Who are the Sup Forums approved let's play youtubers?
Who are the Sup Forums approved let's play youtubers?
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go back to r.eddit you fucking retard
this desu
kill this thread please
>this isn't the first post
Sup Forums is beyond saving
all of these
Who's that? She's cute
>let's play
remove yourself
Is this the girl that comments on all of Mike Matei's videos?
Doesn't she know that he has a girlfriend?
>e-celeb cancer
I like Outside Xbox, but mostly because I like Jane Douglas.
Reddit starter pack
I'm not the only male that paints his nails because its a nice feeling right?
neck yourself, my dude
None of them you fucking nigger.
why the fuck do newfags pretend to hate e-celebs in an attempt to fit in? newsflash kiddos, Sup Forums has loved e-celebs since day 1. we've had AVGN and Spoony threads for over a decade.
DSP is the only answer
if by cute you mean looks like a rat
Kill yourself, Gladium
You piece of shit namefag
>good let's players
literally none.
>having to avoid the word filter
literally no u redditor
>he doesn't like rats
now kys
That guy just put videos together and call it "content".
In some videos he doesn't even edit anything or show anything interesting, like in this one: youtube.com
Crowbcat is a girl, although she has a lot of guys run around and collect clips for her.
But those are shit, the only e-celeb Sup Forums tolerated really was AVGN and even then some anons disagreed about that too. Spoony was more a Sup Forums than a Sup Forums thing.
>no mention of ulillillia
Don't try and pretend you're not some new shit from 2010+
Nice revisionist history
It's wasn't a majority of this site, my man. Always a minority.
Plus, AVGN is much more like Arino and GameCenter or Jontron in that it's an entire production. It's not just some asshole talking to you telling you what to like.
what the fuck thats a tranny
Fuck let's plays;
Who are the Sup Forums approved gaming channels that are NOT lets plays?
my cock is sooo fucking hard
>Always a minority
But now it is a majority. Twitch and Youtube viewership exceeds television viewership. We have an entire generation of kids growing up watching e-celebs. You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but e-celebs are here and now and they're only going to gain prominence in the future.
AVGN didnt get started on youtube. dont compare him to any of these faggot lets players.
Metal Jesus Rocks
>getting this triggered
neo/v/ please leave too
I hate this generation of kids.
i wanna bust a nut on her face so badly.
she's not that bad though and has good taste in games
the queen of course
>Jim Sterling
>Angry Joe
Irredeemable taste
i can tell you're into white trash.
>come back home from college for my mom's birthday
>unlock the door
>they're all in the living room watching markiplier and literally laughing out loud at his shitty overreactions
>there are people right now on this board who have donated money or are subcribed to gurl gamer and nu-male cucks streamers
i thought you faggots were retarded for as long as this youtube gayming personality meme has been going on you cancer
To be fair, Jim has improved and taken the consumer rights mantle which I can respect. His voice and fat face are annoying as fuck though.
There are no such thing as Sup Forums approved youtubers because youtubers are not video games. They are off topic e-eceleb bullshit. I would suggestion fucking off to /trash/ but apparently they hate you there.
im a black guy from a white trash area i cant help it.
markiplier is a cool guy
but yea angry joe and sterling are dogshit
>not supporting content creators so they can make more content
frick off
>tfw haven't given one cent to a female streamer, and she still likes to jokingly flirt with you.
Skip to 5:08.
>tfw the metal jesus crew has probaby gang banged her tiny little body
>she's probably swallowed all their cum
get some taste my man
How is that Zackscott guy?
>Tell Me What To Think starter pack
I gave it a chance. But it was just the Joost reading game text. I don't see what's supposed to be impressive about that. She's pretty average as a streamer.
Hair and makeup looks great though. She looks even younger now.
>tfw last chick i went out with was white trash.
its like im a magnet man idk how to stop it. maybe i need to move.
geoff may be terrible at video games, but at least he's entertaining
the freelance astronauts
dunkey [if that counts]
yes, but they don't speak english (all english-speaking youtubers are humourless cucks for 12 years olds)
>Shut in gigaNEETs completely assblasted and triggered by youtubers
No, that's Mike Matei
I have a YT red membership. Not for their original content (which sucks ass) but for it being ad free on my phone since I listen to YT songs and videos during work each day.
Sips,robbaz,chrisodd,lobosjr and pewds
That guy is incredibly naive.
basezd our guy pewdie triggering the justive warriors
Sips is best boy, I met him and he is chill as hell
I'll tell you who isn't
Anyone that seriously makes video essays on how video games are deep. That is the most pathetic thing you can make on youtube.
>Sup Forums is one person
What is it with all of the faggoty Nintendo Youtube fags with cartoon avatars and slight lisps?
I am one person though.
>Sup Forums isn't a hivemind
Only Sup Forums approved Youtube is AVGN.
Female Mike Matei
>Sup Forums is one person
He is also a self richous fadora tipper Christ cuck
>bumping a dead thread
Literally why?
why do i have to look at this when i look at the catalog
no gore
I would like to think that Sup Forums doesn't approve of watching others play video games on the internet when they could be playing said games themselves
sage newfaggot
>Unironically liking Markiplier
The Neo-Sup Forums meme keeps getting more real each day.
Hating reddit is the new edgy shit
Lost all respect for TB after Trapgate.
wtf i love being edgy now
There was this one guy I liked back in the day. He was english and only played obscure horror games. Barely talked, just played scary shit. Don't remember his channel anymore.
Also RealGameHunter but that autistic bastard is long gone and only did 2 or 3 actual lets plays.
Why is pale skin and bright red hair so damn patrician?
I watch Streamers on the daily and Im still gonna say none
>her hands
That's a man baby
>eceleb trash
fuck off