You've been collecting Dusty Tokens for Kat's game, right Sup Forums?
You've been collecting Dusty Tokens for Kat's game, right Sup Forums?
I still haven't bought the game and I even the first Gravity Rush in shrink wrap. Fuck my backlog.
Why don't you just play a game for 1 hour and then switch to the next?
You aren't missing out on much, gr2 sucks ass
Because I mostly play RPGs and fighting games. One hour doesn't amount to anything in both.
you have til Jan 19th to collect enough tokens to get all the exclusive content before they shut down the online component
>Fighting games
So you aren't actually trying to get through your backlog are you?
You've bought Kat's statue right?
I am though. Trying to git gud at fighting games is just my secondary objective.
How annoying it is to get these tokens? I already played Gravity Rush on my Vita so I could skip the remaster and just go for the GR2.
Lol wow, man that sucks. I don't even have a ps4 much less gravity rush 2. even though I want to play it badly. I don't have a job. I'm living with my parents. I really wanted to play this game. Did you know that some servers for ps2 games are still up. I think it's time we bomb sony
>How annoying it is to get these tokens?
I'm not sure but I played it for 2 days and did 2 treasure hunts (I could have done a third one but the photo hint the person made was extremely unhelpful) and did 2 photo reviews and I am at 210 tokens. I just need to get 6000 tokens by Jan to get all the stuff.
People have said treasure hunts used to give you 8 tokens and now they give you 80.
>ordered GR2
>next day the server closure announcement happened
>it still hasn't fucking arrived
Simmering with rage.
Buy Kat's VR game to help support the series!
Will I be able to pat her head or hold her hand?
>Kat and Toro
Spikat BTFO
What exactly will I be missing out on if I don't get it in time? Surely they'll patch in another way, r-r-right?
I want to knock this bitch out against the corner of a table and fuck her until her vaginal walls tear
>Surely they'll patch in another way, r-r-right?
You'd think so right?
But there is still no way to get the preorder costume if you did not preorder. It's not even a paid DLC item on PSN.
That makes me think Sony does not give a shit.
maybe not, the items you get aren't really essential.
anyway can someone explain why they are doing this? i get that the game isn't really popular, but maintaining those services surely isn't that much work, especially it being a sony developed exclusive?
Very annoying. It took forever to get them all even with the bonus that was around at launch.
i have 40 hours in the game and i've been casually collecting them via treasure hunts, which i find fun
forgot to mention that i got them all.
Yeah, and I don't fucking know how. I played the game for a little in February, and then finished it in April.
Gotta say, GR2 is being slept on by A LOT of people. It's fucking amazing. Pretty easy to Platinum, too.
i'd like to sleep on Sea Wasp if you catch my drift
You want her to shove that sniper thingy up your ass, don't you? Degenerate fuck.
this is a jojo reference, right? it's just an edgy silver chariot with tits and wings
The first few months of this year had some massive, great games releases, it got drowned out.
If it'd been released in the summer, or even about now I think people would be talking more about it.
I think it being a sequel to a Vita game did it no favors either. Maybe there should have been a GR Remaster + GR2 pack or something.
ew no, i want to shove those spiky boots up my ass.
i got around 3000 tokens i think. how much more do i need and how long would it take to get them?
you need 6000 for the highest prize. dunno, just try collecting them casually and see how it goes. if it's not fun, why bother?
>still haven't even finished GR1 yet
Being rushed will just make me enjoy the game less.
i want to do it for her.