure can't wait until the 1 unity game that's going to actually make use of all this new good stuff

>the absolute state of c++ in that pic

True ECS doesn't embed methods into objects like Unity does. Instead there are top level functions (systems) that iterate over objects/data structures (entities) which are composed of smaller components. It's much cleaner than typical OOP even just from a function pointer and vtable management perspective. It's actually what you would do if you were to write a game in C.

>giving johnny ravioli money
>any year

I bet on Tim sweeney. Fuck unity and fuck ricotello


Maybe, but some people can't stand OOP.

>writes basic "Hello World" level C++
>still gets it wrong

Also UE4 is used by pretty much all industry professionals. Unity is mostly used to make shovelware and mediocre FOTM indies by literally who studios.

I don't see how that's revolutionary or anything, ECS is ancient and commonly used and Unity's biggest performance bottleneck by far is the rendering and not the scripting.

Do you have any control of the rendering pipeline with these engines?

probably at home

unity is the blackest box there is, you can't even read the source code

>have X amount of dollars to make a game
>spend resources optimizing it for literally no reason because most hardware can support it
go ahead and try writing the most optimized game you can and see how far behind you get.

It's easier to support auto-vectorization and inferred parallelism if you use a single method to iterate over a large amount of data (several objects) than it is to handle multiple self-contained methods operating on separate data. It will help Unity scale.

Blame artfags who cant optimise their shit. There are better more efficient engines atm, but that doesn't mean you can't optimise Unity to an adequate level. You just need to know technical shit.

the underlying system is written in C++ which is very efficient. C# is just an interface for it.

the thing is components are way too bloated currently because they inherit too much from monobehaviour. Plus they get updated each frame which is silly when not needed (not sure if this is optimized by unity). Thats partly why they partly went away from monobehaviour and introduced scriptableobject.

No unity currently has a half-assed ECS (without system) where components have both data AND logic/behaviour. You want to seperate these two so that entities (gameobjects) hold components, and systems only query those relevant gameobjects with the components the system is interested in. Let's say you have an AI system specially for enemies with a shield, you want to query all the objects with an AI component and a shield component, then execute the behaviour you want.
Unity does NOT have that. Every component has data and logic which leads to spaghetti code and a lot of fuckups

a bit

Won't the "Tweeter= Gamergater" condition always return true since it's an assignment?

you two are brothers?

You got it

so say I want to do some meme computation on the GPU and turn it into graphics, I can't do it in any sane way? Like say I wanted to do volumetric clouds through some sparse voxel octree shit on signed distance fields and all sorts of weird GPGPU shit, I can't? I basically have to do it in a way Unity likes, so like polygons with sprites on them?

as long as it can be assigned, yes

>not constructing materials atom by atom


did you try google yet

This is nice and all but I'll just wait for Godot to better support ECS or continue using Love. Not going to support a game engine as blackboxed as Unity.

Then just like make your own engine bro

I don't know what to google really, I'm just trying to figure out if these engines limit how you can do graphics

Or just use literally any other engine in the market since they all have free source access (yes including UE4).

Not interested in re-developing the wheel. Whenever I run into an issue that requires additional acceleration in Godot I just extend the engine with my own C++ modules. Good enough for me.

I don't know how fucky you can get with it but volumetric clouds are certainly doable, the problem is that Unity has a horribly unoptimized renderer which shits the bed pretty hard in big scenes and fancy stuff.

But doesn't it drive you insane to not be able to do the things enginedevs do?

google unity GPU or whatever API you want to use. Or volumetric clouds. It looks like there's no shortage of assets trying to do that

>every single update has been fucking and bloating the engine more and more
>THIS time it will be great though!!

I don't understand what you mean. I have full source access. I can modify or create whatever I want. There's no point in re-creating what's already good in the package from scratch.

scriptable objects are a meme. You can make your own Monobehaviour if you really don't like it. You just need an editor script to let it interface with the editor. Or just stop using the editor to build your game.

Not him but what do you mean by that? Godot is open source so you can tweak it in any way you want, and the next update will let you use almost any language you want for scripting with no performance loss.

It depends on the value being assigned to the variable.

I'm still waiting on that realtime dynamic GI they promised.


even python?

But if you haven't made an engine from scratch, then you don't really understand the work that goes into it.

Yeah, you have to write your own bindings to add new languages but there's already people working on a python module, it will "officially" come with C++ support too.

GDScript is basically python but yes, actual python is on the way and there's a development tree for it

>public abstract class MyClass
what have I done

>meanwhile UE4 is being used for basically every big game from realistic to anime
I'm sure they're spooked

>meanwhile UE4 is being used for basically every big game from realistic to anime
give me 10 examples

OOP was invented by the CIA because languages like LISP were too powerful, so they conspired to turn all of computer science into a dedicated shitting street. There's a reason why every new CS student has to learn Java.


Unreal had parallel job system since 4,x release, you would need C++ knowledge and it just a base you can start off but still dont udnerstand why it took Unity 5 years lol

mfw people shit on stuff like Java for objects while pretending C++ isn't an object oriented language

>literally 2 games and shovelware
wow, just like unity.

I don't like how I don't know what's going on in these engines, sure they are easy for shitting out games with since you can just import models do some scripting but how everything behind the scenes works is pretty unclear so I have no idea if implementing something in unity makes it 1000x slower than it needs to be because I have no idea what the engine is doing when I tell it to shit out a sprite to the screen or something, I wonder how low level you can get with Unity.

>ont udnerstand why it took Unity 5 years
Because of the asset store.

No, it won't because that shit wont compile you cant assigg in IF statement (unlike for). Compiler just tell you to fuck off

Tekken 7
Ace Combat 7
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Batman Arkham series
Psychonauts 2
Gears of War 4
Yoshi Switch

plus a few hundred more high profile games

I just tested it. Compiler was cool with it. Do you have some fancy shmancy IDE that calls it?

Assignment operator has a return value you fucking cunt and nothing is preventing you from using assignment in if statements

C++ is some weird-ass swiss-army knife shit. It's definitely a meme language that was designed to make hiring programmers cheaper though.

Smalltalk and C should have never combined.

>plus a few hundred more high profile games
im sure there are a hundred high profile games on the market

Depends on the language and compiler, GameMaker lets you use = for comparisons which is retarded but hey.

to put it in perspective the only truly notable unity games are Ori, Hollow Knight, and Cuphead.

Blame Simula. Norwegians invented objects.

unity is still god awful for its editor
i dont know why people praise this shitty engine

marketing and being one of the first usable 3D engines

Because some people want to make [shitty|good] games instead of spending 10 years writing engine or using some complex monster for 5 years

its quick, cheap, and easy.

Sunk cost fallacy.

But I don't. C++ is certainly less retarded than Java, but C is still better.

>OOP was invented by the CIA because languages like LISP were too powerful

Are you making a joke or a retarded junior comsci student that can't understand OOP?

Except products that are simpler to use have less sunk cost fallacy associated with them. Stop name dropping pages you read on wikipedia.

You can put anything in an if statement as long as it has a return value.

No, he's probably like sixty and can't progress beyond his first languages.

UE4 is far better and makes your life much easier than Unity in pretty much every way, they just don't have the same marketing budget.

CIA psyops are no joke, my friend.

Please nigger, UE4 is far more complex than Unity, I've tried both.

>UE4 is far better
For what?

I rarely see UE4 being used for indie games, you don't need that strong of an engine unless you have a huge team and a triple A type of development budget.

Godot easily has the best editor.

I've used both too and UE4 is a lot better once you go past the very basics, Unity is basically a collection of growing pains that force you to buy assets to fix shit.

>not using UE1, the engine that was used to create the greatest game of all time

>they just don't have the same marketing budget.
we're talking about Epic, right?