
How do you feel about the fact that gay couples and gay characters are going to be a stable in western videogames from now on?

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Degeneracy is fun.

I don't care

nothing wrong in liking a cock in your ass

>People that exist in real life also exist in videogame

Alert the press.

As long as their only purpose isn't to tell you how gay and progressive they are, I don't really have a problem with it

How come when people mention gays it seems only gay men and anal sex are relevant? It's never lesbians.

>THIS worried about other people’s sexuality
>THIS paranoid that this kind of inclusion will ruin your child hobby
It’s time to let go

Lesbians don't exist. Women aren't capable of love.

Because Yuri is pure and a miracle of the universe

Appreciate the fact that they didn't make a deal out of it. That you weren't forced into a questline to persuade the leader of the Paladins that Homosexual marriage should be legalized.

Characters that have a place in the story, have their personality developed around the events that shaped their life and just happen to be gay are perfectly fine. See: Anders in DA2, Juhani in KOTOR. Them being gay or straight couldn't impact the game in any way, its just a trait they have.

Characters whose whole identity and character arc is about being gay or coming out of the closet should be erased. They always feel like hamfisted virtue signaling or brainwashing put inside the game at worst, and they feel like a patched in fix for "oh shit we forgot to put in a gay person, invent one quick" at best. They only downgrade the quality of the game and make people hate everything associated with homosexuality even more. See: that tranny from DA:I, that shuttle pilot from ME3. If they stopped being gay/trans, their entire character arc and reason for existence within the game disappears.

I wish I could remember some better examples too, but at the moment only bioware games come to mind.

yeah it sucks
funny how they waited until the last chapter to introduce them
I would say that faggot from the introduction chapter of Witcher 3 is a good example

If the writing is good, the writing is good.
If the writing is bad, the writing is bad.
It's really simple user

no problem as long as we actually get real characters meaning they are not defined by being gay and dont feel the need to stand out or constantly *wink* "im gay"...
yeah will take a while lol

I don't care because unlike you faggots in denial I never even select conversation options like "*pull him onto your lap and purr in his ear*". I also don't select "*let the Elf live*" or "*look sadly to the floor while they murder the guy you came to save*". Learn to roleplay what you find enjoyable - mechanically pressing 1-5 isn't that hard.

It would be more strange if they weren't in a fantasy RPG that's trying to sell you on an immersive and believable world.

It should only happen if they're good characters that you want to see be happy together. Homo love is a beautiful miracle and should be represented as such. Characters that are just there to drop a single line about being gay are worthless and a detriment to the game's quality of writing overall.

Who gives a shit

Indifferent. I play games for fun, not for politics.

Gay people exist longer than you, kid.

This shit has been happening for a long time, RPG devs really love their fucking lesbians.

Whatsup with this chicken Peeper following me around, do i protect this little fella?

Better than pretending they don't exist in fear of offending 12 year olds and pasty neckbeards.

He's evil. Kill him.

>he detests lesbians


Nobody says you have to help her. You can always purge them you homophobe.

talk to his mom dumdum

>stable in shit videogames from now on
Fixed that for you. And for the record, there are some nipnog yurishit games as well, but, surprise-surprise - they're shit as well.


more people to kill

The game in op allows lesbians too.
Its like dragons dogma. The game doesnt care about the gender or race of your character, all romance options are available to everyone

Even skelingtons

Implying I can't bash the shit out of them.

>gay character appeals for help
>slay the everloving shit outta them

Stop normalising sexual disabilities.

%%nothing personnel%%

Talk to his ghost mom

I think its really unnecessary to know the sex pref of a character unless it has any actual bearing on the games story/ gameplay, thats what I usually do when I work on project, either it be writing or game design.

They'll hate you, because you speak the truth.

You can literally murder them.

What the fuck are you complaining about.

Why is the filename called truth?

But op
Characters in dos2 are only gay if you are gay.
Do you have any secrets to admit?

Sauce on the pic in the middle? (obviously)

Artist for the middle picture?

Whats time problem? They just mention it once in their opening and never really go on about it then and after. Do two girls eating each other carpets really trigger people on this board now?


As a gay person. i don't like how it becomes normal in medieval fantasy settings especially among humans, i really liked how they handled it in game of thrones.

>How do you feel about the fact that gay couples and gay characters are going to be a stable in western videogames from now on?

I don't feel anything about it because I'm not a massive faggot that shits his pants over politics in games and I barely pay attention to it


Maybe Sup Forumsacks and SJWs will shut up once it's not considered a radical choice to include gay people in something.

Gay couples and characters confirmed to keep horses in all Western games from now on.

Does the character have a horse? They're gay.


It's staple you illiterate cockmonger.

As a gay man, I think it's nice. May as well let you love whomever you want.
And that's basically it.


Its obvious it was a last minute change too, because all of the other NPCs that comment if you allow Kemm to execute the wife say her husband can drag the body home.

With how rushed the whole last act feels I wouldn't be entirely surprised if this was just one SJW dev self inserting and the rest of the team said "whatever leave it in we need to get this out the door now".

Straight people been around longer. Youre pozzed brain is making it seem you can have a kid through your ass.

Read it again you illiterate cockgargler OP wrote stable holy fuck clean the semen out of your eyes.

Really sets you cogitator humming.

Because the people complaining about gays ( men ) beat their sad little dicks to naked chicks touching each other all the time and don't like confronting their cognitive dissonance.

I don't care in the least. If BG2 came out today you whiny babies would be whining about Edwina.

don't care when its female on female because its hot

>Straight people been around longer.
Do...do you think gay people are something new?

Are you saying that this user's statement is not true?

That's a bit egocentric of you.

when i see faggots in my game i kill them

I couldn't give two fucks about what people do in the privacy of their own homes, I just hate shameless virtue signaling. It's either done out of fear of the left or to gain more consumers, it's never done out of love. It's fucking disgusting.

Because they've both been around for the same amount of time.

Don't really care. I don't like western games, and it's mostly RPG fags doing it. Those games are tedious slogs of retardation.

tineye finds it

The problem here is that you can't know everyone's motivations so why speak like you do?

>pandering to people who don't even buy your games
never gets any less pathetic

It's REALLY problematic when we don't have same sex options

Might sound edgy but I take solace in knowing their bloodline ends with them (outside of surrogacy and other shit)

Sadly for you my bullshit detector never fails me.

Interesting, it's actually Dave Cheung.
he's gotten better since his "I'll buy your game, Jade!" days.

But, I buy their games user.
I appreciate the inclusion.

But Edwin is made fun of and insulted when he's a girl. It would be considered transphobic if it came out today.

>I'm always right!

Sure, all great minds throughout history have said this

Do you think being gay is genetic or something?

I imagine because you're just confirming your own beliefs to yourself.

Not always, but when it comes to bullshit I am.

It literally doesn't matter to me.

>Do you think being gay is genetic or something?
Nah. A life partner that is the same sex as them means they can't procreate (in the traditional way).

Well, your logic can be debunked in a couple of ways, for example. there is no proof of that being the case while we can provide proof to state otherwise (mediocrity principle doesn't apply here) or I can argue that the first protohuman must have been hetero and also the first multicellular organism, we wouldn't exist otherwise.

>please you've got to help secondary character, here is the scenario
I've DM'd a few games of dnd and been a player in some too, this is the laziest fucking quest design, get mad at that, not "wahhh gay men and lesbos in my pure vidya"

>a stable

so, is being gay a choice then? Since when?

There's plenty of records of homosexuality in early recorded history as early as 2400 BC, and there's evidence of it existing with cavemen as well.

And while you can exist that muticelular organisims needed to reproduce to continue the species, that doesn't discount the possibility of other gay, or even bisexual organisms of the same species. Like, at all.

No idea why I wrote that instead.

This is correct.

What I'm saying regardless if they are born that way or choose to be gay, they can't procreate.

I don't care. Does this carpet muncher give good loot at the end of the quest?

But the jews actually do need to be stopped. I don't understand

>What are recessive traits.

Lesbians are not gay.

I'm sorry but this part was EXTREME bullshit. There's no way Larianfags can defend this. It's way too fucking abstract and if not for the internet 99.9% of people's playthroughs would have ended right then and there

Lesbians are literally the forefront of the -L-GBT movement.

>Homosexuality is genetic meme.
God made them that way, fucko.

No, just some dialogue.

Then I don't care about her or her wife.

Why play the game if not to be involved in the world?

>I'm so stupid that I can't figure out 4th grade word games
Holy shit obsidiots really do have brain damage