Who is this semen demon?

Who is this semen demon?

a generic weebshit character

Are you fucking blind

Where the heck is AH4?


>ANOTHER new version of Arcana Heart 3

I've been playing Arcana Heart 3 for 10 fucking years, holy shit stop it already.

is the pc version any good?

I'm not a fan of how the sprites don't match the artwork's style anymore
They should set aside a few years to upgrade everything for AH4. If it's even supposed to exist because of the "hurr durr the story is at its end" thing thrown around on their kikeshiller

I don't know I'm still playing on the PS2.

SS has been out since like 2015.

Eko. She's 5.

It's the latest version user, give up on your PS2.



I want to watch Eko change.

When's shark girl?


>tfw didn't reach Dark Heart stretch goal
Tell me when AH4 comes out.

Which generic anime character are you pointing out? They all look like characters in every other anime.

Probably the loli.

I haven't seen her or her arcana be played once. She must be garbage.

I absolutely love her, adorable and fun to play.

Plump little thighs.

Agreed, she's cute and fun and good for a scrub like me too.

Arcana Heart is only good for MUGEN.

Same here, but I can kick some ass with her at least.

Yeh her spammable skills are fun too though I heard good players will wipe the floor with you if you abuse it against them.

>Six Stars coming to PC in December 2017

Any word of it coming to PS4 as well?

Not happening because no pub is willing to port the game to PS4.