Who would win in a fight between these two?

Who would win in a fight between these two?


Reimu, no question.

The one that can fly and has ranged attacks.

>Reimu: can float away from reality and become invincible
>Saber: can just go to Avalan and be invincible

>a visual novel and a /jp/ game nobody actually plays
both belong on /jp/, this is in the rules, go there. Your threads will get more replies.

Reimu. All she needs to do is kill her master and then fly away.

Reimu's some next level bullshit senpai

Avalon GG

>what is Magic Resistance

He will only get "I'm going to marry Reimu!"-like replies there

Magic resistance =/= magic immunity. She also doesn't have Avalon by default.

Dr pepper.

So the same replies as he would likely get here for starting a shitty 2hu thread?

In a fight between just those two; Reimu since Saber's master is not included.

I'm going to marry Reimu!

Can Shiki kill touhous?


So Saber then? Excalibur can fire for like a fucking quarter mile or more from what we've seen and she's fought multiple airborne enemies by jumping around like gravity doesnt matter.

muh dick

Raymoo is donut steel tier broken

In a reasonable, friendly battle Saber would win. Reimu's tools are primarily for exterminating youkai. Reimu probably can't do much outside of the spellcard rules either. Saber would shit all over her.

In full power level autism, basically this:

Ya Reimu is a god at this point. Hell even the villagers give her faith and her Shrine is named after herself.

the same replies he'd be getting here?

Touhou is inoffensively mediocre while Fate is aggressively shit, so...

The cock

My dick

People forget that Reimu was downing gods and ancient youkai even before spellcard rules.
Her easy access to invincibility nets her the win alone, and her ability to seal away supernatural shit and her various weapons and magic are simply icing on the cake. Also she's not from a trash VN

Reimu specializes against supernatural beings and Saber is basically a really strong ghost

Then why is Youmu stronger than her?

FTL speeds