Out of my way, plebs

Out of my way, plebs.

Best controller coming through.

Other urls found in this thread:


can it play Bloodborne?

It can

how to use lb rb without breaking your fingers?

>shit sticks
>shit triggers
>shit d-pad

How's the trigger situation? I used to love my 360 controller but after getting a PS4 I kinda hate the clicky bumpers and spacing between them and triggers.

nice controller but i personally prefer dualshocks symmetrical layout

That's not the elite.

That's not the glorious Dualshock 4 V2

>Dualshock 4

>god tier customization
>superior stick placement
>can stream sound from your PC if you connect headphones to it (using modded drivers)
>can be used as a trackpad
>can be used in CEMU for gyro shit

i wanna lick that thumb

but what about
>>muh NATURAL thumbstick placement!1!1!

>superior stick placement
Depends on the game. e.g. 3D platformers rely mostly on movement with left analog stick and pressing the face buttons with only occasional camera adjustments.

Or you can, like, just plug headphones into your PC if you are on PC anyway

>hey lets make this shitty battery-operated thing last even shorter

bought the black one for my PC, first xbox controller ever
the only thing i dislike is trigger design, its needlessly large and requires more time to press down which is rather bad
ps: click it just like bumper
xbox: push it 4 times the distance in order to get the same result

i keep hearing shit about the DS4 battery life, how is this one? i need a new controller for my PC.

XB controller doesn't have a stupid lightbar so its batter life is pretty good.

The d-pad is really bad. Can't play any fighting game with it. It only was a success because of the pc retards who needed cheap and reliable gamepad.

Do you even know a first thing about electronics? A shitty fucking led can last forever on battery power. But supplying a fucking audio preamp and output from it will draw it to shit super fast.


A champion appears!

>can stream sound from your PC

What's a bluetooth headset for 500$ Alex?

Even on battery lasts more than 6-8 hours and unless you're severely autistic you shouldn't play that long anyway.

Also far better DPad than any other current gen controller.

You can turn off the lightbar (at least on PC). Also with the Xbone controller you can keep a set of rechargeable batteries on the side and swap them in if your controller dies, rather than having to tether yourself to your console/PC.

The PS4 controller can easily drive a pair of 50ohm HD598s.

>uhhh ohh it totally works man!!!11
>I mean you shouldnt use it like that but it works I mean h-heh

Yeah, no.

Not even the best Xbox controller, buy an elite you pleb.

>Also far better DPad than any other current gen controller.
That would be WiiU Pro Controller.

Nigger don't use the audio out and it lasts over 15 hours just fine.

Is there any reason to upgrade from an X360 controller to this for Pc?

By not being a handlet.

4 hours a day or so, lasts about a week. Not exact numbers but its something like that.
Get yourself rechargable batteries you will spend less in about year

Upgrade only if you play games that heavily rely on the D-Pad.

How good is the D-pad compared to a Ps3-WiiU pro controller?

Might be nice for fightan games

That's good but the Elite is the best, I mean sure the grips may come off and the button on top can fuck up but it is still good.

It's better in pretty much every way.

>god tier customization
>superior stick placement
>can stream sound from your PC if you connect headphones to it (using modded drivers)
>can be used as a trackpad
>can be used in CEMU for gyro shit
>superior DPAD
>superior rumble feature with two motors
>doesn't use dinky old AA batteries like a toy from the nineties
>only needs a usb cable to charge, no need for retarded cable adapters
>if you use the cable then you get no lag unlike the shitty xboner controller which works wirelessly even when connected
>doesn't need retarded adapters and works out of the box via bluetooth or cable, on any device that support direct input including Android
>can be used as a torch

DS4 is the superior controller.

It's actually pretty good. Nice and clicky.

I rarely play fighting games, but in my opinion:
DS3 > DS4 > Xbone > X360
Never used a Wii U Pro controller for more than an hour, so I can't really comment.

Kicks the shit out of the dualshock "d-pad". About as good as WiiU Pro.

>can be used in CEMU for gyro shit
Is this actually a thing in any game? Like, actually useful?
Considering it

I hear it's great in Splatoon

Isn't it actually the touchpad that kills the battery?


I'm actually curious to try out splatoon with KBM, has that been done yet?

>Everyone laughs it off because "muh lack of 2 analog sticks"
>Near infinite customization options
>Can't figure it out? Just download a popular controller config and use that instead

It works wonders for stuff like Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls.

Good morning
>comfy shoulder-wide
>fantastic for gyro controls, not as twitchy as smaller controllers are, but not too heavy either
>very comfy touchscreen menus, maps and stuff alike
>made out of pure nintendium, solid and indestructible
>best stick placement after DualShock
>good buttons, especially d-pad
>can be played on the shitter if needed
Shame it was so underutilised.

In BOTW some shrines need you to use the gyro.

Yes, I improved on my previous post.

Im waiting for an improved version of this. Tried it at my friend's and it feels CHEAP as fuck
Its also kinda really ugly and fuck batteries

>no pc compatibility
>shit analog placement
>need to mess with motioninjoy tier drivers

Yeah no.

>Fuck batteries

It has a wired option user.

Is there a wired version of this?

I used to use my PS4 controller for everything, but since I got a Xbox One controller with my Oculus I can't go back.

The sticks on the Xbox controller are just miles better. I need to buy some Xbox sticks and put them on my PS4 controller. The battery life is like 3 times better as well.

Also, people saying the Xbox One D-pad is bad haven't even tried it. It's obviously superior to the mushy PS4 D-pad with no center.

Nah, it's the ps5 controller.

I was born with a swollen thumb that flares up every now and then and only the ps4 controllers analog sticks work for me.

Pic related.

It's been done through some long-patched exploits with Mario Maker. The guy said it certainly did give an advantage over gyros in Splatoon, but not nearly as big as gyros did over sticks. Mostly it was because gyros don't like abrupt movements, so moving the camera very fast is better with mouse.

>shit battery life
>shit triggers
>pointless touch pad
>pointless light bar that can't even be turned off
>pointless speakers
>shitty dpad
>analog sticks are made of very flimsy material
>collects dirt like a maniac
The DS4 is one of the shittiest controllers released in recent memory, and it's probably the worst controller Sony has ever made.

We're talking best controller, not best PC peripheral, because that would be keyboard and mouse, or if you're a madman, a flight joystick and a mouse.

>he fell for the DS4 meme

glad you finally saw the light

Get ready for a new (old) challenger

YOU get out of the way, handlet fucking shits.

I didn't fall for anything, it was a free controller

>>shit battery life
Lasts enough for a day of intense gayming.
>>shit triggers
Fake and you know it. They're perfectly fine.
>>pointless touch pad
It's still there and can act as 3 additional buttons depending on where you click it.
>>pointless light bar that can't even be turned off
Can be on PC and can be set to dim on PS4.
>>pointless speakers
Great to use headphones when playing on the couch and you don't want a long ass cable running to the TV or to the back of your PC, also can work as an input device if you connect a headset such as the Sennheiser HD598CS.
>>shitty dpad
Not true, it's about as good as a Nintendo DPAD.
>>analog sticks are made of very flimsy material
Only on V1, V2 has a good material.
>>collects dirt like a maniac

a literal piece of shit. 3rd party tier dpad and retarded black and white buttons instead of shoulders. Wrose than 360 and zone in every way. Even gamecube is probably better and that was a piece of shit too

Wait, this hurts my mind. Which one is backwards?


It's going to sell like shit and get discontinued senpais. Get one while you can. KB + M will always be superior. Be safe.

>needs batteries in 2017

>AA batteries


This annoyed me at first, but once you realize you can just hit them with the part of your trigger finger between your palm and knuckle it's nice. You can hit the bumpers without even moving your finger off the trigger.

Buy a charger then.

>I used to use my PS4 controller for everything, but since I got a Xbox One controller with my Oculus I can't go back. The sticks on the Xbox controller are just miles better.
Are you me?

>what are rechargable batteries
Also see

By not being a fucking manlet.

They each come with a standard micro usb port that lets you hook it up to anything.

>Sonyfags dicking their controllers
Like clockwork.

>that thumb-scraping monstrosity
>better than ps4 dpad

-The battery life is awful, you can't really defend it properly. Hell, the DS3 has better battery life than the DS4.
-That's not a lie at all, they're squishy like the DS3's yet everyone shits on the DS3 for having squishy triggers yet praise the DS4 despite having the same shitty triggers. Also they're arched so poorly that just placing down the controller can easily make the button get pressed and set something off in game.
-It's still pointless and doesn't really do anything that a standard start and select/back button couldn't do.It has some nifty ideas like using it for the virtual keyboard but it's hardly worth adding to the controller if that's all it's really going to be used for.
-Only on PC (where it can't even be used natively in most cases) through the DS4Windows and you still can't turn it off on PS4. Dimming it is irrelevant, it's still on.
-I said speakers, not the headphone jack you dumb nigger. The DS4 has a built in speaker.
-yes it is true, it doesn't even have a connected center part like every other actual good d-pad. It's squishy to boot
-The V1 and the V2 are actually the same outside of two changed (such as the light bar and the usb connection)
-learn how to read

I mean an actual built in wire.

Objectively most superior control scheme

enjoy your stick drift 3 months in

>xbox one controller
That shit is hot garbage.

I own both and the xbone pad is superior in every way.

>calling people pleb
>use a controller
the irony

Stick Tension

People who say this have clearly never touched a XB1 controller in their life.

I have both consoles you faggot, and yes, the 360 controller is better.Fit me irl

nice drivers m8

I like the 360 pad and all but its dpad is hot garbage. The Xbone controller is simply an upgrade, there's really not any grounds for debate.

Trim your nails you fucking animal

I have one. It's fucking shit.
It's way too fucking big and the buttons are too fucking small, the shoulder buttons (bumpers) are huge and require too much force to press, and the left trackpad is no replacement for a dpad.

I dont really like the new Xbox controller but my mind might be clouded by 10 years of constant use from the 360 version

why wouldn't you use the analog stick, it's more like a traditional arcade cabinet stick

Fuck's sake Sup Forums get it together

>elite stick quality
>launch day stick drift
>dpad shits itself fast
>firmware update bricks the fucking controller
no fuck you that thing is a pile of shit

ok lets go nigger

*blocks your path*

I found one of these in my brothers room and hes moved out what do? my birthday is coming up

this, comfy as fuck, and dat battery duration

>garbage d-pad
>digital triggers


you right