Get in here faggots, it's happening

Get in here faggots, it's happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

>e-celeb shit

You have to go back

>being this new


can someone give me the quick rundown?

kill it

>ruined their relationship
What relationship?


Lately I've gone down a terrible and dark path of videos and untold levels of lurking, all thanks to you guys. I've discovered things and people I'd wish to forget. I'm still undecided on who's worse.. Chris "I'm not a man" Chan or Nick "PedoPoop" Bates


I mean I hate e-celebs and report them always, but chris is chris.

CWC thread?

is he a woman now?


I can't understand but did CWC had a "relationship"?

With what?

Quick rundown before the mods crash this party pls

>unblocked him to roast
the bitch is in the wrong here, they live to publicly shame people, CWC is just a hopeless autist but she can't miss her chance to light him up on twitter

Nick doesn't a wikia and a forum dedicated to documenting every moment of his life.

>totes lez

Not thicc. More like fucking disgusting.

this doesnt explain the whole mental breakdown and jessica's fb getting "hacked"
was jessica a troll? did he leak something on the Q/A?

I'm almost too afraid to ask.

Who is Jessica Quin?

The legend continues!

he should be dead

Chris-chan is the antithesis of a celebrity

His "girlfriend", she deactivated her FB the day before their date and he's blaming the trolls.

He sworn to never curse anyone again yet he has went back on his word and besmirched his honor.

You disgusting fuck

His new apparent sweetheart. Of course, it's probably just another one of those Kiwi Farms faggots wearing another persona.

He started dating some girl who liked/commented on all his Facebook posts. She deactivated her account and now Chris is having a mental breakdown and accusing trolls of hacking her account.

I was really hoping this would kill him.

>the bitch is in the wrong here

Nobody is wrong for putting Christian "unclit 2.0" Weston "straight gay lesbian" Chandler in his place. The guy is a disgrace to all of humanity.


no one can kill one which has no life

I haven't seen him this upset in a while. Do you think he'll stop the Sonichu updates?

Holy shit. What's the chances she's just using Chris for lols?

imagine someone locked you with this freak in a room for 24 hours

what would you do

if Quinn is a troll she's a troll that's been playing the very long game, she's interacted with him since 2015

how can anyone take him seriously with that voice?


An incredibly high functioning low functioning autismo was discovered on the Internet for his terrible comic series which featured a character mash up of Sonic and Pikachu. A website known as Encyclopedia Dramatica and none other than Sup Forums itself exposed "Chris Chan" for the autistic potential serial killer he was, he didn't like that very much and decided to take matters into his own hand, where he tried to defend his honor. Long story short it didn't work out in his favor and he's been Sup Forums and Encyclopedia Dramatica's tranny punching bag since.

Would you fuck it for $500?

Disgustingly THICC


The only way to get Chris to unclasp his weird salad tong like fingers from you is if you humiliate him publicly. This is a proven fact.

I almost feel bad for him. I wonder how his vagina is doing.

>Doopie Do Over


But she didn't actually date him right?

This must've been all online and a troll right?

Was she an actual real person who interacted with him IRL? Otherwise she was a he and pretty much a troll from the begging.


Just remember kids no matter how bad your life might seem you are still years of effort away from being this pathetic.

He does realize that facebook is working a bit wonky right now and even if she deactivated, he can still message "FACEBOOK USER" and she can still receive the message and reply to it right?
At the very least he could've gotten her phone number or something.

the tranny from op

High. They've never actually met in real life, as per usual. They were going to meet up in person tomorrow, and now her facebook account mysteriously shut down and she won't return his texts.


My heart stopped there for a minute

>This must've been all online and a troll right?
all online. dubiously a troll or a crazy person seeking attention, they amount to the same thing.

Chris is just putting on a show for sympathy like always, Quinn could've been killed and he wouldn't actually care, he'd only put on a big show for appearances. Need we forget Panda Halo was killed and he didn't care one iota?

>post yfw Bluespike has returned

The little fucker was gay

That is a beautiful gif. I salute you user.

In a way he is giving me hope in life.

Why hasn't this guy be institutionalized yet?



He never left. he is still an active poster on kiwifarms

Was that the one that died in a car accident because Chris cursed them?


I'm conflicted with this, I want to laugh but also want to help, I can't imagine what will happen he's actually alone for real.

I just want somebody to put Chris out of his misery

She deactivated her account the day before she was supposed to meet up with Chris so it's 100% likely to be a fake.

Chris is just faking it now, how could anyone enjoy laughing at him anymore.

>That perv checking chris chan out
>that confused little girl
>that absolutely disgusted mom
>and to top it all off chris chan himself.
This pic is just too perfect.

Quinn was a 'real' person and most likely a complete psycho bitch if not a troll

The great Australian wildfire incident.

I wonder if Chris would make a good blue lantern. He does inspire hope in people.

Go back to /r/cwc/, fagmaster.

Shit guys how do I break a CWC Curse?!

Just been reading up on cwcki, pretty good shit, she used real pics (if real) n shit.

I wouldn't dare fuck with CWC because he'll find your house one day and he'll rape you with his pucci

Who made his pucci anyway, an actually doctor?

You've just to remember that beneath all of the autism and bad parenting related issues, Chris is still terrible person.

>cat and pieces of paper behind the chair
>shifts when that thing shouts
even the cat can't handle the noise

Where's that user making his own Sonic totem?

>That perv checking chris chan out
he's not looking at ""her""
he's looking at the camera

he thought she died in an Australian wildfire


>Who made his pucci anyway, an actually doctor?
It just kind of happened apparently.

She's only in the wrong because "telling chris off" never actually works.

He's so self-centered that he literally can not fathom that people don't actually like him.

It's why he thinks everyone is a "troll"

The mom is a qt3.14 too.

okay, so when he placed the curse, did he just shart himself?

Chris still has his bent dick and is not undergoing any actual transition treatments or surgeries. He listens to auto hypnosis vids on youtube and uses topical menopause symptom treatments as 'hormone therapy'

Honestly it's just getting a bit sad/creepy now. I want good old awkward manchild Chris back.

The fact that he has a PS4 makes me ashamed to own one.

seriously dude? from all the retarded e-celebs you could say this shit you are gonna say it to chris the most hilarious crazy person on the internet?

What's this picture from? Man he grows some fucked up hair?

I'm saying. I was actually having a pretty shitty day, I'm off my meds and was getting pretty depressed about being a 24 year old forever alone loser with no future.

Then this shit happened. Say what I will about my own life, at least I'm not Chris Chan.

Sup Forums the Musical always brings the best out of Sup Forums

Who the fuck is this?

>a jew trolled him


Chris continues to reach staggering new lows, just when I keep thinking he can't possibly get any worse he continues to surprise and horrify me.

Sure thang, mistur purv...

Wait wait wait, he had the operation?