Star Wars Battlefront 2 swbf2

Anybody willing to host a server? let's get this shit started

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from last night

how did we lose this? literally had more command posts 70% of the time

server is up

name: battle/v/ront 2
pw: rage

get in here folks

hosted on US east btw


bump, get in here fags


11 people currently, we need more

i wish i cou-
>it finally worked

server is running great boys get in here

it's too early

Servers won't be fixed, GoG are fuckers, Disney are faggots.



Because you're bad kid


i fucking knew it. I knew it was just a marketing scheme for EAfront 2.

>bring back SWBF2 Online
>It fucking sucks
>News sites write about it
>Oh but hey, look at EAfront 2... lots of people are having fun in the beta unlike SWBF2

alliance strong

works for me

took it down to re-do some settings, server should be back up now
the usual PW

cant see your server

join in everyone its back up

I only ever played the single player, is the online fun?

Is it working properly now or is it still a buggy mess of unjoinable games

user from last night, fixed the 4 player only situation, now we have 64 available spots

No password required

Server is Sup Forums vs wrist rockets

I've only played splitscreen and single player myself but my experience with splitscreen would lead me to assume yes.

>no password

bf2fags got cucked hard

*breathes in*

its actually good times and fun until after like 2 or 3 matches the servers shit out


"it will be fixed they said". Now I really regret wasting that 3-4 euro for a game I already owned.

>s-see? disney is BASED they're not capitalistic pigs!
I wonder where those idiots are now

>you may play as count dooku
>connection to server has been lost

Where's the server? I can't find it

kek true

down for the time being, no point if it keeps crashing after every few matches

is it possible to host the conversion pack mod? i want to host with the classic bf1 maps, would anyone play?

How so? If you didn't already own the game you get a good singleplayer and multiple game modes instead of EA's polished turd.

I'm ready

At least they're releasing the code for the community to fix. If that's what they're saying.
But then they really didn't fix a thing since those updates will have to be downloaded externally anyways, so might as well have stuck with Gameranger.

i would join solely for bespin platforms

someone just make a server (no mods)

don't forget to change your hosting settings for max bandwidth in the game options

Singleplayer is just a glorified tutorial and bots are shit.

PW: rage
all classic bf1 maps, need conversion pack

link the conversion pack pls

I wonder if it would help to have the player max down. We won't get higher than 40 right away.

>need conversion pack
ain't nobody got time for dat

Conversion Pack 2.0

And 2.2 Patch (I assume)

No! You are going to cut the player base in half with this!

cant find the server

try it again just loaded into cloud city

link to the thread please

I don't see it.

i ended it, doesn't seem to be working

>need conversion pack
Fuck that.

>conversion pack
suck my ass


is the conversion pack updated to work with the recent gog update ?

I wanna play, but I haven't in years. So I probably suck ass and will get yelled at :(

nah everyone else sucks too just hold mouse 1 with the blaster rifle and somersault everywhere or sonic the edgehog up to people with the shotgun and flatten them out or some other cheap shit

Fuck off then, moron.

Nobody else has played in years either.

No, you.

I only played the singleplayer when I was 12 and haven't touched it since. I joined a multiplayer match and got a K/D of like 5 with some immense lag. I dunno why but people playing this shit seem like they're proper retards.

Is there a fix for the "busy" bug?
I havent been able to get in any servers today
As soon as I try it counts to about 60 and then returns me to a blank server list

Do we have a host or what?

Is there a Sup Forums server up right now?

restart the game and pray.

I bet Lisa has a chad boyfriend who rails her hard every night, while I am stuck playing on laggy broken servers on a game made in 2005.

really made me think

>Finally have time to play some old school Battlefront with Sup Forums
>Not a single faggot manage to host a game

Is the server down now? I dont see it

Its too early.

This is why I have largely quit gaming in 2012. These companies have ruined my favorite hobby with these shady tactics.

Anons are having enough complications as it is and now you want to add more? Fuck that.

>Disney are faggots

Oh yea?

I have one up Sup Forumsiggers pass:rage

>multiplayer is all there is

this one is working folks get in here

Joining Session ...

Thanks man

Bumping for battlefront 2


I'm just glad it's working. I've been trying to play for a while now. Glad I decided to host

give it to me straight, anons

will BF2 MP ever become more than a shadow of its former glory? should i buy the game on sale on the offchance the MP community revives?

another from last night's Mos Eisley

High Ground Securas vs Faggot Grievouses

It's fucking 4 bucks. How fucking poor are you?


it's dead jim
every server has more than 200 ping no matter what, and GOG/Disney already said they aren't fixing shit.
It's over. We've been played like a fucking fiddle. Don't waste your money.

>hear about OG BF2 online revival
>get excited to play this shit again
>can't connect to any servers
>yesterday they dropped a notice saying they're working on fixing the servers
>get my hopes up
>now this
So it was nothing but a cheap backstabbing marketing stunt all along just to take one last poke at Battlefront's twitching corpse.

it's not the money that's the problem, it's the hope

i can't handle disappointment of being teased with a chance to relive some glory from my teenage years

why haven't you just killed yourself already?

glad I decided to wait until the last hours of the sale

anyone else making webms of laggy shit? its kino imho

we should play on tighter maps like death star or tatooine with this player count

>that deathstar battle

waht the fuck, someone was cheating

after i find out how bad RDR2 is

i-i'm not procrastinating, i swear

game crashes with a "busy" message whenever I click multiplayer? fix?

almost fucking bought it
well played Disney.

This, it was fine yesterday.