
Have you ever griefed in an online video game before? If so, what did you do and how effective was it? Did you get banned for doing so?

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I stood in the doorway in some shooter. My entire team couldn't get through.
I had sex with my hand after that.

First time was when I played RuneScape back 15 years ago. I'd do the "drop your stuff and press alt+f4 to duplicate" trick and screw people over. I also used to do the chopper gunner thing in MW2 where you could camp the spawn and murder the other team.

I locked myself in the reactor rooms as soon as the round started in barotrauma and without launching or fucking with it protected myself from3 fucking russians that pvp'd against me from the beginning until the admin banned me for griefing lol. Stupid shits got outplayed hard. everyone nearing the reactor got some weilder to the face action

I used to browse minecraft servers with little to no protection to see if I could fuck with them
One of them was a city with tons of supplies in the chests, including the ingredients for the wither, so I just spawned a bunch of them all over the place

I've never griefed, but I have been griefed before while playing E.Y.E
I was playing on some public servers with a friend when some dude (pretty sure he was a hacker) jumped on and started killing us over and over
So we just left

I abused the fuck out of Loki's decoy and switch-teleport in Warframe to put myself in otherwise inescapable bits of the map and then switch places with randoms to trap them so they couldn't reach the evac.

Weirdly I never experienced anyone else doing this but there must have been others because it was such an exploitable set of abilities.

i was banned from roughly 80% of dods servers for using a specific name

i used to do css mic spam when you could set your name to blank and be unmutable

i used to derank professionally in csgo before they fixed that

Dark Souls 1's multiplayer was the griefing enviroment I was in love with for about 2000 hours.

>invade at a low level
>drop an item behind me
>they have to defeat me to get it
>its just that colored stone item or dung

>using 1 hit backstab build, ninjaflipping around
>get summoned into a gank
>push their friend off a cliff and ninja flip around the map
Id usually gravelord in Anor londo, so id just chill by the archers/bring my own bow

>bait other people into attacking npcs
>gesture in the background while they either run or fight them

I miss it

In WoW back in high school. TBC days. Only if I was griefed first. It was nice having friends and guildmates.
>tfw lvl 70 pocket rogue buddy in hellfire

>cosPvPing as a silver archer and setting up with your two bros to rain faggotry down on the host

In Dark Souls 1, I would get invaded by phantoms and dickmoons with a buddy of mine. We would camp out by the rafters near the painting and basically try to shoot them down with greatbows. It was always a fun time

>they manage to get up the ramp and begin running over to get you
>second Archer nails them in the back
>fall to their death
Every time it seemed like they totally forgot about him once they got up there!


Abusing the muting bug in TF2 that would mute everyone's sound if you micspammed certain sounds.


I grief so hard now on LoL coz I realized that u have to be really really good, so I troll in a subtle way, I ban what people select they're gonna play and then try to imply it was someone else who banned it in order to get his role, the best thing is when you report them for hard flaming you and you actually get a message saying they were punished while you just keep on trolling.

In Planetside 1 there was a big truce during a pre-BFR event so that everyone could come watch the meteors falling from the top of the highest points on the map without getting shot. They didn't actually turn damage off, though, so about 3 minutes in I got in my reaver and strafed the VS that were on the hill, because fuck those purple cunts and their lasher bullshit.

Watching the shitstorm arise as people started a massive firefight on a poplocked cont when EVERYONE was on the same hill, as some people futilely tried to stop it and get everyone to calm down again, was one of the funniest things I've seen. Also kind of amazed I got to be the one who did it, I have to imagine that there were tons of other people planning to do the exact same thing at the exact same time.

I remember doing this unintentionally, someone was spamming the crazy bus theme song so I joined in, and the cacaphony of bleep bloops killed everyone's sound. Good times.

>trying to nail the host with a leaded greatarrow as they make their way down the first flying buttress to the lightning gargoyles
Usually misses but those odd time you hit them dead on and it spears them off the fucking edge as they're moving are magical.

I did a few.
>hypermode buffed myself in DaS 2 and 3 when summoned to a fightclub to oneshot the host
>joined little peaceful Minecraft servers during beta to burn down their towns
>shoot out the tire of every single car I pass in PUBG
>blew up 20+ people with explosives in spawn on NA1 in M&B NW

I'm a fan of the "leave a shitty item by the cliff in dankroot forest and chameleon with a greatbow aimed at it" routine, myself. It was astonishing how many people took the bait.

Garry's Mod. I played a lot of sandbox build servers but went to one specific flatgrass server that would always have a few kids in it. I'd always just kill them over and over again and listen to their high pitch whining get progressively worse. I knew the admins of the server pretty well so the most I ever got was a kick, but kids stopped coming into the server anyways.
There was also a server way in my early days back when I was one of those whiney little cunts that for some reason gave me moderator. There was an admin on the server who absolutely hated me. I knew this and as a cunt kid decided to mess with whatever he was building. The idiot built so really intricate looking base with pheonix props, no clipped them all, but didn't save it nor weld it together. I unfroze it and he got a assblasted, left, and then I got a day ban from the other admins. (The other admins thought it was funny so they let me stick around with mod status)

>>joined little peaceful Minecraft servers during beta to burn down their towns

That shit was so glorious. I found an entire town made out of wood and I burnt it down. Can't count the times they had to restart. Eventually the admins just started banning people with flint and steel in their inventory so I would just use mine and then chuck it in a hole and bury it.

Micspamming North Korean propaganda on a South Korean server without votekick and annoying Japanese/fellow Europeans by pretending to be a dumb American ("I can't understand you, try speaking American" is almost a guaranteed way to piss people off)

worked well until faggy youtubers made videos doing it and gave away the ruse

>Micspamming North Korean propaganda on a South Korean server
God that sounds hilarious.

>pick whatever FPS
>equip low-effort explosive weapon
>do nothing but use it on people in every situation
>watch the hate mail flow in
>even better when it's a game I'm normally shit at and people get extra mad about my relative rank or K/D

spent 12 hours doing this on battlefield 4 with a friend because it was just perpetual entertainment, especially when the same person would message both of us

Yes. All the time in games from fps to fightan to shit like every souls game. No I've never been banned. I've done it on PC, xbox live and psn. Never hold back. Have probably called some anons a faggot or nigger 1000 times each altogether.

Do people seriously get banned for anything other than stealing/cheating?

All the time, in every game I play.

If I can figure out a way to inconvenience you, I'm probably going to take it.

if the game's servers are hosted by users then they tend to ban based on personal politics, it's a good power trip for bullied kids.

I salute to you

Finding snipers sitting in their spawn in Battlefield and repeatedly throwing smoke grenades at them.

The rage is glorious

>get summoned to fightclub at iron keep
>bring ultra great sword of choice
>stand on the sidelines like im spectating
>randomly during the fight i would knock people off the bridge into lava with sprint attack

I used to make wiremod autoturrets which shot on sight on whoever wasn't on the whitelist at spawn.
If the server was particularly shitty I just went to a remote place and simply crashed/severely crippled the server.

I called someone fat in League of Legends.

I deserved the permaban, honestly.

Overwatch is a perfect game to piss people off

>Get the highest I can in ranked (Masters this season)
>Just troll every single game from here on out
>Play Torb/Sym on attack and refuse to go tank or healer
>Blow train whistle into mic when people rage
>Tbag and trash talk after every single kill
>Just say shit like "K BRAH" really loudly into my mic
>Just be as annoying as fucking possible without actually throwing
>Have yet to be banned or even given a single warning

It's pretty fun, lots of nerd raging and tons of threats from people, shit is funny as fuck

I need to get more props to use while I grief. A slide whistle or something.

me and a buddy found a way to glitch liberators underground in planetside 2 and spent a good hour killing people at a tech plant vehicle terminal before someone lodged a complaint
got a warning and that was about it
sometimes when fights went bad we'd do it again to pad the shit out of our K/D

I have a squeaky toy, train whistle, slide whistle, a laughing dog toy, a button you press and it makes a loud farting sound, a "Scream" button, a baby crying button, it's like a motherfucking radio station in my room.

Yea I do it all the time in EVE

i'm killing myself laughing at the image of you being a dick over comms and repeatedly reaching for these props while people across the world lose themselves in rage

i used that glitch in modern warfare (1or2?) where you prime a grenade and use that rocket launcher and die to cause a massive explosion. did not get banned. used it quite a lot

I got a good one.
>playing DayZ mod
>find a helicopter, cook up idea while I fix it
>advertise myself as an air taxi, fly around the map collecting people to drop off
>end up with 5 passengers 3 of which were well geared with ghillies alicepacks and DMRs
>one had an AS50 plus bag full of FALs
>flying along coast
>swerve right and eject
>parachute safely onto beach while heli flies off without me
>slowly powers down without me on the throttle but none of them notice until it's too late to take pilot's seat and correct
>4 of them eject 1 died on water impact trying to yaw the heli
>mfw swimming slowly drops your items in the water so those stacked guys ended up on the beach naked

>play siege
>pick rook
>play a bunch of games with the armor pack

>put it on hatch
>when someone tries to grab armor
>shoot hatch, destroy armor, make them fall

>put it in airplane cargo area
>reinforce walls and trap them inside when they go to put it on

>drop armor like normal
>everyone picks it up
>except one guy
>wait for him to try and pick it up
>shoot the armor bag before he can get his animation started

played friendly hoovy in tf2

Got kicked several times but usually after showing people my 0/0 kdr was better than their negative kdr

It gets people raging so hard, not only is it loud and annoying but the laughing toy is like a mocking laugh, I've had people give me legit death threats over this, it's great

Mobtrain in fantasia and other awful MMORPGs to remove faggots who wanted to grind on MY map.

>pick rook
>place armor down
>prep phase almost done, one armor left
>who didn't pick their armor up?
>it's the fucking Jager on the other side of the map already
>didn't even reinforce as we found out
>cunt motherfucker I'll show you
>next round pick Castle
>he's still Jager, runs off again
>shadow him, pretend I'm roaming near him as backup
>he goes to break a window and jump for an outside peek
>run right behind him, and castle the window the moment he's outside
>he stares at it for a second before realizing what I've done
>he runs away to another entry point, right where the enemy team is
>gets promptly fucked


>Become unmutable or do it whenever someone else is talking
>Send really annoying tones

The javelin bug was hilarious. Scamper around sticking everyone with the knife and if they shoot you then it takes them and all their surrounding teammates out. Bonus points for playing call to prayer over the mic at the end of the round.

>play doc
>teammate is lit down to 15
>here let me heal you guy cmere
>kneecap them with the revolver

I used to teamkill in Resident Evil: Outbreak online. In those games there wasn't anyway to communicate through text nor voice chat in game so capcom handled communication through gesture animations and character's with generic voice acted responses like yes, no, go that way, follow me, etc. So whenever I go in 4 players game there are situations where we would have to split up in pairs of twos, and whenever that happens I gather all the weapons and herbs making sure my teammate gets none and I would secretly kill him/her.

Had an incident where I couldn't finish a player off and ran away to the other team. I eventually caught up with her and she was pointing at me repeatedly saying "No!" over and over again. The other players couldn't comprehend what she was trying to explain and gestured her to go back to me so we can do the objective. She kept saying "No!" while I was spamming "Yes!" to come with me. Eventually the other players got tired of the constant yes and no spamming that me and her were doing and ran off to do their objective and I ended up chasing her around and eventually killing her off. Good times

I'm dying of laughter, wish I didn't have a studder or I would shitpost over mic in vidyas.

>play Smoke
>randomly throw a container at a teammate
>smoke them out and keep moving like nothing happened

>play any operator ever, especially on attack
>silenced pistol
>shoot teammate in leg once or twice
>immediately pull back out big gun and carry on as if nothing happened

it's really funny when they turn around and immediately kill me, or the teammate they mistakenly identify as the one who shot them.

I was killing people who had their sabers off in Jedi Academy, and I got banned for that on many servers.

>playing Forza Motorsport
>ram into other players cars to help me make the corner

>playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>can change your handle to whatever you want so people can't see who it really is
>change name to bluefox
>select Panzer
>TK my whole team upon spawn
>rage ensues
>torrent or cussing
>get vote kicked
>change name to "it's not blue fox"
>enter same room
>"hey it's the same asshole!"
>vote kicked
>change name to red fox
>enter again
>instantly kicked
>try one more time as green fox
>instantly kicked
>find a new room to repeat
good times

Just stealin' that nuke disk, boss

I did this all the time, some people would spend the rest of the race just trying to ram me off the road


The best part about free online on PS3 is that you could create essentially unlimited accounts to smurf Street Fighter 4 on and grief new players with BS tactics like only using throws with Sakura, Spamming Shoryouken as Ken or plain trolling as Dan.

Nah, I could never get any joy out of annoying other people. Feels like only people who want attention are the types to do that kind of stuff.


i absolutely fucking love greifing in garrys mod. People take darkrp so fucking seriously when in reality no one even roleplays, they just get cash and look for reasons to kill. I love becoming a cop and just screaming at people and gunning them down.

TTT is also fun, yelling false kos's or killing someone because "i thought he was the T" etc etc. fun shit.

On RO I used to like dragging bosses across safe zones where people would leech while afking.

I've been griefed online before by fucking manlet tears but haven't griefed myself as I have some common sense

That one level in left 4 dead with the boat
>Use med kit at 98 health and pick up another
>Moments before hoard
>Haul ass away from the group
>Glitch on top of this Boulder
>Watch teammates fight or get massacred at bottom of Boulder
>They plead, beg me to help
>Wait till boat arrives
>toss moltovs on pier and shoot any remaining teammates
>Sprint at full health to the boat and escape
>Sole survivor
I like to think I shot the boat captain too

believe it or not some people on Sup Forums like to troll. sure the (you)'s are great when someone is buttmad but lots of grievers could care less and just want to be dicks regardless.

basically this, door blocking is all i've done
and it was fucking hilarious

>PvPing normally is considered griefing by redditors

>playing Town of Salem
>roleplay as someone who isn't even a part of the game

I don't know why, but it's so fun.

Once CODE. started it's miner permit nonsense in EvE I got into miner bumping/ganking and then attempting to extort a fee from my victims. Nothing is sweeter than dumpstering some kid and then having him reimburse you for the cost of your ship.

yeah, like posting in a thread about something you have no interest in. what kind of attention seeking whore would do these things?

>Playing roboticist
>Throw a pie at the HoS because a bunch of them were lying around
>Fails to remove my toolbelt
>This guy sucks at his job
>Decide to spend the rest of the shift making his life hell in whatever way I could

>tfw PvP'd with THE WALL build from Only Afro
>tfw also invaded with Level 13 Giant Dad

I also used chameleon to kill people on the bridge in the catacombs. Got so much hatemail for that.

Fuck, I miss Dark Souls PvP.

I never thought I'd say this but I miss GFWL, it made getting fanmail so much easier.

i made a target macro for this guy so it could cast faerie fire as soon as this nigger rezzed to prevent him from leaving, did that for almost 4 hours before he took rez sickness. I dunno if it really counts as griefing because it was retaliation for him fucking with people in my guild but whatever

i also camped alot of lowbies on my rogue since you could completely avoid reprisal with cloak of shadows and vanish

>CoD 4 Hardcore S&D
>shoot RPG on the ground at the start of the match


Yeah, steam is shit. If I ever go back to Dark Souls I just buy Xbox Live for a month and go invading.

robbed players of their equipment in Diablo 2 SC by killing them near the corpse eating monsters in the first levels of hell

>all the TTT servers i used to like turned into "no fun allowed" or "no fun allowed unless you're an admin"
feels bad man

>server really going to shit thanks to poor management
>lots of people who played on it regularly and knew each other somewhat
>plenty have already left for good
>dicking around in the top floor of a building
>hear a shit ton of gunfire
>then nothing at all
>"live check"
>slap a crate on the stairwell
>guy starts thrashing at it
>tell him if he comes up he's getting a bullet to the head, i know he killed everyone else
>i'm not claiming territory, i'm defending myself against the last possible person to be a T
>throws a few more barely related rules at me and tells me if i harm him at all i'm banned
>shoot him in his stupid fucking face hoping the rest of the server will dogpile him for his bullshit afterwards
>get banned immediately
>never return

teamkilled in Star Wars Battlefront 2, funny thing is 50% of the time my team was to dumb to votekick me and just raged in the chat

I don't know if messing with RL friends counts as griefing, but I did that a lot when we played on the same minecraft server. Usually subtle stuff, like making someone's house look a bit overgrown while they weren't looking, but a couple of times I went full annoying brat and dumped lava on them. Didn't mess with anyone I didn't know though.

Other than that, there's APB and its wonderful dumptrucks. Before they got nerfed, anyway.
For the uninitiated, unless the matchmaker throws you in the same mission, you can't mess with other people. No shooting them, bodyblocking, stealing their mission objectives etc. Except for vehicle on vehicle action. You can always ram a car with another. Dumptrucks are the biggest, heaviest vehicles in the game. They barely lose any speed while sending other cars flying. And catching other card between a truck and a wall used to mean instant explosion for the other car. Since it's their car exploding, it also kills the people in the car.
This of course meant that instead of running missions, I was cruising around the city in a stolen truck and ramming everything that moved.

Was something of an artist at this back in the days where you could team kill in Halo. Throwing bubble shields down around camping sniper teammates, throwing flares at your own guys, shooting them just enough to keep their shields off so they're always getting one-shot, clogging chokepoints with dead vehicles, swiping power weapons and emptying them into the air next to them, stealing vehicles and driving them off cliffs, taking held objectives and just running around the map like a pud, shooting map explosives and having them be guardian killed, not to mention the countless secondary griefing methods like being a cheeky cunt in text but never swearing or threatening til they sent a nigger-filled rage voice message, then reporting them and getting them message banned, or having your friends list report their gamertag as offensive all at once so M$ would force them to change it, plus all the kids you could trick into giving you passwords, xbl cards and tons of other shit by promising them recon armor (friend of mine had it, and he'd always say I did too and I just didn't wear it)... Damn, good times.

>gta 4 free roam xbone
>some fag sends me and a few other players a pm saying if you want to kill people play death match
>so I send some pms to other players and get the entire server to gang up on him
>and repeatedly kill him
>after a while somebody joins him and helps him out

>on halo 2 i'd mic spam and bait people into tking me by shooting at them so they'd get kicked
>also once my friends installed some hacks to change to the values of guns
>we were shooting people across the map with pistols and shot guns and flying around in warthogs

I also did tk baiting in america's army

i like how the success of clown shenanigans depends entirely on the ineptitude of others
>be clown
>get rubber gloves
>get toolbox
>break into that teleporter room behind the captain's quarters
>nobody stops me
>keep breaking doors, get into capt quarters and put a banana peel in front of the door leading to the bridge
>captain enters room, immediately slips
>pop out of his locker and pie him, grab nuke disk, and run
>get spaced by furious security, they didn't realize I had the disk in my backpack they were too angry to frisk me down

>play town of salem a lot
>throw out random lynching votes
>just spam TOWN RALLY VOTE GUILTY a lot

No. I'm not egocentric enough.

The closest i've come to griefing is causing someone to ragequit burnout paradise. They kept setting up custom races on the shortest route possible and they kept selecting the totally-not-KITT car from the legends pack because while not the fastest car is does out accelerate everything else. He kept using that to try and win the race but 1) I was much better at the game and 2) understood how the takedown physics worked so I would consistently causing him to crash and he couldn't make up the time before I finished.

Won something like 8 races in a row with different vehicles doing that.

I was twinking in souls games for a few years and it was the best way of relaxation possible.
>all that delicious assmadness
>all that fanmail
>all those creative ways you can murder people

Sounds like fun, I'd sometimes use hldj to purposely play the most annoying combinations of sounds but this is taking it to the next level

In TF2 I used to heal my friend (enemy spy) as a medic while he went around backstabbing our team. Fun times.

holy shit fucking rekt

NOBODY expects the wind blade

a bunch. had someone try to grief me and my buddy when we were playing left 4 dead 2 trying to get the achievement for clearing an act on expert.

>faggot joined us and we kicked him out like we do with all randoms
>he got so fucking butthurt he kept coming back in trying to gun us down
>get to finale
>annoying af to deal with him
>eventually just go afk and watch a long movie. come back 2 and half hours later
>he's been waiting the whole time and still spamming messages after we went afk
>just TK him before he can us
>beat the act and get cheev while he watches
>he immediately leaves and doesn't say anything
>we both send him this: :^)
>no reply
felt so good to shit on him after he spent almost 3 hours waiting just to troll us

The Division's dark zone was a griefer's paradise.

>join with a friend, split and find other players
>act friendly, help, try to lead to the same extraction zone both groups
>Act as the guys that dare to make peace with the other group
>wait for the heli to land
>As people are getting close to put their loot in the heli, drop everything you AoE you have on their face
>Laugh a lot as we steal their loot.

>play Halo 2 assault game mode
>use banshee to push bomb carrier out of bounds
>message other team telling them to quit or buckle up for a never ending match

i once built a big satanic temple underground in the path of a friend's mining operation, he flipped out because he was a total minecraft nerd and thought he knew everything about the game. he went on the forums or tweeted the devs or something, made an ass of himself, and got super pissed at me when he figured out i did it