Which bonus is the best to get?

Which bonus is the best to get?

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The yearly one after you hit all your OKRs

They differ from level to level. Look for the bonus that adds more than 1 to the stats in question. Or, for HP, look for the one that gives you more than 3 HP.

Whichever gives you the highest bonus. One will always have a higher boost than the other two.

I dunno, I always just got one after the other.

Oh I see, I thought you didn't find out til you accepted the bonus


Is this the comfiest game of all time?
I'm thinking so.

It sure feels like it

Oh and use Mallow. He's fun mode

Who's mallow? Sorry for my ignorance I've never played this game

Oh wow you just started the game.
He gets shit on for being "useless" but he's basically the mage character I enjoy using him.

HP and POW for Mario and Bowser

HP and S for Peach, Mallow, and Geno

Alternate between levels, it really doens't matter though because the game is easy aside from the Final boss and Secret boss.


Damn I picked s for my first level bonus. I'm sure it won't matter if you say it's easy.

I do like having mages to battle with so that's cool I'll be sure to use him

Hahaha holy shit I could equip the hammer Brothers hammer

Loli love?

Save your frog coins for the Experience Booster item later on

Will do

Don't know what they are but will do

Please don't SMPRG is pure

Green coins you'll find in the world

Take screenshots user, you're all fuzzy.


Mario is well rounded so it doesn't really matter. You're going to be using both his regular attack and special moves. Same goes for Geno and Bowser, although you really don't need too much special into Bowser because he's already buff and has the best special in the game. I mainly stick to pumping POW into Bowser.

Peach and Mallow should just be pumped with Special stat. They're already really weak so adding HP or POW stats are a waste. Whoever you use to heal/support will be fine as long as you strap the Lazy Shell on them (an armor you get way later on).

I usually run Mario, Bowser, and Peach with the Lazy Shell. The game is pretty easy in general and kinda short.

I just found my old cartridge of SMRPG and Chrono Trigger and I've been replaying them. So good.

Just got the tadpole looking dude mallow

Wtf?! I get bowser??

Spent literally all his points into special and HP. His magic will be immensely useful for multi-targets early on and recovery is strong until mid-game.

No. No one gets Bowser...

Hope so only thing i see going for him is magic defense

Remember that magic attacks have timed hits as well.
For Mallow's thunder-whatever it's right as the last bolts sweep across the field and are about to fade. Press Y for extra damage. You really need to learn this shit to get through one particular asshole boss later on and it can be used to one-shot low level fucks for quite a while.


Only 5 coin for a Phoenix down? Nice!

this game limits you more by your inventory space than the item cost

Oh okay that makes sense

Are the shoes worth it?

>tfw used Mario, Geno, and Bowser as a kid because they were my favorites
>needed a healer though
>gave Bowser the Lazy Shell and had him passing out refreshments like an airline attendant because I didn't want to use Peach

Easy Mode is Mario/Peach/Geno.
Geno Boost everyone as a boss fight begins and normal attacks will do the trick.

they do exactly what they say
if you're wanting to use your jump attack special on enemies with spiney parts, you're gonna want those shoes on

but there's not too many of those, and you're usually using basic attacks on fodder enemies like them

Depends on the character. Most of the time attack and least of the time special but all should be used. Not that it matters. Game is piss easy with the exception of Culex.

All right I'll just grab a shirt and pants instead

Whenever you reach a new town or area with a shop, there will usually be new weapon and armor. Just buy them all. There really is no point in not doing it unless it's for a character you never use. You shouldn't ever run out of coins.

>mfw playing this on my 3ds

Oh okay so it's not like I'll find weapons or armor in a chest?

you might, but it's not going to be first room of the dungeon like other rpgs

Oh, there might be.

But not as frequently as normal rpgs?

Mario Give POW
Mellow Give S
Genome Give POW or S
Peach Give S
Bowser Give POW

Fuck HP never ever get HP if you get HP you're literally a pile of dog dicks.

Crap I gave Mario hp cause pow only would have went up 1

you can play snes games on 3ds?

Just pick whatever seems interesting. When I played this game on release I thought it was amazing aside from being too easy. I was 5 years old at the time, so I think you'll manage.

Pile of dog dicks!

Mallow s only goes up 1

But his pow goes up 3!

And hp by 4!

As great as SMRPG is, it is definitely a beginner's rpg. You really don't need to sweat stuff like equipment or stat optimization.

I'm so jealous. I wish I could play this game for the first time again.

Make sure you check out Paper Mario after you finish this if you haven't played it before.

Never played paper mario, is it like this?

All right in that case I'll give mallow some hp since it's the most

Honestly, there's no real point in raising his POW, since he will never get as good as Mario or Bowser. His magic is strong, so focus on that and HP when you get the bonus.
Otherwise, you're going to end up with a team of overpowered Mario and some mediocre physical attackers with less magic power than they should have. It's better to focus on one or two stats instead of trying to go for an even spread.

Not important! What is important that you play their strengths. You will have items and equips in endgame to cover everything else. Stack their specialties!

Definitive team would be Mario, Toadstool and Geno. Mario, Bowser and Mallow should be used in the sea/sunken ship segments.

Have you been living under a rock my nibba? Yes you can.

Dunno if you got told this OP, but the default Jump Special Mario has goes up one point exactly each time you use it. If you wanted to have some goofy silly fun, you could overuse it to make it overpowered as time goes on. So for example, if you use it and it does 5, next time it will do 6, then 7, 8, 9, 10, and so on. Its a silly thing to do, but its kinda funny to do massive damage to future bosses with Mario's cheapest special.

It tries to be a sequel to the game, in spirit. Yes, its pretty fun and cool.


Did not know that I'm going to try it.

N64 Paper Mario and Paper Mario: TTYD are amazing. You should definitely check them out.


Man this game is fun!

Croc hates fire

Ah my mistake, its every TWO times you have Mario use Jump, not every one time. A bit longer, but still a funny thing to practice.

Ye. Too bad Mellow and Genome never make a comeback.

There isn't really a ton of equipment in the game, and finding it in the wild is fairly rare and almost always special.

Why is mario shaking? That dog gave him a heart

Fear status. All stats are halved I believe. It might just be attack power though.

Nah, it broke his heart.

I think that's the fear effect. It cuts your attack, I believe. Been a while since I played it. Most status ailments can be ignored since they don't last from battle to battle.

If you want to get ridiculously overpowered early on, you can do it using that treasure box if you wanted to. But I won't spoil it unless you want to break the game and make it too easy. Which by the way, isn't a hard thing to do, there are numerous ways to break this game and make everything too easy. My advice to you if you want to keep it a challenge, is either fight every monster you encounter on the path forward, but not that you encounter on side paths, or switch it up and fight the ones you want to try, and run when you don't feel like fighting. That way, there's a low chance of getting overleveled.

It goes away?

Ahh perfect, was about to run to an inn. Thanks

Did you seriously stop playing the moment mario hit level 2 to come post on Sup Forums? Wow, son.

Man, I kind of wish there was another game in the style of Mario RPG (isometric overworld platforming + similar combat).
Square really hit on a magical formula with this game, didn't they?

Like the others said, the fear status effect. It cuts your physical attack in half. Can't remember if its just attack, or all base stats get cut in half. Actually now that I think about it, I think it includes cutting the characters speed in half as well. It can get annoying when it causes a physical attacker to switch from doing 10+ damage, to 1-5 damage.

There's a lot of pretty good throwback games in the style of Earthbound, but where are the throwback games in the style of Mario RPG?

Yeah I'll say my mallow got hit just now and he went from 24 to 12

Also OP, dunno if you know about this or not, but for Mallow's thunderbolt special, its action command is to press the button just as the screen flashes after the thunderbolts disappeared. If you do it right, the screen will flash and you will hear a extra crack sound. This makes it do more damage, and makes the move really helpful for some of the bosses in the game.

I'll try it on the crocodile

Seaside Town is best tune in the game debate me

Don't do that use Mario's fireball on Croco

Beware the Forest Mushrooms and Boosters tower FUCK that theme is the asshole.

I can't use both?

How many flowers have you gotten with the chase after booster mini game? Even with save states this time around I can only get 10.

Well yes but I'm pretty sure he's weakness is fire

Okay, I just want to practice on the lighting trick

dunno but it is pretty easy to max out at 99FP around that point

Saves FP. Just have Mallow guard and use Healing items. Mallow will be amazingly useful right after Croco.

I managed 12 last time I played. Just 2 under a speed runners usual amount. In pretty proud of it

>Actual vidya thread in Sup Forums
>Everyone having civil discussion and giving good advice to newbie user.

Comfy as fuck, please enjoy game OP, you're not going to find any real roadblocks until pretty much final boss (or secret boss) so just play how you wish.

Mario/Geno/Peach is the patrician choice anyway.

Is it in the Nintendo store? I've been looking for it but I've don't see it

Man, they sure make it easy. I've been getting a lot of "max hp" or "once again"

Damn I think I got like 14 once that shit is more tense than it should be