One more day Sup Forums, are you excited?
One more day Sup Forums, are you excited?
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Im pretty hyped. Superstar Saga is a classic
>>Are you excited
Yeah, three weeks ago.
>mfw i realize were gonna have a bunch of little shitters complaining about the game and saying "this game isnt that good wake up grandpa xd" when this comes out
I beat it weeks ago
Nah the remake is very poor, getting the Gameboy early and the x button action are nice additions , the minions mode is meh to be honest I preferred a boss arena
Nobody cares filthy law breaker. Want a medal for taking a shit too?
Already downloaded and beat it, dude. You should hack your DS
The next game will be in Switch. Uh right?
>he hasn't played and beat it already
It's shit btw
Oh I'm sure you have anons. Tell me was the teaser for half life 3 in the credits too?
Yes, it's releasing in three years, three months, and three days from now.
Everyone played it already, consensus is that it's the most unnecessary remake of all time
>ends in 3
I bought it today on a whim. I've tried playing the original on an emulator, despite having a GBA years ago, but didn't get too far.
What am I in for?
>bad music
>bad art style
>generic toadified
just play the original
>what kind of final boss fight you want, senpai?
>just bring back the bloated HP nonsense from PiT
>say no more
>3000 HP
Dude, just use mix flowers, if you dont suck they deal 500+ to every part of the body. Shes dead in like 6 turns.
A decent game. Great battle system, interesting setting, good humor, but the remake missed the chance to fix its flaws and make it a masterpiece.
God, why is the OST so goddamn muted. Every track that has strong notes gets shafted.
It was needed, the original was too easy.
You can still break it by going POW only, using the POW buffing badges and the great force. Tack in the slacks that nullify the first three hits and you're pretty much invincible until the lasst boss
>Hardest/most tense part about cackletta was being dropped against her soul with 1HP and having to survive the onslaught of initial attacks
>Emergency guard completely destroys this
>Even worse if you die, you just restart at cackletta's soul
Why even bother?
So pretty much what I've expected. Lack of 3D is really shitty, though.
Isn't it out already?
>Put in 3D
>New 2DS users cant use it
Great marketing plan.
So pretty much like all other games that do have 3D effect. Anyhow, fuck poorfags who chose the inferior console.
Its not about your petty elitism you dense child. Nintendo is actively marketing the new 2DS as the replacement to the 3DS. You can't even find N3DS on shelves anymore in most retailers.
To a kid who just got SSSDX as his first ever videogame, and a New 2DS for his birthday, he'd be missing out on core features that Nintendo is willingly advertising, yet aping in favor of the older "superior" console. Thats not how business works, you don't develop something new, and then reward your older fans for not buying it.
The original JP version and this makes you always start first anyways. It was only the original NA version that had Cackletta start first.
>use Great Force.
>every boss except for Cackletta's Soul goes down in three turns.
Kids won't even know about the feature they're missing and adults made a conscious decision when they bought a cheaper system. All other Mario Bros. games on 3DS have 3D effect, so in this case it was either budget or schedule constraints. No real excuse.
I've recenty played MH Stories with glorious 3D turned on 90% of the time and switching to pleb 2D is less than optimal.
It all depends on your speed, if you're too slow she starts first anyway
So was Cackeletta Soul them experimenting with 3D models for M&L Switch?
>It was budget constraints
Nintendo 3DS games have actively stopped producing 3D/AR since 2015. You are aware MHStories is a 2 year old game that got ported to us, right?
Should I buy it or wait till December?
I'm not. I've got bills to pay and I can't justify spending $100 on video games this month. Especially for a remake of a game I l already own.
Is Cackletta /ourgirl/
Metroid Samus Returns, a game released last month, has a very solid 3D effect. What were you saying again?
Never played the original and I've heard it's the best in the series. Should I? I also really wanna buy Metroid SR. I dunno what to do, anons.
Wait till december bro. Before buying the game, first workout, train you're abs and biceps and back, then play the orginal game and finally when December, you buy the game.
And Januari 2018, you replay both games while visiting the gym 4 a 5 days a week.
That's what I gonna do desu.
Buy both user.
>MHStories is a 2 year old game
>released in Japan on October 8, 2016
>mfw 2016 was two years ago
I finished this weeks ago. It's not that great. The soundtrack is butchered. It's literally SS but with modern M&L designs for everything. The only honest to god difference is being able to bounce on enemies heads twice like modern M&L. That's it.
Enjoy it if you will though. The added Bowser's Minions mode is nothing to write home about either. It's really passive. Kinda like a mobile game.
When I heard it was getting a remake I thought it would have "cleaner" sprites, and not use the 3DS assets. Other than that I'm sorta excited.
>2018 is 3 months away
>1 year 2 months = 2 years
Yup, retarded.
i beat this like a month ago
Beat it weeks ago. Was fun
Would have liked an option to switch to original music after you collect the music tracks, but oh well
>Rounding up is a foreign concept to an american
>Being retarded at rounding
Right now, game was launched less than a year ago.
Why do people complain about PiT? Are you that shit at Copy Flowers?
>tfw my dad played the original all the time with me
> he still plays on my 3ds and uses it more than me
>Gonna surprise him with a copy of this
I thought this came out weeks ago