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Avellone isn't even with Obsidian anymore

Avellone was always a freelancer.


Isn't he with Bethesda now? Maybe they will make it


fake and gay


He said Facebook, stupid.

>New Fallout with Christ Avellone and none of Le Balance Man and Obsidian dragging it into the mud

Bethesda clearly stated that they will never let Obsidian come even close to Fallout (or anyone else for that matter) like a month ago. Well, clearly in PR-terms that is.

Oct 2, it's nothing

That was fake

Well, I'm to blame then since I didn't follow the story later

what makes you think he just hasn't started playing an old one?

codexfags are delusional.

In one interview they said that they wouldn't be open to hand out the Fallout franchise to another development team, not Obsidian specifically, that was years ago though, their mindset has changed since then

He could do that and not update his profile picture, he obviously wanted to make that public

Next non Bethesda game should take place either in a place from the first two games or a completely new part of the west coast.
No need to go back to Vegas.

>wanting chris "dude tunnelers lmao" avellone to make new vegas 2

>their mindset has changed since then
Really doubt it. NV has a cult following, sure, but Bethesda only got greedier and more anti-consumer since then.

too soon after the massacre. this isn't right.

Fallout just had its 20th anniversary and he was one of the main guys behind it along with Tim Cain of course he's going to post something.

>new garbage 2

Considering the CC shannenigans and their jew practices with Skyrim and FO4 they might want to damage control a little bit by annoucing this

No no no no nonononoNONONONONONONO

Avellone posts a lot of teasing shit that means nothing, like when he made sketches talking about Kotor 3 and this

I mean you can keep your hopes up but there's no reason to.

This is getting me way more excited than it should, inb4 he's just working on a creation club mod


Wasn't Alpha Protocol an absolute disaster across all fronts?

>Give Alpha Protocol to me
I'd rather not

He would have cleared this up by now if he hadn't meant it..

All jokes aside, I think Todd himself would be ok with someone else doing a Fallout game. Rest of Bethesda tho..

Why do any of you fags care? If he IS with Bethesda now, do you honestly think hes going to have ANY creative control whatsoever?

He's just going to be another cog in the weal that is the shitty Bethesda brand.

Nothing has changed except that he's going to be more fucking miserable now.

He is the creative director for the ZOS Fallout MMO.

It will be set in Detroit "The Arsenal of Democracy"
Classes will be

Similar to ESO the central map will be the PvP area.
It will be downtown Detroit and will have various factories (RobCo,West Tek, etc) the factions fight over.

I am making this up (or am I?)

What does Brian Fargo do now?

>Obsidian b and c team did Tranny and PoE whilst a team we're doing Vegas 2

>Taking shit about balance man

>If he IS with Bethesda now, do you honestly think hes going to have ANY creative control whatsoever?

MK still influences TES and he doesn't even work for Bethesda, so that's not unbelievable.

I swear if this a joke...

>Without the rest of Obsidian

We'll see.

You're making this up, at least I hope you are. Zero chance a Fallout MMO would be good. Zero chance it would even be decent? How good is ESO nowadays?

It had goofy ass controls and mechanics, but it was actually a pretty fun game that you could have fun playing through a couple times.

Lies on the Internet, very lucrative.

Wasteland 3 and The Bard's Tale 4

Anyone who has played any of Obsidian's latest efforts would know that's a good thing.

The rest of bethesda is irrelevant, Todd is king and I'm sure he doesn't care about fallout, he is all about TES.

Shit games

>the guy who wrote the worst DLC wants to carry on writing more Fallout related stuff
>doesn't even work for the company that can prop up his shitty ideas
>his recent writing track record has been shit e.g Prey 2

Why would you get hyped? Even if it's not "New Vegas 2" and thank fuck it isn't because we don't need a sequel which will confirm what ending is canon. Let's just leave it at the players discretion. have you seen his ideas for new Fallout locations? He said if the New Orleans idea came to pass, he wants to basically retell New Vegas's "war over a dam" story. The only vaguely interesting idea he touched upon was the Eerie coast idea, but it's too close to the East Coast shitfest and therefore will likely be a continuation of that whole saga.

It is ok.
Needs a global market.
Can't stand having to hunt for what I want to buy in game.

Obsidian not only are going full SJW they don't even care about making quality content anymore so that's a good thing. Obsidian died with Stick of Truth, their last decent game

It's an interesting concept and was a very decently made RPG overall, but it was boggled with absolutely horrendous gameplay systems. On the one hand in tried to make an action game feel more RPG-like, but on the other they did it too fucking far so instead of Deus Ex they got more RNG than Borderlands. Good luck with aiming in a fucking action game.

Not sure how good ESO is, in terms of monthly active users I think it's at 3rd place globally, after Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft (at least according to Juniper Research)

It's better than it was, which is not saying much. It's still Skyrim: the mmo, complete with all the retcons and bullshit story telling as before.

I fucking hate you Bethesdrones

>It's just New Vegas remastered + cut content

leaked picture of the main antagonist


>implying this would be a bad idea

Van Buren = New Vegas, it would be redundant to make it

>New Vegas+cut content
how would this be bad Nig

>Larian and Obsidian are basically the only guys we can still trust for making good classic rpg's
>let me shit on Obsidian despite their game being above 99% of the rest of the rpg market

>the guy who wrote the worst DLC
Which one is that

I'm ok with that

He's making a paid mod for fallout 4

Isn't Final Fantasy XV the most played MMO nowadays?

Would you buy it?

Creation Club Content is NOT paid mods

whats his facebook page? link?

Fuck no it looked horrible and it looked like it played horribly too

I know RPG fans put up with a lot for the sake of story and choices but that doesn't mean the games must look horrible

If SJW just means trying something different with the standard, I don't mind.

15 years ago yes

I knew you'd understand. New Vegas Definitive Edition will launch with a series of mini-DLC approved by Chris Avellone.

>Meme Vegas

facebook /photo.php?fbid=10155272035373579&set=a.429919713578.215215.660898578&type=3&theater


XV is...a loose collection of game elements.

I will pirate it :^)

>>let me shit on Obsidian despite their game being above 99% of the rest of the rpg market
That's an incredibly low bar. Not that their latest games even reached it.

SJW means shoving contemporary political propaganda down your throat for the sweet globalist corporation paycheck when you're just trying to chill and play a videogame

Dead Money

>Top down isometric
Yeah, when I was in middle school, with unrefined tastes in art style.

What is Tim Cain up to these days?

But that's not the worst
That's one of the best dlcs ever released.

t. sniper player

Obsidian and Beth left on bad terms. I don't remember the same happening for MK.

You mean Honest Hearts.

I haven't really seen any of that from Obsidian.
Most of those things just...exist in their worlds.

>comparing rpg games with the rest of the rpg games in the industry is low bar
Your suggestion is comparing to what? Specific games? So it will be worse than a handful of handpicked games of your choosing while still being better than all the rest.
Point still stands, their rpg games is still among the best.

According to Juniper Research's "Future Games Market: MMO & MOBA" article, published 18/04/2017, the three most populated MMOs are World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online.

Of course, who knows when exactly the article pulled the numbers used.

Tim Cain works at Obsidian, same as Leonard Boyarsky.
Jason Anderson works at Turtle Rock.

>who paid us to shill their games for them

Does that paid mod include changing the whole fucking game? I would buy it.

That's horrendously incorrect though. lineage 2 has over 40m players monthly. Shits all over every other MMO because literally everyone in china and SEA play it.

If by changing the whole game you mean adding gygabites of mods that you don't even use and are not usable unless you pay or "pirate" them and fucking with your mods, then yes.

>Turtle Rock
They didn't die after Evolve got it's post-natal abortion?

Next Obsidian Fallout will be SJW Central.

>blablalba i dont even car gb2 \pole\\
Yeah, I'm still right and you know it.

It was supposed to be a sardonic response user. Com'on.

Sorry, i don't like fish.


>40m players monthly
The only information I've been able to find is that it has been played by 14 million unique users over the course of its current lifetime, with a peak of 1 million during the month of March 2007, though I'm taking this info from Wikipedia and the article it's citing about this is no longer online.

Old World Memes is the worst one imo

>Based Mormon
>Survivalist Story
>Best Armor
>HH the worst
How about go fuck yourself with that shit taste. Lonesome Road was the worst because you didn't get to do shit with the main character until the very end.

Why should I care? NV1 was mediocre as fuck.

>sardonic = sardine
You ok there user?

Yeah, pistol mummy was just great.