Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week; I have already discussed the matter with the senator.
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week; I have already discussed the matter with the senator
Chew you havisfaction a singlelicious satisfact to snack that up?
I take it he was agreeable?
He didn't really have a choice.
Why do you make this thread every day?
He didn't really have a choice.
Stick with the prod.
Boss, these new McDonalds Chicken Bites, what can you tell me about them?
Actually I don't.
I post copies of threads that were breaking rules but never deleted.
I am doing the exact same thing that a different user was allowed to do.
Is this accurate?
>tfw someone remarks "Installing" the game
I've already had the game installed into my neural-interface.
For you never Uninstall Deus-Ex.
HR should be in play, MD is where it went to shit.
Yeah except HR should be in play.
>make great game
>ruin it in sequel
>reboot it
>ruin it in sequel
Should they just stick to constantly rebooting Deus Ex?
Is Mankind Divided a bad game or/and the atrocious business practices regarding it?
If bad game, then where is the prob? Story? Gameplay?
Yes. We need a DmC-style reboot of Deus Ex where JC Denton tells everyone “FUCK YOU” and he dresses even more like a school shooter.
Dylan & Eric cosmetic skins DLC, only 19,99 :^)
I'd would unironically buy that
>My pumped up kicks are augmented.
Alright, updated.
It's technically a complete mess, has no memorable characters, and the story ends abruptly. Gameplay wise it's more or less fine except for the horrible technical issues, which to be fair don't always show up.
Are you having a fucking giggle.
Garbage. Original should be Play, IW optional, and the Square Enix trash should be in avoid.
Sorry you have bad taste.
What a shame.
All should be in play if you give a fraction of a fuck about the series whatsoever.
All games are great, if only in their own way, since none are even close to DX1.
HR and MD are irredeemable shit with wafer thin plots and little to no good dialogue whatsoever.
Remember we're police
Obligatory repost.
Yeah, but I would not in their marketing teams most cocaine induced hallucinations support MDs bastard marketing of the game.
Yes my man!!!
Deus Ex has one of the finest soundtracks in videogaming.
>man can't appreciate anything if it has an exterior of modern artistry
Not as good as Deus Ex 1 doesn't automatically mean Fallout 4.
MD is unfinished, don't play
And what did we end up with?
Simply the microtransactions, which I actually had to discover by chance, since I'm not part of the Jim Sterling outrage culture bandwagon.
Those are the most impossibly unattractive, and blatantly optional microtransactions I have ever, and will ever encounter, since the game is balanced perfectly by it-fucking-self.
All the game needs now is a god damn sequel. It had enough content and polish for a fully priced release, but not enough of a Deus Ex narrative to stand fully on it's own.
>this is the game that Sup Forums praises
This game is older then you are.
Now do that again without 50 runs of trial and error, and noting down that specific multi intersectioning guard pattern.
The only problem with MD is the main story being unfinished and not really that interesting, but it's still very much worth playing, and is in my opinion much better than HR in almost every other aspect.
>better than MD
spot the millenials
How about I cut out your insides and break your spine
Your first list was better.
Invisible War isn't a bad game in its own right
pfft, if it where just called "Invisible War" but it had the Deus Ex ties to it.
>Universal ammo
>Nonsensical combination of all three endings from the first Deus Ex
>Incredibly small zones
>Loading screen simulator half the game
Nah, it's pretty bad even Harvey Smith admitted that they fucked up. Same applies to Deadly Shadows.
blame xbox
the plot has no excuse though, utter shit.
Or really just putting a ton of XP into stealth because it's an RPG. I wish more games could make you feel as godlike as the first Deus Ex does. Like if you put enough XP into guns you'll headshot everyone without even aiming.
Most people only call it bad when compared to the first one. By itself it's just boring as fuck to play. Gameplay and level design is as bland as it gets.
I still like some parts of the story though, particularly the different endings.
>Or really just putting a ton of XP into stealth because it's an RPG.
There's no stealth skill in DX.
Super accurate. Use the GMDX mod for the first game.
HR and MD are fun and cool at parts, but also butcher the design in areas. Takedown cutscenes... not even once.
This game had one of the most amazing OST's i've ever heard. The entire game is so damn close to being perfect
Why don't try getting a job?
Yes, the stealth isn't as developed as Thief, because it's a combination stealth/action/ FPS/RPG. As it turns out, the actual systems could support good stealth gameplay, but the AI isn't where it needs to be. play GMDX, dumbass.
i... never asked for le this...
Is the original Deus Ex still playable ? I just finished HR and that shit was awesome.Just disappointed I didn't get the Pacifist achievement but who cares, fun game anyways
Honestly, the AI in the two classic Thief games is quite abysmal as well, if you're in a completely dark area then sometimes I've had them just keep walking into me and they didn't know I was there. Guards are very exploitative in those games.
move both HR and MD to avoid
Yes. Download Deus Ex: Revision on Steam. The mechanics of the game are still spot on (though more RPG than FPS, unlike HR/MD), the graphics suffer a bit but not as much as you'd think considering it's 17 years old. When I replayed it, I'd totally forgotten just how good games were from 1996-2004.
>Download Deus Ex: Revision on Steam.
dont do that its shit, get GMDX instead
Just don't put points in Swimming and you're fine, also stealth is better than going guns blazing.
You should play IW since it has higher canonical priority than the french canadian betrayals.
Wow, a game with real stealth. What a rarity these days.
Revision is simply trash. The devs didn't understand the level design of DX at all. Half of it is barely changed from vanilla with more garbage lying around, and the other half is amateur redesigns.
knows what he's talking about.
>Harvey Smith
Ironic considering he fucked up way worse with "his" later games.
Guess I'll try GMDX then, thanks anons
Yeah I tried playing non-stealthy in HR but it wasn't very enjoyable, playing stealthy was way more challenging and fun
Is there a single autist who makes this same exact thread every single day? Or is this is a group effort?
is deus ex the dongers of the Sup Forums? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
I don't know
Ask again later.
Can you repeat that question?
Is there a single donger who makes this same exact ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ every single day? Or is this a group effort?
Hmm. I could've sworn there was. Been a while since I played the game.
>run around with a gun
>in every other fps the weapon's accuracy returns to normal as you stop moving after a sec tops
>JC takes like half a minute to stabilize
A normal person isn't this inaccurate, where is the infinite power of nanoaugmentation?
The story is passable but the gameplay is shit.
Oh, yes
Deus Ex isn't an FPS and not meant to be played like one, there's your problem.
Can you repeat that in english?
There is with a bunch of modpacks that people use to fix resolutions.
It's cool, but better without it.
That track is straight garbage though
I'm at the helipad level but the only augmentation canister I found is the one in statue of liberty, did I fuck up? It's been a long ass time, I though I would have found a couple more by now
You're definitely not curious enough.
You should be able to find all the more relevant ones from now on at least.
Dude I have no idea what more I'm supposed to do, I explore every level thoroughly but if I find a door that requires 5 lockpicks it's impossible for me to go through.
just throw a lam