Less than a month for the sequel

The successor to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Sceduled for an October reveal, with the gameplay reveal at PSX. Expected to release Fall 2018.

Characters in the demo include

>Nathan Drake

Stages include
>Crash X Horizon Zero Dawn
>Persona X WipEout
>Tearaway X Vib Ribbon
>PlayStation Arena

The CG trailer will be Kratos, Morgana, Crash and Aloy fighting in a forest.

Gameplay will now feature life bars. Characters now have only one super attack (like the level 3 from the previous game). The game is more fluid and fast than the first game. Along with the artstyle being more unified.

Note that this info is compiled from a journalist who posted on Sup Forums who has seen the demo and you can ask whatever you want here

Also the trademark for PlayStation All-Stars got renewed. what are you thoughts on this Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Never ever

>sonyfans beginning to shill this hard
how the mediocre have fallen

Raiden and Big Daddy again and I'm sold

No matter what OP
SSB is the king of fighting games

get DMC3 Dante this time around and an actual Final Fantasy rep

Smash isn't even a fighting game which is why it's good

I´m not a poorfag, I have SSB too.

How fucking desperate for characters can you get

Do you even expect anyone at Sony to check Wikipedia and see what franchises do they own?

>PS exclusive character from 2017

You're both fucking retarded

Now go ahead and reply with a meme image faggots


Making a game based around shilling is one of the many things that went wrong with the first game.

Uh pretty sure this would be at Playstation Experience if it happens at all.

Which will never happen, because this game is a lie.

>How fucking desperate for characters can you get?

They used Fat Princess the first time. The IP that was only ever famous for confusing people as to why it was still around in the first place.

This is honestly starting to bother me. This is like the 12th time there was a "leak" or a sequel to this game. Did people really like this game?

If you go to Deviantart and Wikia, you might get an answer.

If the damn game doesn't get a reveal on the following 30 days I hope you experience a slow, painful death and fucking burn in hell. Just because you lied on the Internet.

I genuinely, honestly, nonironically preferred it over Smash. It had its problems, but not the problems everyone shit their pants over. No, only being able to kill with supers was not a problem, people just refused to accept it. Still though I really preferred the core gameplay since it was more like a fighting game. The combos and pressure and knockdown game etc was all really fun.

Calm down user

I hope with all my heart that this is real but its probably not just like all the fake leaks Ive made up here.

>smash clone with a viable online that works
Yeh people want, just with a fucking roster that people want. Not donte or raiden but old snake and dante.

>Did people really like this game?
Yes, because I like many others were starved to see our favorite IPs again.
Seeing them fight against each other in a sort of smash-like enviroment sounded appealing to me.

Now whether that was a good game or not, is a different thing entirely.

Do we get superior N-sane Trilogy Crash or is it still the shitty initial 'remake'?

>we finally get a Final Fantasy character into a fighting game
>huge library of incredible characters to choose from
>they settle on fucking Noctis because it will sell more FFXV
I mean, I guess it could've been worse, not hard for Lightning to transcend yet another dimension and all of that... but still.

Hope this turns out to be true, genuinely liked the first PSA, even though it clearly had issues caused by a troubled developer/publisher relationship.

I imagine this game is real, but it's going to suck balls.

Here's the thing, Sony bois... NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR IPS.

Does this mean that FUCK YOU and Heihachi aren't in the game this time?

That roster is a horrid sausage fest but I don't even know who they could add to fix that

No Neptune, no buy.

>Gameplay will now feature life bars
do they really not get what makes smash fun

Giant red-headed boobs sword

This is just what we know now. I'd be shocked if we didn't see Cloud make his way into the game. They're probably not going to touch anything pre-FF7 though (it wasn't iconic to the Playstation)

Im with this guy
It had a good mix of actual fightan and smash like platforming. A sequel will hopefully perfect it and that's really all I could ask for.

Even with all of the issues they still made a pretty fun game with some cool ideas. The conversion of some characters was great too.

Nice LARPing

Only after the game, but before it, most people weren't underages who actually heard of Parappa.

Me too.
>No, only being able to kill with supers was not a problem, people just refused to accept it
Man I hate when people get that sort of mentality over any game, puts the developers in a really fucking awkward spot of 'do we just shamelessly rip-off the other game instead, no they will also hate that'

It's not supposed to be a Smash clone. It never was. That's why talking to you faggots about the game was always infuriating. Every discussion ever was "lmao shitty Smash clone" followed by "why doesn't this game play exactly like Smash"? It was similar in concept only, but no one wanted to accept that.

They're more similar to each other than they are to any other popular fighting game, but saying anything more than that is a stretch.


Probably fake but man I would love to see another PSAS. Need to main my boy PaRappa again

Who are you quoting?

Well they got rid of Pimpsuit Heihachi and Dan so now I have a new main, I guess.
I miss pizzaburg.

>friends all love SSBM, played every day after school
>this comes out
>everyone complains it's just a Smash ripoff because it's the same genre
>don't play more than one game of it
>i thought it was ok to mix things up l

I hate you spergs

>hey got rid of Pimpsuit Heihachi and Dan

sonyfags are really depressing

Remember Memoski?

This game is shit and sequel is not needed.
I generally dislike all Smash-like games, you could've done a proper crossover game but instead you do this shit, really?

What if it was Kingdom Hearts inspired?

I couldn't play this shit for more than 5 minutes because the stages were so godawful. I hope they fix the obnoxious stages in the sequel.

Anyone have that one Simpsons edit of Cloud and Ryu joining Smash over PSAS?

>Sony has next to no noteworthy first party IPs
>they actually tried to make a Sony Smash

Capcom, Sega and maybe Konami are the only ones that could pull that off. Shit, even Microsoft has more varied and memorable IPs than Sony.

FALL 2018? Then why tell us about that shit now?

Reminder the only people who dont like PSABR were smash fags who think these games are fighting games.

Then I would like it and actually buy it.

Reminder that the "Sony has no memorable IP's" meme was just pushed from this shit game and is getting more pushed from clueless, Dorkly loving underage, who think nobody should know about video games, because they're too lazy to explore the medium
In other news: Sonic was never good, Yakuza and GTA are the same and Brutal Doom is the original Doom game, released in 1993.

There had damn well better be a Bloodborne rep. The most obvious one is a balanced Hunter, but Lady Maria or even Micolash would be interesting.

What about the curvy bag chick from that one doujin?

That's Dark Souls ya dumdum.



as the sole xbot left
i'd buy a ps4 exclusively for another all stars, they're maximum comfy (although if any ms shills are lurking where is our smash clone? im waiting)

how long until smash gets doomguy?

>nep wouldve been perfect in sony smaah
>sequel comes out and she not excluzive anymore

Good job retards

Its an undeniable fact that the Playstation brand was built and still being sustained on 3rd party exclusives.

Are we really going to pretend that people are begging for Heavenly Sword, Fat Princess or Warhawk sequels? Crash and Spyro are what people want. Sony doesn't own them. Ape Escape & Jak sequels are wanted too. Sony left them to die.

Why do people want this?

Heavenly Sword and Fat Princess has sex appeal.

When people said "Who is PlayStation's mascot", they didn't necessarily meant "Does PlayStation have any character" but rather "Is it Ratchet, Sackboy or Toro", at least for most of the time.
And even if Jak and Ape Escape are dead, at least they're first parties that people can notice, while TLOU and Uncharted have major casual appeal and are still sort of relevant.

The blatant Smash ripoff will never make me kek. It's on par with Playstation Move

Every day it's a new story. Who comes up with these PSASBR2 fanfics?

Which one?

I hope Kiryu is in it, I would main him all day

People literally still play it online on PS3 to this day. Go start up an online match and you can find a match in under a minute I guarantee it.

>PSASBR has more player than LawBreakers



Somebody please commission SSSonic 2 to draw her

>the spamming autist is back
It's not even funny anymore, it's just pathetic. Seek help man. You've been posting this shit """""leak""""" for months.

Truly, worse than Spikat


all those literal whos. literally nobody asked for this

They should do something different instead of just a smash game. Make a legit crossover game instead. So it's a 3d arena shooter but each character plays exactly as they do in their own games. Nathan drake can use a pistol and take cover. Spyro can fly around. Crash can stomp people in one hit. Snake can sneak around and use CQC. Kratos does whatever he does.It would take some balancing but it would be better than a fuking smash clone. Shit that doesn't fit like Parappa wouldn't be included. You could throw in an old school lara who controls exactly like the PS1 games. and a killzone guy who has powerful artillery but isn't very mobile and has to use 1st person

Themed maps that look exactly like they're from Crash or Uncharted or whatever. A true crossover game

>Nu kratos
>nu rachet
>featuring noctis from the final fantast XV series


In all fairness Aloy is their "leading" character behind Nathan, Joel and Kratos.

Not that I won't fear the cast being as mediocre as PASBR's first go. God what a fucking insult that was.

i knew someone who was a big contributor to the psabr wiki, autism is one hell of a drug


Where the fuck is Abe?

People are actually discussing this like it's real.
Am I trapped in a meme vortex?

Seriously, this game could be the most amazing shit and I wouldn't give a fuck. I bought the fucking first game and was able to play it for 2 weeks untill the little community that was online had disintegrated.

>DMC3 Dante
Pleb. DMC1 Dante is the most aesthetic.

DMC3 Dante is the most iconic one. That is why he is used in crossovers.

>70% of the characters are normal humans
missing the point of the genre




my nigga Joker better be playable

You think it's the most "iconic" because you're a fucking DMC3babby. Meanwhile, DMC3 Dante is relegated to MvC