Do you sit correctly while gaming Sup Forums ?

Do you sit correctly while gaming Sup Forums ?

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I sit like this.

who /spider/ here

Only way to play a handheld coming through

Are you a hedgehog?

Who /L/ here?

>those numbers

What is this? Some retarded American way of measuring things?

what is in the secret stash user?

I sometimes sit like that when I watch something on my computer

>it's an upsidedown castle stage


all my life i have sat like him

>neck forward
>neck forward
>...neck forward

Master race.

Whatever you want. For me personally it's porn magazines just in case an apocalypse happens and I want to masturbate with a visual aid.

I squat like this on my sofa with my butt touching the sofa
I'm doing this right now
It's because the table my PC is on is really low so that is has to be near the sofa (I can't rest my legs down, and my sofa is messy so I can't spread my legs to the side)
It's maximum comfy though, and is proven to be the most optimal way to shit, because of how it forms the anal way (You know how standing whilst pooping is impossible, and sitting makes it easier? Squatting makes it 5x more easier)
Also this



I switch around a lot


I sit in a hammock placed in front of my computer. It's also my bed.

Pretty comfy.

i sit with my katana ready to be drawn to strike down any opposition

I suspend myself from bungee cords attached to my ceiling


you should prove your katana skills by shaving your legs


If you're not drawing yourself sitting at your computer right now, you're the cancer killing Sup Forums

i'm a harry ape, my dad is rhodesian


>Chair leans too far back
>So far back the front wheels lift up
>Can't sit comfortably and close to my desk while leaning back
Help me

What I wouldn't give for a night with Joost...


She's trying to hold back an increasing smile, kinda cute.

This is exactly how I sit, and it's bad. No lumbar support, causing bad upper back pains, but it's a bad habit of mine. Starting to form something of kyphosis

hairy* damn phonetic spelling

thats me


Literal underage, kill yourself.

>EU "education"

this is usually how i sit, depends on the day

You bet, motherfucker. I bought one of these fold up lawn chairs and a steam link for my bedroom. I use a pillow for my lower back and a second one when leaning back all the way to prop my head up. So comfy that I've fallen asleep twice and woken up well rested with nothing sore or aching. By far the comfiest fold up chair I've ever used.

couch 135 degrees master race reporting

As an eurpoean,i know what these numbers mean.
That guy is just a complete fucking retard.


>not laying down so there's minimal compression on your spinal discs

I'm European and I don't. Waiting for people to stop making fun and explaining them instead.

>I suspend myself from bungee cords attached to my ceiling
draw us a picture I'm having a hard time imagining it

How many levels of false flag are going on here?


>backs killing me
>cant have good posture
should i work out to get some good posture?

>As an eurpoean,i know what these numbers mean.
Congrats but it doesn't matter much when your average countryman is dumb. Stereotypes are stereotypes after all, much like Americans are fat

never had any problems with my back after sitting in that position only


What's the best gaming chair Sup Forums? I can spend up to 200€ on a new chair, and I'm pretty tired of those generic red office chairs.

>sit 135 degrees for years
>everyone tells me it's wrong way to sit
>now doctors suggest everyone to sit like that

>fapping during the apocalypse
>not forming a viking motorcycle gang and raping survivor settlements.
>not whoring your boypussy for canned goods



Why does she sit like that?

I thought all of Sup Forums sat back with their feet on the desk in their stripey socks?

i have a maxnomic and it has lasted me 5 years. so fucking comfy (im also an overweight neet)



Her mother was from Belarus


I'd sit properly if my fucking table went all the way against my chest.
Instead, my gut is on the way.

maybe her butt hurts

Not kidding this is how I usually end up when I start playing my N3DS in bed.

Never heard of a "europeans are dumb" stereotype,maybe "brits have crooked teeth" or "romanians are theives" but never that one.

working out with bad posture can be hugely harmful to your back. you need to have good posture before you lift.

I was gonna ask what was on
dicks, but you got it covered.

i literally just caught myself from doing this. it's bad

Never forget.

lose weight you shitheap

around 2

Watashi wa L desu

I'm trying.
Apparently, it takes a really long time when 40% of your bodymass is fat.


I believe in you


>when 40% of your bodymass is fat

Do keto.

>Being a cancerous faggot

Mine is exactly this but leaned back instead of forward. Hand on forehead and bags under eyes included.

I wear a hat though.

Consistency is key,user.

I don't think so.


From what?

>getting triggered by an image

That's how I sit most of the time. Don't know why but it's comfy.

no u

are you a monkey?

Of course

Of course not. A monkey could draw better.


From what?

Lost like 20 kilograms already, down from a staggering 140 at my fattest. Feels good to be able to breathe again.
Although, my body doesn't look any better, and I'll probably have lots of loose skin.
I wish it hadn't gotten to this point, but it's amazing what kind of mental gymnastics your mind can perform when it comes to embarrassing isses and self-image. You'll just go on thinking "I'm just a bit fat, that's all" until one day you get the hard numbers and realize your fat is about to start weighing more than the rest of your body and that you've been enough to feed a vietnamese family for the last decade.

why is dis dog quoting gurren laggann


just go to the gym every day and don't leave until you're sweaty as fuck.

Not at all, I sit slightly back with my knees up, feet on the ridge of the desk like I'm ready to take dick