>casualized and killed mmos as a genre
>casualized and killed hero shooters as a genre
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
>real money auction house
>made the idea of lootboxes so popular that it's now in singleplayer games
Will this company single handedly cause another video game crash?
Casualized and killed mmos as a genre
to be fair it was valve that popularized loot boxes
>video game crash
It's just not coming, bro. Also check this 1
Warhammer Online could save the MMO genre.
Thanks to EA and GW, that fucked up so bad, it didn't.
is it a bad thing if you'd profit from this sort of thing
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
Are you trying to paint Blizz as the heroes here?
I bet you are the same guy who says TF2 is a masterpiece even though it was the first game to include loot boxes.
>casualized and killed mmos as a genre
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
>casualized and killed hero shooters as a genre
>real money auction house
>made the idea of lootboxes so popular that it's now in singleplayer games
TF2 did that first.
It's okay when Valve does it, silly!
>not realizing Sup Forums is full of steam shills
>>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
hots was never popular
I get the claim for WoW and overwatch but is HotS really popular enough to do damage to an entire genre? I thought it was quickly forgotten cause of the usual suspects
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
HotS never had any say in that. If anything Dota did that by turning itself into some godawful bootleg League/HotS hybrid over the years.
>casualized and killed mmos as a genre
Last i remember LoL wasn't made by Blizzard
Killed RTS genre too
The moba genre was already in the swan song phase before HotS was even a thing
Also, blizz didn't kill mobas with HoTS but Overwatch was the coup de grace towards it
Overwatch has nothing to do with mobas, it's not a moba.
Are you the same sad fuck who created this thread and kept samefagging?
i think he meant mobas
Quoted thenwrongg line, but its there
>casualized and killed mmos as a genre
Sure, but it was also the driving force behind popularizing them in the first place (Shut the fuck up, no MMO was even close to as successful as WoW, and yes, even Vanilla was pretty casual compared to the other big ones) so we'll call it a wash
>casualized and killed hero shooters as a genre
TF2 did this YEARS before Overwatch was a thing. Why do you think Overwatch was so popular when it first came out? It was because TF2 had fucking killed the genre already.
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
MOBAs were always casual as fuck. HOTS was never big enough to have enough of an impact on the genre. I would also argue that of all MOBAs, HotS is a lot more focused on winning objectives rather than "win teamfights and push until they respawn" so "casual" might not be the best word.
>real money auction house
>made the idea of lootboxes so popular that it's now in singleplayer games
Again, Valve did this YEARS before Blizzard did.
>to be fair it was valve that popularized gambling
True. Blizzard only steals what others have mastered. It's what they've always done.
Blizzard is just a benign tumor. It has no real effect on the industry as a whole but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly.
>one of the biggest and most influential developers in the industry has no influence in the industry
what did he meme by this
>casualized and killed hero shooters as a genre
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
There's nothing to casualize.
>real money auction house
How was that a bad thing tho?
>casualized and severely crippled mobas as a genre
mobas were already casual. They were played by people who couldn't get good at real RTS games.