As a platform is decent but as a Sonic game it's average

As a platform is decent but as a Sonic game it's average
Sonic 2 Remaster > Sonic 3 > Sonic 3&K > Sonic 1 Remaster > MemeMania > Sonic CD

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sonic 3 > Sonic 3&K
I will never understand these faggots. The original game + more is worse than the original?

>Sonic 3 & K

>Sonic 2 Remaster
Not with that shit music.

It's the same as the genesis except without sound compression

>not knowing how to read greater than/less than signs

oh that's a typo problem
what I mean is Sonic 3 > Sonic & Kuckles

>Sonic 3 > Sonic 3&K
>Sonic 1 higher than anything
wew lad

>As a platform is decent but as a Sonic game it's average
>meme mania

Excellent arguments used there pal, i like the part you use the buzzword "meme".

Seriously, why can't people say "i don't like it and here is why...". instead of pushing their shit opinions as facts?

Why you people shit so much on Sonic 1?

It's not a bad game, but compared to the others...

>Sonic mania
>not full of memes
>not a glorified homhack

But where are the fucking arguments here? You are just greentexting things in the game and asuming they are bad because you fucking say so.

Also, what memes are you even talking about? And what makes it a glorified romhack? The fact that it reuses stages? Are you going to call other Sonic games romhacks because they reuse stages too?

I think on a technical level, Sonic Mania is is the best Sonic game, but I find myself more drawn to 3&K due to its presentation and combination of worlds (even if some of the Sonic 3 worlds are dreadful). Mania also didn't really bring anything new to the table so the game struggles to have its own identity.

I also really dislike Titanic Monarch Zone. It's practically impossible to beat on a first try due to the timer.

Also, Sonic Mania is glitchy as fuck. I got trapped twice and had to run out the clock. Not fun.

>I also really dislike Titanic Monarch Zone. It's practically impossible to beat on a first try due to the timer.
Are you kidding me?

>The fact that it reuses stages?
No, it's simply a uninspired game(also very short). Besides western people can't make good stage design
As an indie game it's decent but as a Sonic game it's below average

Nope. Those levels are long as fuck. I consider myself decent at Sonic games, and for playing blind the first time, I couldn't beat them in ten minutes.

>want to replay 3&K and Mania with Tails
>drop it two levels in
I always forget how shit Tails is. His entire gimmick is just a crutch that slows you down.

Played through the rest of the game with little to no problems. Only other area that gave me some difficulty was the second Oil Ocean boss. Only Titan Monarch was an issue.

>I consider myself decent at Sonic games
What is decent by your standards? Because I literally had no trouble with Titanic Monarch, like, at all. Time limit was not a problem. I could finish Act 2 in 6 minutes on my first blind gameplay. Seriously, you are overrating the level too much to the point where you sound like a casual.
I apologize for the reposting, quoted the wrong post because Asperger

You need to mix up your adjective game. Contrasting with these two tells me nothing.

Let's face it, Sonic 2 Remaster > Sonic 3 Complete > Sonic Mania


>OO Act 2 boss
Das it mane

>not enjoying exploring levels

>No, it's simply a uninspired game(also very short). Besides western people can't make good stage design
>As an indie game it's decent but as a Sonic game it's below average

Again, just buzzwords and opinions given as facts. What makes a good and a bad level to you?

You magically trashed your whole attempt with that single shit you wrote.

>implying you can't explore with Sonic
>implying exploration isn't just something you do across multiple playthroughs; taking different paths each time

Why does Sup Forums get triggered by calling meme a meme?

How is it very short when it's longer than Sonic 1,CD, 2 and 3(WoK)?!

Sonic 2 and 3 had loads of western people working on it.

From 1 to 10, how badly autistic are you?

>exploring with sonic
>not exploring with knuckles or tails

I only died to crushing and the final boss my first time, at least at TMZ. No game overs.
Sure the second stage timer ran on a little long, but either you're REALLY bad at Sonic, or you took way too much time dicking around with certain things.

>Sonic 2 and 3 had loads of western people working on it.

>sonic 1 > mania


Michael Jackson's Sound Team, Howard Drossin, the fact that Yuji Naka's team was stationed in San Francisco for a while even before the turn of the century and Adventure 2..
Hell, Sonic CD's development back in Japan conflicted with Sonic 2's, showing both teams weren't on the same wavelength even.

So only the music... western people didn't design anything and they only helped with equipment

Because it explains nothing, meme is such an overused word that it has no clear meaning anymore. Its like when people use the word "comfy" to describe a videogame yet two anons could have different meanings for the words "comfy" and "meme". That's why they fall in the category of buzzwords

Because 99% of the time when the poster can only describe their feelings as X is meme it means they have no real argument or sound like fucking casuals whose first game should have been kirby.

For example "I dislike meme mania because the levels are 80% recycled from previous games and all follow the idea of top equals best path while bottom is worst path" Is a thought out reason.

" Meme mania is bad because i couldn't figure out how to beat X level and stuck on Y boss" Not so much.

oh....its one of these threads

Sonic 3 Complete > All of those

I like the content of 3&K better, but Mania brings so many QoL changes that it beats out 3&K for me.


S3 Complete has almost every QoL improvement Mania has aside from widescreen. It even has some Mania doesn't.

These are the people criticizing Mania and pretending to have authority over Sonic? What a laugh.

Constant 60fps + Widescreen beats everything added in Sonic 3 Complete.

Quite the opposite, actually. As a Sonic game, it's a remix of the franchise's best era, and adds some interesting stuff along the way. As a platformer, well... it's just Sonic.

>Sonic 3 had a lot of of western people working on it
>turns out it's only in the sound department

You are unfamiliar with common knowledge over these games. Odds are you haven't even played Sonic.

>sonic 3
>not 60fps
>widescreen is now considered ''better'' for a simple platform
the state of modern society

Instead of Sonic Mania 2, i'd rather have a game starring Knuckles, with every level being tailored for him.

>game design: japanese
>stage design: japanese
>programming: japanese

>widescreen is now
Nigger, that's the entire selling point of the remakes along with rock solid 60fps.

Isn't there a game just like it for the 32x?

>Not enjoying sonic 1 spin dash
>not considering the best thing about remasters is the bonus stages at 60fps with remastered assets
Truly the sad state of modern americans

Chaotix is not a Knuckles game, Sega just made him outshine in the American case in hopes that people would finally buy their shitty add-on.
Turns out, that didn't work either.

Every other romhack had spindash in 1. And what remastered assets?

Because it doesn't mean anything you pathetic excuse of an human being, you just slapped an buzzword into another word and called it an argument, thats not how you convince someone that you are right.

Try putting that empty space between your earns to work, and come with an actual argument next time.

>And what remastered assets?
The sad state of modern americans

Oh, I thought it was. Is the game decent, at least? It's the only "classic" Sonic game I haven't bothered to try.

Peter Morawiec
Tim Skelly
Brenda Boss
Tom Payne
Craig Stitt

Can't answer then? Okay.

S3&K has a lot of frame dips, especially when you get hit with a lot of rings.
>widescreen doesn't make the game immediately better
A 2D platformer always benefits from more screen space, and Sonic is a prime example. More screen space gives you more time to react to upcoming obstacles. There's a reason the phone remasters of 1, 2, & CD had the widescreen hyped up so much.

Nah. "Knuckles' Chaotix" (just called "Chaotix" in Japan) is a game about the Chaotix, but with Knuckles there too. The game sucks because of a rubber band mechanic that ruined the level design. I want a game made up of levels like Mirage Saloon Act 1.

Wonderfully detailed and thought out arguments you have there, user.

>Peter Morawiec
He only worked in special stage in sonic 2
>Tim Skelly
Same, he only worked in background for sonic 2 special stage
>Brenda Boss
? irrelevant
>Tom Payne
irrelevant to Sonic 2
>Craig Stitt
irrelevant to Sonic 2

The rubber band mechanic is kind of annoying unless you know how to use it properly. Anything out of that is simply great though. The lowest score I can give it is a 4/10 and 7/10 at most.

>I also really dislike Titanic Monarch Zone. It's practically impossible to beat on a first try due to the timer.
What the fuck, user?
I love it precisely because it's so long. It actually makes the timer a threat for the first time in the series.

mania > sonic 3 > sonic > cd > sonic 2 > knuckles
i don't even like sonic

>I don't even like Sonic
For someone who says that you have a somewhat decent taste, but try playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles next time instead of just S3 or S&K.

How are zone artists irrelevant?
Mark Cerny, please keep moving goal posts I'm loving it.

>Mania also didn't really bring anything new to the table

Drop Dash is one of the single and most game changing mechanics introduced to 2D Sonic, allows continued momentum regardless of situation and makes speed running incredibly fun

>Zone artist
He actually only done in a computer what was decided by japanese on paper

I absolutely hate Sonic 1 and 2 for the same problems that mania has but mania is more entertaining to me for some reason, despite its own problems (the abundance of no-point of return bullshit for an example)

ImO sonic mania is a better game but not by much, the sonic series always kinda sucked anyway

It was more than that

>I would be given a paper map and some suggestions as to what the theme of the level was like. I would then rough out some ideas and show them around. When I had something that everyone liked I would start making all the little pieces of art that could then be put together to make the level.

>Once this base art was done (a couple hundred tiles) I would then sit down and carefully place the art in the actual game. This part was sometimes fun, sometimes tedious. (as was drawing the art since most of it was done pixel by pixel).

I guess we could also rule programmers and sound engineers as irrelevant, as they only implement, right?

I complete each act on TMZ in 5 minutes or less. You honestly just suck

>suggest and add art on a computer
user just admit western people have done nothing in Sonic 2 and 3

Sonic 1 > Sonic 2 > S3&K


>Fucking 1
>Better than Mania
Kill yourself you fucking tasteless nigger.

Sonic CD is better

serious amounts of nostalgia is required to be this fucked in the head.

1 is the best Sonic game, user.


He didn't suggest you autist, he was given themes and concept art and would develop the base art that would be used by the stage designers.

Sonic 2 and 3 had:
Music Composers
Sound designs
Zone artists

Please remove all these elements and come back with a game.

This is the truth

>sonic 3 had zone artists and producers
citation needed

>want to play sonic 2
>have to download shitty phone emulator because lmao controller connecting to your phone
>nox a shit and doesn't recognize my 360
>weird as buttons on screen
Christ I hate the industry

>phantom ruby just warps Sonic everywhere
>half the zones don't have transitions
Literally the EASIEST way to do it if you don't have ideas. I would hope they'd add them in a future update but that's just a pipe dream.

Don't be autistic he clearly meant between Sonic 2 and 3, not mutually.

Titanic Monarch Zone is just awful
>Hey what's the least popular part about Sonic 3 & Knuckles?
>The fact that Sandopolis is way too long and way too shitty?
>Yeah, let's do that again!

>Since the early 90s one of the most common sonic criticizes is that enemies appear far too late when going fast due to the lack of horizontal real estate
>When 16:9 TV's became more common those sentiments got stronger
>Game finally releases with this issue addressed
>Wow guys it was totally a nonexistent complaint and to be honest 4:3 was way better and we all said this since the start

Since you are retarded, take a look at this.

Zone Artists at 4:30.

>Sonic 2 Remaster > Sonic 3 > Sonic 3&K
So youre just memeing for replies
Not gonna get my "you"s today user. Or a bump


My Life as A Western Gamer Retard

What is the appeal of Sonic games?

>the entire premise is that you go fast
>the game actively punishes you for going fast
>There are a bunch of "puzzles" that do nothing but attempt to stop you from going fast

Sonic Colors > Sonic Generations > 2D Sonic games

Wait, there was a timer?

>the game actively punishes you for going fast
>>There are a bunch of "puzzles" that do nothing but attempt to stop you from going fast

You're supposed to learn and avoid obstacles in order to maintain speed.