Which vidya allow me to kill cats?
Already played fallout 4
Which vidya allow me to kill cats?
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someone off this fucking cat-killer.
Dark Souls
i wish the full video was still here
Stupid fucking cunt.
Anyone who hurts cats should end themselves desu.
cats are worthless animal.
So are you.
agreed. shouldn't harm them though.
Your shitty animal doesn't even love you.
Get rid of that pest.
Metal Gear Rising
Go aheas try it
>pets don't love you it's just instinct/manipulation/chemicals!
oh brainlets, the lack of self-awareness is always hilarious
Deus Ex
Dwarf Fortress
>game has fall damage
nice joke, i know they can evade any slash somehow.
Wished i could slash them to pieces.
good one
Why would you want to hurt a cute little cat?
makes me want to poison a dog but I've already killed all the dogs in my neighborhood
Because he's a pschopath.
doglets, when will they learn?
This thread.
>cats eat your food
>don't even love you
>are ungrateful
>leave all day and only come back when they need something
>bring dead things into the house
>get hair EVERYWHERE
>literally infect you with a disease that gets into your brain
>piss and shit inside
>meow and scratch you the second they need or don't want something
>go from give me attention to leave me the fuck alone at a moments notice
>will leave you if they find someone better
Cats suck. Dogs are and always have been man's best friend.
Postal 2
Dexfags BTFO
>trying this hard
Kek, don't make me get the boiling water clip
How can people love cats?
lol cucks are getting btfo'd left and right in this bitch. does anyone have a rare pepe where he kills cats
They're infected by a cat carried disease that can literally infect your brain.
i can't wait for fallout 4 VR
so i can kill cats
in virtual reality
>worked in a grocery store throughout high school
>the people buying dog food or dog toys were clean, kind, respectable people
>the people buying cat food bought more food for their cat (s?) than they bought for themselves, always smelled of sweat and cat piss, and greasy, unkempt hair, were in pajamas or gross clothing, and we're always rude or just downright autistic
Why is this always the case?