Why the hell do people bitch about "muh neutrality" every time a game with moral choices come out?
>Hurr durr, I can't handle difficult decisions so always put in a middle path for pussies like me
Why the hell do people bitch about "muh neutrality" every time a game with moral choices come out?
>Hurr durr, I can't handle difficult decisions so always put in a middle path for pussies like me
I'll take problems that literally nobody has for 400.
Glad to see you're still alive.
>muh vague gray choices
They can't handle real life choices.
centrist doesn't mean you don't have solid opinions. it just means that you share some opinions with both sides.
Dr Pepper truly is the best soda.
Who does theist and agnostic have the same hat? 4/10 put a lil effort in to it next time kiddo
They won't accept there is no real neutrality in a clear battle between good and evil and that such a protagonist would be irrelevant in a setting like that. They're rejecting the Manichaeism of the games.
Point out where they're wrong
>being an idealogue
Fuck Neutralfags.
You literally cannot know.
The essence of balance is detachment.
To embrace a cause, to grow fond or spiteful, is to lose one's balance, after which, no action can be trusted.
Our burden is not for the dependent of spirit.
Because that's not how games do it. It's always like:
>A) Kiss the bad guy's ass and beg him to stop attacking the peaceful village while you gargle his balls
>B) Shoot the bad guy, and also burn the peaceful village down because you're hardcore
And there are no other options because making more than two is super hard guys for realsies.
When people ask for "neutral" options they're really asking for more nuanced options and/or just more options in general.
Extreme binary choices suck for roleplaying in all but two circumstances unless you want to be bipolar as all hell.
Reminder that people who hate neutrality are brainlets who see the world in black and white. Reminder OP is mentally ill and has been reposting this thread every day for months.
>OP is mentally ill and has been reposting this thread every day for months
If reposting threads over and over for lengthy periods of time are a sign of mental illness, then this whole board is a fucking asylum.
Because usually said moral choices mean either being a total doormat pussy or Hitler on steroids
>Reminder that people who hate neutrality are brainlets who see the world in black and white.
Neutral good, non-neutral bad. Woah, what nuance!
Neutrals are literally brainless mice who are paralyzed with indecision when faced in definitive choices and need to check out. Spineless cucks don't run the world, they follow or die.
You proved his point exactly.
You proved my point exactly.
We don't want to play as a character who has no opinions whatsoever. We just want to play as someone who isn't a total fucking retard.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other
>then this whole board is a fucking asylum.
it is tho
A lot of times I hate both options and simply want to do the quest without having to take a side. Nothing to do with centrism and more to do with poor writing
>If reposting threads over and over for lengthy periods of time are a sign of mental illness, then this whole board is a fucking asylum.
But it is, user.
Deductive reasoning
Welcome , now you know where you are
Because half the time it fucks up the gameplay. The games pretty much always give you some kind of reward for going full good or full bad so rather than you actually making a choice each and every time you're presented with a situation you make ONE choice at the very beginning of your playthrough to be generic good guy or edgy shithead.
That also as a result promotes shitty writing because each choice has to fall into GOOD THING or EVIL THING.
You know you can be open to arguments and willing to agree with them rather than blindly following a side in a debate? People who feel the need to support someone just because they are labeled as something are retarded sheep.
And then there are the patients who don't even know they are in an asylum like you.
Im just chaotic neutral. Here taking, there giving. The thing is if you want to experience full game you should be evil or good, not neutral.
Radical Centrists have strong opinions and beliefs that they universally all share to be a radical centrist, they just also have the ability pick and choose their opinions from different parties, some are more conservative, some are more liberal.
More irritating than that I find is the single monumental choice that can potentially swing your good/evil meter in such a dramatic way as to negate most, if not all, of your prior choice. Here's looking at you, Jade Empire.